

Why I caused a scene at the fucking dinner?

I have had enough, how can they all sit and be in merriment when I am dying in pain and jealousy?

Mathilda fucking participated in the pack run and won. She's five months pregnant yet she did things like she's been preparing all year for it.

She beat everyone else when I was expecting her to not win, wondering why her pregnancy couldn't slow her down because it was protruding. 

Cahill looked at her with so much love and affection, the way he never looked at me. They were so touchy with each other, kissing in front of everyone like sassy couples. And then the crowd went haywire when she was announced the winner.

I was in pain, I felt it could've been me. Everything just hurts so much like a smack in the face. Of course, it's karma paying me back for all I've done. But isn't it enough?