WebNovelSoul Nite35.71%

Chapter 13

The next morning, while Tom and Jake were going out for a walk…

Jake; so, how's your training going?

Tom; it's going well; Dave is actually a really good teacher.

Jake; I meant if you've achieved the bankai yet.

[btw; in case you didn't know in bleach, the sword has 2 forms; shikai, and bankai. Shikai is the normal state, while bankai is the second state, which makes the user more powerful and makes the sword longer. The more you know!]

Tom; shut up man.

Jake; alright, but have you decided on how you're going to use nite energy?

-then as the two boys walked into an alleyway, two men appeared in front of them-

Jake; hay, what do you two want?

?; don't take this personal, it's just business.

Jake; alright then, let's make this quick.

?; that's the idea.

-so then Jake ran straight to one of the men about to give him a punch…

…just for him to catch his fist and give him a blow to the stomach causing him to cough blood, followed by a kick to the head slamming him to a wall.

Tom; Jake! *I can't just stand here; I need to do something*

-then Tom pulled out his sword and swung it attempting to cut one of them, but then one caught his sword with two fingers causing Tom to freeze with disbelief. At that moment, having a surprised yet terrified look on his face began to doubt all he had worked for. Before he was punched, kicked and slammed repeatedly, and finally, he was knocked out. While Jake got punched all over and thrown on the ground. –

?1; I guess were done here.

?2; consider this a warning, if you can't even handle us, stay away from Con.

-then they left, but before that, they sent a picture with the location using Jakes phone to Jerry-

?1; Shit! We didn't even get to fight properly; these kids were too dam weak!

-then he punched a wall in anger creating a huge crack-

?2; are you done whining? The job is done, let's get back before were seen.

A few hours earlier…

-in a pitch black area filled with black fog, was an omniums voice speaking in Japanese-

…I know what it's like to lose everything. Father always told me never to give up, but that was until I reduced him to atoms. He always had faith in me, and was always a stepping stone to my current state. But too bad that was all he ever was, a stepping stone to a higher floor of power. And I believe you to be one and the same… *crazy laughter*

Jerry (after waking up scared and confused); what the hell, who was that?

-then Lisa stepped into the room-

Lisa; are you alright?

Jerry; I am; it was just a bad dream.

Lisa; so I wanted to ask, what ability will you…

Jerry; it's speed. Yeah, the truth is I'm not always good when it comes to strength, but I've always been fast. So it just makes sense for me to enhance it with nite.

Lisa; what time did you sleep last night?

Jerry; what time is it?

Lisa; it's 11 am.

Jerry; then considering I only sleep 7 hours (normally). I guess I slept by 4 in the morning 😅.

Lisa; please, just don't push yourself too hard the truth is, I can't stand having the people I care about get hurt, especially when it's someone like you. The truth is, you're one of the few people I can act freely about you know. I mean, I don't have to act all tough, like I can do anything that is…

Jerry; it's no big deal, were friends aren't we?

-suddenly, Jerry got a notification on his phone-

Jerry; oh, it's from Jake.

-when Jerry checked to see what it was; he was devastated at what he saw-

Lisa; what was it. You look shocked.

Jerry; can I make a small request?

Lisa; sure, anything, what is it?

-then Jerry asked Lisa to have Jake and Tom brought to the house and luckily the maids in the house were also doctors and nurses so Jake and Tom could be treated without any questions asked-

A few hours later…

Lara; you've been staring at them for the past 3 hours. Have you been seriously blaming yourself for that long?

-then Jerry, with a devastated look on his face said nothing-

[btw; Tom and Jake where both lying unconscious as Jerry sat there staring at them with his hand in front of his face like he was a villain.]

Lara; there was nothing you could have done; you understand that right? And even if you were with them, you could have probably been beaten up as well.

Jerry; *sigh* you're right, I guess there's no reason worrying about it now, I mean that's the reason I'm getting all this training right? Excuse me for a second, I need to go take a shower.

Jerry, while in the shower; *I know this wasn't my fault but why must all of this happen. 1st dad gets in an accident, Tom gets kidnapped and now this! And all after I got this power I didn't even ask for, as if I asked to be hunted by thugs and bounty hunters in the 1st place…

*chuckle* Have I really gotten this low over something like this? I'm pathetic. I should have just done this from the start. Whoever did this is gona pay dearly.

[btw; Jerry was looking at the mirror while saying this with his eyes having killing intent]

-when Jerry left the shower he saw Lisa sitting waiting for him-

Jerry; Lisa! do you have something to say to me?

Lisa; the boys have both woken up.

Jerry; that's great…

Lisa; but before you see them, tell me, are you going to go after whoever did this?

Jerry; I have to, if there still you there it means they could just be waiting to finish the job.

Lisa; that's not what I meant, I know what needs to be done, but you shouldn't hold this much hate in you. Remember what we discussed yesterday? If you have anything bothering you, come to me and let's solve it together.

-then Jerry sat down-

[btw; Jerry was still wearing a bath robe]

Lisa; I had a cousin ounce, he died after being severely tortured. He was the closest thing I ever had, even my dad wasn't as close as he was to me. So when he died I felt like hunting down and killing all of them and their families as well. But then, I thought and realized that doing that won't bring him back. I know because I actually made it happen, I just felt empty inside afterwards. I'm just telling you so you don't fell as hallow as I felt. But I won't blame you if you don't listen to me, you've probably suffered way worse than I have, I can see it in your eyes.

-then before Jerry could speak, Lisa tapped her lap and Jerry laid his head on it-

Jerry; you know, ever since I had what happened to my dad, I had this disturbing feeling of who was next.

-then Jerry began to sob and tears began coming from his eyes as he said; I just can't stand to see anyone else get hurt or leave me, 1st mom, then dad and now I have this dream of some voice threatening me. like how much more can I take?

Lisa; don't worry one way or another, I know you can do it. The truth is, if I hadn't met you that day, I have no idea what I would have done, you're the 1st friend I've ever made and you've given me confidence to pursue my own dream. It's only right I return the favour.

[btw; Lisa was smiling and had her hand in Jerry's hair while talking]

2 minutes later…

Jerry; Lisa, your dress is getting a little wet also, thanks a lot.

[btw; Lara was watching everything that was happening and remembered her encounter with the strange man]

Lara; *I can't just keep quiet right now; I need to tell them soon enough*

-suddenly, Jake came out of the room and into the lobby where he saw Jerry and Lisa-

Jake; Jerry, what's going on? Never mind, I'll come back later.

-then Jerry stood up from Lisa's lap and said-

Jerry; no it's fine and… -then Jerry rushed to hug- …I'm glad you're ok you piece of shit.

Jake; well, I missed you to ass hole. But can you explain what's going on?

Jerry; I will but 1st, is Tom awake? Cuz this is something I need to tell him to.

Jake; yeah, he woke up around the same time I did.

Jake; good I can finally tell you everything now.

Announcement! I'm going back to weekly posting! As a way to celebrate this festive season!

Next chapter drops next week!