Chapter 992: Close to family

A new entity rose from the depths of the flames, made purely from the essence of death. Even the flames that reached the dark figure's body started dying. The floor beneath its feet turned black. 

Karyk observed his new creation... A new form of undead. He had created something that didn't exist or was supposed to exist. 

"This is how it should have been from the beginning." 

The figure had a humanoid shape but it didn't have any other characteristics of humans. He did not have eyes but he could see. He did not have ears but he could listen. 

"Mas...ser...," said the unknown figure in a broken manner. 

"Kill all the servants of Angels that are in the city," Karyk commanded the undead and left the hall without sparing a second glance. 

He didn't bother killing the Children of Heaven himself. Instead, he wanted to check something else. He wanted to check the place where he was born and the sacrificial altar.