Chapter 760: Void

Janus exhausted every possible measure to heal Caen, but to no avail. The insidious nature of the Poison was unlike anything he had encountered before. It displayed an unprecedented level of hostility towards Divine Energy, exacerbating the situation instead of healing Caen.

"So you finally returned, old man..." Caen weakly opened his eyes. Although his vision was blurry, he could never mistake Janus for anyone else.

This was the Uncle who he had known since childhood. This was the Uncle who played with him when he was a little child, being his most favorite person.

Caen didn't even remember how the two of them ended up with such hostility between them. Was it the words of his friends? Or was it his suspicions? It didn't matter. What mattered was that he started hating his uncle, thinking he was after the throne.

At this moment, the throne became insignificant. Caen was on the verge of death, and even he knew it.