Chapter 709: Vision: Heart

This wasn't something they could ignore. Chaos was known to be the stronger being in existence after all. Anything related to him was bound to be world defying. 

They were also certain that the temple where this gemstone was found was created a long time ago, before even Chaos was born. That further meant that this gem didn't belong to Chaos. 

This gem, and Chaos, both had a threat that connected them to something. They just don't know what this unified thread is connected to. 

Still, with the new information, they were more eager than ever to uncover the mysteries of the gem, to the point that they even forgot about Caen or the task to explore this world 

Over the following days, they dedicated themselves to understanding the ancient runes and symbols. 

They understood that to know the gem, they needed to know the place that it was kept in.