WebNovelSoul Nite23.81%

Chapter 8

After the Nite stone was stolen, the thieves who knew nothing of how to use the power stored within it, sold it off to merchants who then sold it off to richer merchants and so the circle continued. Until one day, a man (who was shunned by his relatives) discovered the stone in an abandoned building while looking for something to sell. But after hearing of the tale of nite he decided not to sell it, instead he kept it and took care of it. Then one day, the stone, after seeing the man's pure heart, granted him immense power, power he then used to rule over an entire city. Afterward he then discovered that his descendants possessed the same the power he did. He was so grateful to the stone that he then established the guardian clan, the ga-den clan. For their purpose was to guard the stone at all cost hence they referred to themselves as the guardians of nite.

However, some of us believe that someday, after the other piece has chosen its successor, that he will come, unite the stone and he will be the true ruler of our clan.

Jerry: Wow, now that is some crazy shit. Wait, doesn't that mean that you guys have power as well?

Lara: You catch on fast. It's no wonder Lisa is so fond of you.

Jerry: wait, seriously she is?

Lisa: hay cut that out. It's not what you think Jerry.

Lara: It's cuz she couldn't shut up about you that I figured out your power in the 1st place. Unfortunately, my cousin isn't very smart you see.

Lisa: can you stop making fun of me already?

(btw; Lisa was blushing while saying this like a wifu 😏)

Lara: Anyway, so that's why I asked Lisa to call you to confirm my suspicion, and like always, I was right.

Jerry: wait do you think I'm the guy your clan has been waiting for?

Lara: we can't confirm that right now. For that we would need to get the piece of the nite stone and see whether or not it reacts to you. The truth is that for a while now the stone has been active, which only meant that the other piece was shattered but besides that. If anyone who was an outsider were to touch it, they would be reduced to ashes almost immediately.

Jerry: well that sucks. Anyway so that's how your clan became the strongest in Japan. Your ancestors probably killed a lot of ninjas right?

Lara: what no, we actually threatened every shogun around that time for their cooperation.

[btw: shoguns where rulers in Japan during ancient times]

Lisa: hay! Don't make it sound like we were subjugating them you're making us look bad!

Lara: but it's true our great ancestor even threatened to assassinate the shoguns kid if he didn't stay quiet. And there was this one time that my great grandfather encountered a samurai in the forest and he broke his arm just because he didn't like the colour of his sword he was like "a samurai who can't conceal his weapon with the right colour has no use for the sword" [btw; Lara was using a deep voice to impersonate him]

I think he meant it stood out too much.

Jerry: wow your family sounds like a bunch of assholes.

Lara: and I haven't even mentioned the bad stuff.

Lisa: um, can we not go to that, I don't want our guest thinking were complete monsters.

Lara: you're right, only 90…5 percent.

Lisa: seriously?

Jerry: ok, thanks for the chat I need to get going.

Lisa: wait, before you go, let's eat some soba. I mean, since you had to come all the way here, you might be hungry right?

Jerry: fine, I can't say no to that anyway.

The previous evening…

Jake: I asked the two of you what you wanted.

-Then the two men standing in front of Jake signalled him to play along with them and without much thought, he went along with them-

?: hay kid let's not waste time just come with us or we'll use force. *kid there's a wire in my shirt get rid of it so we can talk*

Jake: fine, I'll make this quick.

-so then Jake beat the both of them up and broke the wire in the guy's shirt-

?: Hay, that was unnecessary!

Jake: hay, it had to sound believable and besides, I held back a lot. Guess you guys are just soft. Anyway, who are you two?

?: my name is Chōie and that's Kousuke, but you can call us C and K.

Jake: any last names?

K: Our parents died before we could learn them.

Jake: alright now I'll ask again what do you want?

C: ok but 1st lets go somewhere private.

-so then Jake took the two guys to a shed not far from his house-

K: alright, sorry for the trouble, we couldn't risk being seen. No then, 20 years ago in Japan, the leader of a gang called the soul searchers stepped down from his position and then gave it to his son, Con. Con had a great lust for power and nothing seemed to satisfy him. Then one day, he found a book which was known in ancient times as "the forbidden book" and for good reason cuz that book was said to contain black magic.

Jerry: wait, wait, so you mean magic is real now.

K: actually we don't know what the hell that actually was but the old rumors said that the book was black magic so, that what we went with. Anyway con then mastered the black magic but at a cost, which was half his sanity.

His lust for power then grew and grew till not even his own father could stop him who died as a result of his lust. He then made it his mission to retrieve the Nite stone and have the whole world at his grasp. When we were just children he killed our parents and used us for our powers then…

Jake: hold up, so you've got powers as well?

C: we were just as confused as you. But it seemed like we were born with them. Anyway then he brainwashed us, and caused us to forget about what happened and…

K: hay, I thought I was telling the story.

C: brother, you're so tense just calm down, anyway, we then met this guy named Luca$ who helped us remember but by that time, our powers were long gone. He had his powers though, which was strange cuz he was just like us, however he always managed to hide them from him. In fact, without him we probably wouldn't have escaped. Anyway so they sent us after you kids and here we are now.

Jake: I see; notice how I haven't told you my name yet? Its cuz I know better than to trust anyone.

K: we completely understand.

Jake: ok then as long as you understand.

–so then Jake picked up a knife and flung it at K, however it only missed him by half a centimeter. –

You didn't dodge? Don't lie to me I know you would have if you tried.

C: trust me know.

Jake: alright, I'll think about what to do next but for right now, you two need to stay here, and be my lakies.

C and K: we will master.

[btw; Jake had originally meant what he said as a joke, but C and K didn't think so]

Jake: *I think I like these guys*

Next chapter coming soon!!!