Chapter 795: Guardian

Gabriel's mind raced as he weighed the options before him. On one hand, he could accept the Emperor's offer and save Ezekiel's life, granting him a longer life.

On the other hand, he could choose freedom and take Ezekiel away, but it would mean his inevitable death.

The thought of losing Ezekiel was unbearable to Gabriel. It was because of Ezekiel that he had managed to leave the Abyss. It was because of Ezekiel that he grew so much.

Ezekiel was his friend, his teacher and his family. And watching Ezekiel at the death's door was too much.

Unfortunately, he also couldn't ignore the fact that accepting the Emperor's offer came with certain risks of their own.

Gabriel glanced back at Ezekiel, still unconscious but slowly regaining color in his cheeks. It was a miracle, a testament to the power of the crystal and the Emperor's words. But could he trust the Emperor? Could he trust that this offer wasn't just a facade and a trick?