Origin 2

Jake: what the hell just happened? Is jerry, actually dead? -Suddenly the strange object opened revealing a star shaped stone. - Jake: *Should I touch it? Wait, hay I touched it and I'm not getting sucked in! I need to go tell someone, I hope they believe me…*

3 hours later…

Dave: so that's happened. Jake: I knew you wouldn't beli… Dave: hay, I never said that! Calm down, what's happened, its complicated, I'll explain it to you some other time but right now, there's nothing we can do for Jerry let's just pray that one day he'll come back to us. Tom: WHAT!!!! My brother went missing! What happened? Jake: It's complicated we were just… Tom: Forget it. It's just another thing in my life that goes wrong…*sniff* I'm used to it by now. *sob* -then Jake moments later, entered his room blaming himself for all that had happened- Jake: this was all my fault, this was all my fault.

Meanwhile… Mr. Wilson: so it's finally happened… Dave: I'm so sorry brother, if only I had known that… Hay, it's all right David, none of this is your fault. Let's just pray nothing else happens. Same here brother, same here.

Back to the present…

Tom: wait, so you're just telling me this now?! And you Jake, you're the one who stuck my brother in a ninja star? Jake: It's a star shaped rock but… Tom: whatever, my brother is still gone and how do we bring him back? Dave: I know a way, but to do it we need to go to the exact spot the incident happened. Jake: wait if you knew why did you take this long to tell us? David: because the stone has been inactive this entire time. It was just this morning that I noticed that the stone began to glow since Jake gave it to me. Now that it's finally active, we can save jerry at last! Jake: Mr. Dave how do you know all of this? Dave: I'll explain later, it's a long story, but right now we need to go before… THERE HE IS ATTACK!!!!!!

Dave: RUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few minutes later:

Dave: Alright I think were safe. Jake: yeah but I have a question when you say it's a long story do you mean like essay long or history of shinobi long? Dave: well technically, it's a little longer than jojo part 1-5 long. Tom: wait so do you mean it like spans to like 200 years or something? Jake: no man jojo is about 120 years or so. Tom: Wait so that old doctor lady from one piece should probably be alive till part 5 then. Jake: yeah and… HAY! When did we start talking about one piece? Tom: When did we start talking about jojo? Dave: HAY! Enough you two! We can all agree attack on titan is better than both. Tom and Jake: oh yeah we can all agree on that yeah… Dave: anyway, let's get back to the forest before they find us. I'll explain everything as we get there now get in the car. Both: all right.

A few hours later…

Jake: wait so you mean you just place the stone in the container then smash it? Dave: yeah that's basically it. But how will that save him? Dave: in a nutshell we can just destroy the stone right now, however that could cause either his soul to transcend into the afterlife or the energy released would be enough to destroy the entire continent or maybe the entire world if we are not careful. Jake: oh shit… Dave: so that's why we need the container. You see when Jerrys soul got sucked into the stone the stone became overcharged but for the last few months it laid dormant until this morning when I discovered that it started to glow. That container btw is the only thing that minimize the power of the stone. And could be the only thing from stopping Jerry from dying btw if we don't save him by this evening Jerry will die.

Tom: guys, we got company!

Tom: shit, there's a truck outside with people shooting at us!

Jake: wait, is it truck kun? Never mind if it was we'll all be dead by now anyway, WE NEED TO HURY!

A few minutes later…

Dave: ok were here Jake you need to find the container place the stone in it and smash it. Do it for Jerry.

Tom: but what about you?

Dave: I'm gona send these bitches to hell.

-So while Dave was basically committing murder Ethan Hunt style, Jake and tom walked deep into the forest having no idea they were being followed…-

Tom: hay bro you know where were going?

Jake: shhh… I think were being followed. You hold on to the stone while I'll run and distract them.

Tom: you're talking too loud! ...Hay boys looking for something? Tom and Jake: ah shit. Here we go again…

Tom: Jake RUN!!! I'll be fine trust me. Jake: I'll see you later. … hay boss that kid is getting away! Let him go. This one has what we want…

Jake: I really hope they fell for it.

…next time you send a decoy, make sure you don't discuss your plans too loudly, hahahaha… hu? Wait a sec, where is it?

Tom: what did you say again? Make sure not to discuss your plans too loudly? Was it… hu? So when did you make the swap? That's the thing, we never did.


Jake: alright I finally made it, still can't believe they fell for it though but they should already know by now… I can already here them coming.

…Don't let the brat escape get him no matter what!!!

Jake: alright, here we go.

-So then as Jake slowly began to place the stone back to its container he kept hearing the footprints of the men getting closer and closer then just before they reached him-… Alright this is it I hope you can forgive me one day for what's happened, this is for you Jerry… SMASH!!! I did it, I did… wait, why is nothing happening? It's already evening does that that mean I… …haha your too late kid now let's get the…wait something's not right. BOOM!!! Shit this light, it's way too bright damn. Boss, were turning to dust! Oh shit! This is the end… Jake: wait what's happening? …hay kid before I go I just wana tell you… he's coming for you, all of you… And suddenly after Jake took a few steps from the stone's powerful ray, Tom showed up confused and shocked then suddenly they were both zapped by a powerful beam coming from the stone and then suddenly after everything calmed down… Is it all over? It looks that way tom. Hay! The stone dropped and its turning to dust, But then where's jerry? I don't think we made it. But does that mean we… hay guys what's going on? What happened here? Tom and Jake: JERRY! …as they jumped on their friend crying and smiling in sweet relief.



So long and till we meet again!

Official series starts next week!!!