Chapter 731: Punishment

The Patriarch's grip on Alion's throat was tight, his eyes burning with a mixture of anger and twisted satisfaction. As he dragged Alion down the dimly lit corridor, Alion's weakened body stumbled along, his steps faltering but his spirit unwavering.

They emerged into a large chamber, its walls adorned with grotesque trophies and eerie artefacts. In the centre of the room, a circular platform was surrounded by a throng of the Nether Blood Clan's members, their eyes gleaming with sadistic anticipation. Torches flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced around the chamber.

As Alion was pushed onto the platform, chains rattling and clinking with each movement, a sense of eeriness settled over him. 

As Alion was placed on the platform, more chains came out of the platform, connecting with the chains that were around Alion already.