Though I hope


Simone's voice booms through the mic, announcing our presence and the door opens, revealing tons of guests surrounded by hundreds of tables. They're all on their feet, waiting for Cahill and me to grace them with our presence.

There's this urge to just run and run and never look back. During our wedding, I was too heartbroken and scared to pay attention to the crowd, but tonight is a lot more different.

I swallow hard then blink.

"Don't sweat it, they're people like you," Cahill murmurs, linking his arm around my waist.

And I nod, recalling Kim's words of no enthusiastic behavior or unnecessary waving even though people appear nice.

"You're a Luna." He said, helping with my skirt zipper. "Most of them would like to get on your good side so as to win your trust, then they'd show their true colors."

Cahill leads me forward and people start stepping out to greet him in a hug, and then me.