Chapter 814

Aliac observed the interaction between Karyk and Gabriel, feeling a sense of relief that Gabriel had ultimately made the right decision. While Gabriel had made foolish choices in the past, it was also true that they needed as many allies as possible in their upcoming war.

Furthermore, Aliac knew that he would be occupied with the task of finding and training individuals for this war, leaving him with little time to protect Karyk's sister. If anything were to happen to her under his watch, he dreaded how Karyk would have reacted. He did not wish to bear that responsibility.

Gabriel assuming that responsibility was a positive outcome. With this, all the necessary pieces were in place.

Aliac understood that Karyk's words had resonated with Gabriel, reminding him of the importance of family. They had all experienced the pain of losing loved ones in the past, and it was crucial that they did not allow their emotions to cloud their judgment.