

"If you don't kill her, brother, then I will." A thunderous-looking James is already heading in Genova's direction when Mathilda hurriedly stands in front of her sister, to shield her from getting hurt.

I can't believe this is happening. Mathilda protecting Genova who wanted to hurt her an hour ago. How can she still have a soft spot for such a monster? Did she even hear all the things Genova just spluttered with courage? I'm sure she did.

"Stop, this is none of your business." She gives James the eye when he tries to sidestep her to meet Genova.

"I wouldn't have you dead because of her." James stops when she stands in front of the way. Her protruding stomach is almost touching him, and this irks jealousy in me.

"She's my sister." Mathilda points out.

"Your sister, you say? Your sister who wants to kill you over a man." James scoffs bitterly and then shoves his left hand in his pocket as he raises his fist on his mouth.