Chapter 685: The Dragon of Abyss

The Central Area of the Abyss was ten times the size of the outer zone and inner zone combined, to the extent that traveling from one end to another would've taken a month even for Ezekiel. 

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait for long as they found the first Dragon of the Abyss. 

In the distance, towering above them, was a colossal creature—the Abyssal Dragon. Its scales shimmered with an iridescent glow, reflecting the chaotic energy of the Abyss itself. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, seemingly aware of Ezekiel and Gabriel's presence.

"This is the Abyssal Dragon. Although it's not the strongest species in the Abyss, when it comes to affinity with the element, no species can beat them," Ezekiel spoke with a calm tone, his voice barely audible above the dragon's low rumble. 

"Its heart holds immense affinity with the Abyss, and by obtaining it, you will gain the same."