Chapter 952: If only

The Mother Whale hesitated for a moment.

After a deep breath, she nodded slowly. "I will come with you," she said.

Even if she was scared, she did not want to lose this opportunity. This may be the last opportunity for her to have revenge for her husband and father. 

Their lives were unjustly taken from them. All this time, she had been hiding, knowing that she couldn't do anything. 

With Karyk in front of her, could she afford to hide again? Could she still justify this cowardice?

She knew that she could not do that anymore. She might never be able to forgive her if she lost this opportunity and her son lost his life in the future because of it. 

With the Mother Whale in agreement, Karyk sighed in relief. The Mother Whale was not only faster but also stronger. 

With her, he could make this journey a lot shorter. It was also going to be a lot safer with the Ruler of these Oceans as his aid.