WebNovelSoul Nite16.67%

Chapter 5

A few minutes earlier…

Saki: I'm sorry to tell you this mistress but it would seem that our car is having some issues and this might take a few hours…

Lisa: What the hell… fine, I'll just walk the house isn't very far away and please don't bother sending an escort. I'll just be fine.

Saki: Alright Mistress.


Jerry: Shit I didn't know they were going to be be this much! … Just kidding.

-you thought he was scared for a sec didn't you?

[Jerry narrating] ok so there I was surrounded by like 50 dudes who wanted to kick my ass right but guess what, I was like *which one should I start with?* Then I see a bald dude holding a pipe and I'm like "I'll start with you" then I rushed up to this guy and kick him in the leg so hard I break it instantly, then I completely shatter it then did the same to his arms and I'm like "I bet this hurts right?". Then like 5 dudes try to swarm me but I one punch all of them one by one using my training and knocked them unconscious. Then there was this guy who tried to punch me straight on but then I just grab his arm, break it, and kick him so hard he slams 4 other guys with him. Then I was just breaking bones punching bad guys and breaking jaws, I broke like 15, I think… Anyway… so after I took down at least 40 of them the boss shows up and he's like…

Takeshi: So you managed to bring down a bunch of insignificant rats.

Jerry: honestly, they were barely even a warm up, and I haven't even gotten serious yet. *like bro, I've only been using raw power I haven't even started using my powers yet and good thing to since Yang just told me how to channel it so I can't use it in an actual fight and I hope I don't have to. *

Takeshi: oh I know, that was obvious, but then again they're just like I said, rats. Basically they're absolutely nothing just a bunch of weak minded sheep I was able to gather up as nothing more than fodder. But I must ask a question, why didn't you kill any of them? I mean you could have easily killed all if you wanted to so why didn't you?

Jerry: Basically killing isn't really my style. And normally I'm not usually this sadistic either but this is a special case. Cuz my dad was hit by a car yesterday and today my bro gets kidnapped so obviously I'm really frustrated and angry, so I need something to take it all out on. You wana help me with that by the way.

Takeshi then laughed and said, it really looks like you're underestimating me. Trust me kid you're really gona regret that if that's the case.

Jerry: oh I know; people like you who talk big like that are usually really strong in anime (sometimes) so I won't insult you by holding back.

Takeshi: adaboy…

That's it…

[back to narration] So then This Takeshi bastard began to start shooting fire at me after surrounding us in it then he came at me. The dude was really fast and strong, he was basically superhuman but I dodged his hit and he ended up breaking the wall and I was like...

Wow, you're strong for an asshole.

Takeshi: and your fast for a brat time to get serious.

So we were basically fighting for like 30 minutes I was punching him as hard as I could he was hitting back, I gave him a few kicks and slammed him a few times but he just kept standing up and hitting me with fire blasts that I dodged obviously however he did burn off my shirt at a point though. Anyway after 30 minutes had passed…

Takeshi: wow, I admit your better than I thought.

Jerry: the same goes for you.

Takeshi: but you lied to me, you're still holding back, why is that?

Jerry: let me be honest, If actually used my powers. I would have finished this in 2 seconds.

Takeshi: you bastard, HOW DARE YOU HOLD BACK AGAINST ME!!! Come at me with all you got I dare you.

So I was like "ok" then I rushed up to him and before he could even blink I punched him so hard he went flying out the window and 20 meters away from the building and then I said "hay this is what you asked for isn't it?"

Jerry: well I guess I should finish the job, hay Tom, you ok bro?

Lisa: Jerry? What the hell was that you just did?

Jerry: what the… Lisa, what are you doing here? Wait, how long have you been here?

Lisa: I was on my way home when I heard something strange so I came over here like 30 minutes ago.

Jerry: *oh good, at least she didn't see me breaking bones and smashing those bastards. *

Lisa: Now you haven't answered my question, what are you doing here and what was all of that?

Jerry: ok, it's a long story I'll explain when this is…

Suddenly Takeshi grabbed Lisa.

Takeshi: don't move or else I'm gona turn this girls head to BBQ.

Lisa: Hay let me go!

Takeshi: you better cooperate or you're finished. Hay you over there!

Kidnapper: Yes, boss?

Lisa: I want you to shoot the girl on my signal and if the boy tries anything, shoot her regardless.

Jerry: Shit! This isn't good. What do I do?

Tom: Bro!

Jerry: what is it?

Takeshi: NOW! BANG!!!

In a split second, Takeshi threw Lisa forward before the trigger was pulled and after it was he fan as fast as he could, but just before the bullet reached Lisa… WHOOSH!!!

Jerry: Got it and just in time.

Lisa: Did you just catch that bullet?!

Jerry: well, yeah, obviously, I'm holding it right now.

Lisa: That's not what I meant! How did you do it! It was like you were there at one moment and before I could blink you were in front of me!

Jerry: Yeah, it's actually a long story. I'll explain everything later I promise, but 1st I need to do something very important.

Jerry: Hay, are you ok bro?

Tom: yeah I'm fine

Jerry: but why is your face so swollen? What did they do to you?

Tom: it's complicated but thanks for coming.

Jerry: why are you thanking me? Obviously if you know me if my brother or any of my friends get captured, I can't just sit down and do nothing. Also, I think I finally understand how you felt yesterday, you were probably going through some crazy shit and I probably pushed you too hard. The truth is, after I saw that S.O.S. I was freaking out over everything that has happened all at ounce. And I think I took things a little too far when I took it out on those losers.

Tom: a bit too far? You broke someone's arm so bad the bone was showing and that was one of the lucky ones.

Jerry: yeah I know. But I just want to say, if you're going to any through anything tough, you can always come to me and the others, because we're a team.

Tom: alright.

-So when Dave finally showed up, he took Tom back home, while Jerry followed Lisa home and told her everything…

Jerry: You probably don't believe me don't you.

Lisa: What! No, I'm just shocked, it's a lot to take in, but the fact still remains that you saved my life and I'm grateful to you because of that.

Jerry: yeah, well, you were about to get shot and I couldn't just…

And then Lisa reached over and kissed him.

Lisa: take that as a thanks and please, talk less, your more attractive that way, but anyway I'll see you later!

A few minutes later, while Jerry was on his way back home…

*Wow, so that's what her mouth tastes like…*

Next Chapter coming soon!!!!!