Chapter 751: Divine vs Divine


Their gazes locked, Caen and Gabriel stood on opposite ends of this newfound confrontation. The tension in the air was palpable, like the calm before a storm. 

Caen's sword still radiated with the intense energy from the devastating attack he had unleashed.

"I should've crushed your skull when I had the chance!" Caen's killing intent was evident in his voice. 

After crushing Gabriel's heart, he thought that Gabriel was going to die. He thought his lifeless body was going to be devoured by the Abyssal Creatures, but that was the biggest mistake of his life. 

Not only did Gabriel not die, but he also managed to free Ezekiel which led them to this point. 

Gabriel hated Caen just as much as Caen hated him, if not more. Caen had lost his mother, but Gabriel wasn't without a loss either.