Chapter 969: Plan stays

Karyk walked through the dimly lit streets of the City, thinking about ways to enter the inner city. 

He had an ability that could turn him invisible. He had even used that ability in Elzeira, but he was not certain if this was going to work in front of the Guards here. 

He was quite curious about the identity of the person who wrote this book. How did that person not only manage to enter the Inner City but also steal something and return without being caught. 

As he made his way towards the Inner City, Karyk couldn't shake off the feeling that time was running out. The Prince's birthday was tomorrow, and with the Archangels expected to attend, the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous. 

As he approached the entrance to the Inner City, Karyk's gaze focused on the guards stationed there. He had memorized the positions of the guards from the stolen map, and now he needed to find a way to get past them without raising suspicion.