Chapter 717: Pieces in Place

As Caen stood there, grappling with the weight of his past actions and their repercussions on the present, he felt a surge of determination. 

He knew he couldn't change the past, but he could take responsibility for his choices and kill the bastards who attacked his home. Only his anger was his saving grace because it protected himself from completely breaking apart emotionally. 

Only his anger kept his mind distracted from the reality of his loss. 

With a deep breath, he turned to the Elder Gods and said, "I will lead you in this fight. We will face Ezekiel and Gabriel together, and I will do everything in my power to make things right."

The Elders revealed a gleeful look. With Caen's support, they believed that everything was going to be right. 

"But first, we need a plan. Take me to where the other Gods are staying," he spoke.