Chapter 175: A Homeless Encampment? Part 1

Atlanta is one of the most prominent cities of the American South – the Southeast, in particular.

It is divided into several districts, and from it are several sub-districts.

Some areas are dominated by one ethnicity, while another ethnicity prevails over other areas.

In the past, racial tensions flared up, until Martin Luther King Jr. took a stand for civil rights of everyone regardless of race.

The same thing also happens today, even at a time when awareness of minorities is at an all-time high, and people learn to be amicable to one another regardless of where they came from.

This time, a different form of discrimination is happening at one of the city's business districts.

Specifically, one dominated by African Americans.

And race has nothing to do with it.

In the past few days, enterprising hawkers are peddling their wares in this district.