Chapter 799

Looking at the message in the pond, Janus' expressions turned dark as if he clearly understood what it meant.

With little response, he quietly turned away from the ice-covered pond and departed the room, his thoughts in a mess. He turned his attention back to the palace.

As Janus made his way to the throne room, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the emptiness that surrounded him. The once grand and vibrant palace now felt like a desolate wasteland. The echoes of his footsteps served as a constant reminder of what once was.

Reaching the throne room, Janus took a moment to gather himself. With a deep breath, he pushed open the doors and entered the room.

The sight that greeted him was both heartbreaking and disappointing. The Throne Room where his sister in law used to deal with the matters of the God Realm was empty. Even the portrait of his Elder Brother was missing.