Chapter 39: Ten Things I Hate About Shrews, Part 8

A former co-worker of his at the construction firm he still works for to this day witnessed his gradual mental breakdown, especially when people online mostly condemned his firing of workers who voted for the mayoralty candidate he extremely loathed, the current incumbent one.

When the co-worker saw that creep just gnashing his teeth while facing the computer monitor, he just approached him and told him...

"Acceptance is the key, bud."

"Eh, but did you accept his loss six years ago when he ordered a recount 3 times?"

"Of course. Did we lose our marbles when he was cheated? Unlike you people who are almost having a mental breakdown if your favored candidate didn't win, which indeed happened recently."

"You're sus. You pretended to not cry, but deep inside, you were crying like a baby because that mayor got cheated. Even the Supreme Court said so.

"And yes, we are really having a mental breakdown because the likes of you stole the future of us youths… unlike the likes of you who wanted that pesky incumbent to win just to mock the supporters of his arch-rival."

"Sure, we're really crying, but to not to the level of what your fellow supporters are doing. Having hissy fits on the streets, not following the laws, etc."

"Yeah, most likely, they're not following the law, because the law itself is stomping on their human rights.

"Admit it. You really, really, really cried when that incumbent lost six years ago... but now, you are forcing acceptance on us when we just wanted transparency all along?"

"Well, you WERE being given transparency. Independent election monitors verified that the voting process was clean, and we're all following the law. Unlike the likes of you who are asking for transparency, but become rampant violators of the law, like the illegal rallies you're holding. You have no permits, and you're just contributing to noise pollution. I wish you've picked the right place to air your complaints."

"And what now? That law about permits was made in the first place to suppress freedom of expression; so I can't blame them why they chose to violate it.

"Such a shame that who makes the laws are the ones who are oppressing the people."

"Well, there SHOULD be permits in the first place. What about those who are inconvenienced because you are gathering in the wrong place at the wrong time? Humor me. Not an inch of freedom was suppressed, eh. If freedom was indeed suppressed, those who were rallying should have been caught; and first of all, they shouldn't have started the rally in the first place."

"You dumb-butt! Those who are protesting shouldn't need even a goddamn permission, because it is a way to exercise their freedom of expression. Needing permission means stripping them of that right.

"And there is already freedom suppression with the guards pointing guns towards them, as well as targeting university students."

"HMPH! Y' know what… you're using the victim card too much. And that is one sign of your gradual insanity because things didn't come your way! Our boss should've fired you when you fired those workers!"

"And what of it? They deserved it! THEY DESERVED HELL! HELL! HELL! HEEEELLLLL!!!"

"Grr! I've had enough of you! I'll report you to the Canadian Mental Health Association!"

"Go ahead and try!"

And while the co-worker attempted to dial the CMHA British Columbia hot-line on his phone, the creep tried to wrestle the phone away from him, leading into a fight.

Good thing the other workers were there to stop the brewing fight.

And when the dust settled, the boss gave the creep a one-week suspension from work… as well as the recommendation to send him to a mental health institution within Vancouver.


"Lemme guess…" I politely interrupt Alexa's monologue, "he still never learned even after that suspension."



"Now on to the sixth."


The sixth thing I hate about him is how he pretends to be Chinese when he's majorly of Latino stock.

So if there are weeaboos and Korea-boos… there are also China-boos. Or Sino-boos. Or whatever.

No matter what he's doing, he's practicing a really ugly form of Orientalism, and that even turns off actual Chinese people. Especially the girls he's trying to woo.

A Chinese male friend of mine witnessed that simping of his.

While initially, he started out harmless, as he offered some bags of shrimp flakes to anyone who looked Chinese in order to initiate a conversation with them, he went creepier and creepier as time went on.

Even worse, he was trying to portray himself as a cool, icy lad, but any mention of the number 69 and he would get all unnaturally excited.

One minute, he was all like…

"Just be yourself!

"A guy can like another guy and still act like a regular guy. Or he can be effeminate and still remain straight.

"He doesn't have to work in a salon, be a make-up artist, or go around walking in girl's dresses. He could be anyone. A professional, a basketball player, an accountant, you name it.

"The last thing you want to do is live a lie, a life you don't want to live. YOLO!

"Trust me. It'll get easier as you get older."

And the next, he was all like…

"MFF or FFM? I'd love to try the latter."

And the next after the next, he was all like…

"Hey, I'm an Asian discreet dude here looking for someone to hangout with. In my mid-30s."

On the age part, he was lying. He is actually in his mid-20s.

And once he couldn't score even a single Chinese babe, he finally blew his top.

He even said some Spanish swear words, but all I could remember from the Chinese friend was...

"Define trolls? Anyone who goes against your opinion? Where's your previous statement that said no one, not even me, is a troll?

"But even with that, I suggest the following to these las mierdas. Stop wasting your time condemning the likes of me. You're just merely 0.01% of the total population of this frickin' town. If you want change, do it yourself.

"Make this town neutral open to any opinions.

"And I'm telling the likes of you that you happen to be born in a democratic country, and thus you should be thankful you have so many rights. Unfortunately, you decided to go against me.

"I'm telling you this is life, and you can't always get what you want. And I will make damn sure of it!"