WebNovelSoul Nite80.95%

Chapter 30

Several hours after Lisa arrived in Japan and only minutes before Con obtained Nite…

Lara, who was watching security camera footage while drinking coffee; I have a feeling something bad will happen at any moment.

Soldier; Mam, our units are losing morale it's been months since war was declared after all.

Lara; is that so, and would you happen to be one of them?

[btw; Lara dyed her hair from black to red, she was also wearing a black dress and dark sunglasses]

The soldier then said nothing.

Else ware…

?; are you sure the boss will be able to do it?

?; who knows what if… woa, I feel something.

At exactly 5:22 a.m. In Japan time…

Zurui; looks like he pulled it off.

?; Sir we're awaiting your signal.

Zurui; attack now.

5:30 A.M.

Lara; *huh, my communicator just went silent, and there's no signal on my phone*

Soldier who just came in; Mam! We're being attacked! All communications are down!

Lara; *How did they get in* Mobilize all forces, find them and make them sorry!

Solder; yes Mam, but unfortunately since all communication is down it will be very difficult to relay the message.

Lada; What the Hell! Just get as many people as you can make sure that…

Another soldier that just ran in; Mam, *pant *pant we have bad news, not only are they here but our nite energy, it's all gone! And it seems they can use it!

Then Lara, after hearing that, sat down in disbelief with a devastated look on her face.

Lara; it's over, were all screwed.

Else ware…

Commander; Fire at will!

The sound of gunshots, and the smell of blood filled the estate. At 5:50 a.m. about 1000 of 80,000+ residence of the state was killed, without nite, they couldn't defend themselves, the lucky ones got shot in their homes, some unlucky ones got sliced in half, stabbed, slashed, decapitated or even raped and killed on the spot.

At 6:00 a.m. Lara calmed down, they were able to get communication online for just a bit.

Lara; I never thought there would be a moment where I would have to say this, but I guess reality is often disappointing. Lieutenant, pass me the mic.

Attention! To anyone hearing this! I am Lara Karuizawa Ga-den. The enemy has come here to kill us all, they may have stolen our clans most prized position, but that doesn't mean were weak, this message is to everyone with something to protect, whether a loved one, a good pet, a nice car, or that one body pillow hidden under our beds, we need to protect those things and the ones closest to our hearts at this moment, and if we go down doing so, let's remember that we will never be forgotten as we trust our future successors to do the same for us! Now let do stuff our grandchildren will be telling their children as they go to bed at night!

Everyone; YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maid; Mistress, please wake up!

Lisa; huh? What's going on?

Maid; We're under attack madam! Please you need to get to safety.

Lisa; where's Saki?

Meanwhile, Saki was standing a few hundred meters away from the ball room.

Saki, who just armed up; Chares, if I don't make it back, tell mistress the code to my safe.

Chares, who was Saki's colleague and best friend; you don't mean.

Subaru; I do.

Chares; good luck out there, and please try not to die.

Saki; that was never my intention.

Lisa, back at the house; so Saki is out there fighting?

Maid; Yes, madam.

Lisa; when did the attack start?

Maid; an hour ago.

Lisa; I'm going out there.

Maid; but mistress!

Lisa; Listen! It doesn't make sense that while people are dying their leader should just turn tail and run. If I did that, then what kind of leader would I be? I'm going out there and I'm going to save as many people as I can.

Maid; Mistress!

Lisa; what is it?!

Maid; I was just going to say you might need a gun, you see, the enemy has our power now you see.

Lisa; oh, then I'll take some grenades as well.

By 6:30 a.m. the sounds of gunshots were heard everywhere. At this point, more than 10,000 were killed. Con's army was 5,000 in number. Many of the people who died we're killed while in bed while other parents who heard the alarm woke their children up and hid them in basements or hidden areas in their houses, while their parents went outside to fight, and most of them were killed. As it seemed, Con's men were resistant to ordinary bullets and some were fast enough to dodge them. And there stood Saki, who was recalling a bitter time in his past, where years ago, his brother and father died because he wasn't fast enough to save them.

Saki; I wasn't able to then, but now is a different story, brother, father, I hope you're watching.

Then Saki began shooting the attackers one by one before coming close for a kill, he had a device that looked like a gun, with 3 spikes at the edge and he used it to fly from building to building, and that was how he would stealthily kill one of them without drawing to much attention, and from rooftops he threw grenades at groups of them, in total he had killed over 200 before he was shot in the arm, and soon surrounded, but before he was, he threw a card he had in his pocket as far as he could.

?; So, how do you intend on going against all of us? I guess it's the end of the line, and your luck just ran out.

Saki; maybe it has, but I vow this, If I'm going down today, all of you are coming with me.

Then the men around him all laughed.

Saki; *none of them are armed, which highly works in my favour however since they all have nite it would be suicide to take on 15 of them at ounce well then… *

Then just 10 seconds later, Saki threw an unloaded gun into the air…

Saki (while doing it at the same time); *the gun up there is just a distraction, now, I will run toward that one over there while everyone's still looking up, then I grab unto him, within seconds all of them will come rushing at me, then I throw the strongest grenade I have, I've been saving it for a moment just like this, I just throw it as far as I can and hopefully, it takes them all out in one go. *


A huge explosion was heard where Saki was.

Saki; *at least this shock absorber I have under my jacket bought me some time*

?; Hey, old man, I goda say, that was awe… some…

Then the man collapsed and died, then Saki began limping to a nearby alleyway where he began to remember some things as he sat on the cold floor…

Saki; *just a year after my father and brother died, my mother fell terribly I'll and was in constant pain, till one day she said to me something…

Hosi, while lying on the floor; Saki, please, I don't have much time.

Saki, age 22; Mother, what are you saying?

Hosi; Please, I want you to end my suffering. Shoot me with that gun.

Saki; What! Mother I can't! I've already lost father and brother, so why…

Hosi; Listen, you always knew I didn't have much time anyway, and I don't want to be separated from you either, so please, this is my one and only request of you, please my son, end my suffering.

then Saki went to the kitchen and brought her a piece of mochi (rice cake) it was her favourite. She then smiled and said "no one makes mochi like you do. Even if it's my own recipe, you always make it in a way I just can't describe, it's delicious". Tears rolled down her face as she said those words, then Subaru Shot her in the head and cremated her that evening.

Subaru; just 6 years after that, I had a wife and daughter, she always loved my mochi and always asked me to make it, but one day my wife was killed and I lived with my daughter for another 3 years before, she fell I'll. It was the same Illness my mother had, however when the time came, she held our pet puppy in her arms, who had cancer, it didn't have much time either, and as she laid on that bed, she began to sing to our dog as it slowly died in her arms. She then asked me, "Daddy, can me and Lilly have some mochi?"

[Lilly is the dog]

I then said sure, and gave it to both of them and they ate, after eating the dog passed out, then she said, "Daddy, your mochi, is the best thing ever, promise me you'll never stop making it". Then her heart rate dropped, and she was dead. A few months later I went back to the estate were I started working for mistress, she reminded me of my daughter and interestingly, she was the 1st person who didn't like my mochi, at 1st at least, I always figured it was because she had more high class food than what I gave her, but one day she asked me to make it again, and she loved it this time.

Young Lisa; Saki, I don't know what it is but I'm always happy when I eat it!

Saki; I guess, my time is finally up, Mistress, wherever you are, whatever you do, I'll always be watching and I hope you become someone, exceptional.

Then Subaru carried a piece of mochi he had in his pocket and ate it, then smiled and said. "it truly is wonderful, I guess.

then he looked next to him and saw his daughter smiling at him, she then touched his face and he looked up and saw his father and brother and in front of him was his wife and mother, they all nodded at him. He then shed tears, while smiling as life slowly left his eyes as he sat in the alleyway.

Just a few minutes after the explosion, Chares found the card Saki threw away, and he immediately knew what it meant, that his best friend was gone, he then shed tears, and said "it's not like I didn't completely expect you to go this far. You never change do you.

Then Chares had a gun behind his head and heard a voice from behind, "don't move, I'm guessing you aren't some ordinary guy, listen, you're coming with me for questioning."

Chares; alright fine, but you should pay closer attention to your surroundings while being out in the open.

?; do you think a bluff like that is gona work on…

Before he could finish the sentence, he was shot by a ray of plasma straight through his gut. He then collapsed and died.

Chares; I tried to warn you. Anyway nice shot, princess.

Then 500 meters away, Lisa was standing on a building wearing sunglasses and a plasma gun.

Lara, who was also holding a plasma gun on top of a different building; you ready to do this?

Lisa; Let's firkin go.

Next chapter coming soon!

R.I.P. Saki!