WebNovelSoul Nite90.48%

Chapter 33

Con; I see, so where able to overcome the trauma I gave you.

Jake; Trauma? It's going to take much more than that to break me!

Con; I see, that's impressive however at this current state you're not even close to a challenge for me, Jerry, are you seriously going to allow him face me? You know exactly how this could play out.

Jerry stayed expressionless as he thought of what Con said *he's right so that was what master meant when he said physical and mental, I sure as hell don't want Jake to die, but still, I can't let him get to me and besides Jake won't go down easily either.

Jerry; hey, Jake, if you die, I'll laugh at you forever in the afterlife.

Jake; listen, just because you look like you got ultra-instinct, doesn't mean you can look down on me.

Jerry; right, so I can respectfully piss on your grave if you don't make it?

Jake; fine.

Jerry; alright, listen closely *whisper whisper whisper*

Jake; wait, can you seriously pull that off.

Jerry; I have to because it's all I can think of.

Jake; all right asshole let's do this.

Con; well then, I guess it's settled.

Then Jerry rushed toward Con, however Lucas was blocking him, but then Jake came to handle him then Jerry fought on the offensive against Con, he was moving so fast Con was barely keeping up then out of nowhere Jerry and Jake switched places.

Con; don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself boy.

Jake; just shut up and fight.

Con; with pleasure.

Then Con kicked Jake in the chest, but he blocked it with his arms. However, he went flying through the air before landing on the ground using his legs to break his fall. Con then rushed him with repeated kicks and punches Jake was barely able to avoid.

Con; aw, it seems like you bit of more than you could chew, you know, I would kill you right now, however that would be to boring!

Then Con hit him with a jab so strong he went flying through the air and landed chest 1st to the ground. Then Con walked up to Jake, grabbed him by the hair and looked at him straight in the eyes as he was still on the ground saying, "haven't you had enough, this is almost sad to watch you know".

Jake; screw you!

Con; *sigh* look at you, you can barely stand or move and yet you're going this far for him, if you were to show this level of loyalty to me I would happily let you join me. But alas, I know what you're going to say anyway am I correct.

Jake; your Damn right about that. and you know something, it's not because me and him are friends that I'm doing this, truth be told, we're rivals 1st and friends second. All my life I was behind him, until just one time, however I knew that was not going to last, he was still going to surpass me. But still, I refuse to be some background character there to just make him look good. And I refuse to see him outshine me in anyway, whether it be grades or power if I joined you, it would be the same as calling it quits. And yeah, I know what you're going to say, you could just give me the power, well to bad! My pride won't allow it. No matter what, I'd rather die than lose to him, and even if I die, it would just mean I was a better written character and all attention would be on me! So go ahead, give me my win already, I'll be laughing at you and him from the heaven anyway!

Con; alright have it your way then, I'll will make this slow and… wait!

Con then shifted his head to look at Lucas and for a spit second Jerry was nowhere to be seen, then he looked back at Jake.

Jake, smirking; gacha.

Then Jerry's fist met con's face at a speed so fast he went flying at a speed much faster than sound.

A few minutes earlier…

Jerry to Jake; listen, I need you to distract Con a bit, I'm going to run as fast as I can and punch him with all I got, hopefully that would be enough to finish him.

Jake; wait, can you seriously pull that off.

Jerry; I have to because it's all I can think of.

Jake; all right asshole let's do this.

After that, while Con was being distracted, Jerry focused all his power while keeping Lucas occupied, he knew he had only one shot at it so he didn't waste it in a split second he began running across the globe, with each step he went faster, soon reaching super-sonic speed, he created a force field around him using nite to avoid air resistance, it was like a V-shaped wall in front of him, tearing straight through the wind as he ran, sadly he accidentally destroyed almost everything in his path including houses, properties and a few bystanders, not to mention that the gust of wind behind him caused even more damage in cities and towns, then when he was at max speed he clenched his fist, removed his feet from the ground and thought *alright, this is my strongest move, I think that the moment it's done, all the nite in my body would be exhausted, so I better make this count, it has to be a direct hit, alright here it goes.*


After saying that silently, Jerry's fist made contact with Con's face sending them dozens of kilometers before crashing into a mountain, the total time was 1.3 seconds, 1 for the total time Jerry took to run across the globe and 0.3 for the time of flight. At that point Con was immobilized for a while but still alive, while Jerry was holding on to his neck. About 30 minutes had passed after the collision with the mountain.

Con; well done, the power I collected from that book made my body invincible, or so I thought, but why am I unable to move?

Jerry; you don't know do you? That's the thing with nite, it can be given, and it can be taken as well, while you were knocked out I drained every last bit from you, and since you can't replenish it, I guess you're too exhausted to do shit now.

Con; you do know, there is no stop to me right? As soon as I get my energy back, I'll continue to hunt you, till I get what I want, or till the day you die.

Jerry; right, but since you're at this state, I have some questions.

Con; and what makes you think I would answer any?

Jerry; are you going to refuse?

Con; …

Fine. Not like it would do you any good anyway.

1st, what did you do with Lucas?

Con; whatever do you mean? I just brought my son back to me.

Jerry; 2nd, are there anyone else who are after me and nite as a whole.

Con; you poor, poor child, even as we speak there are those you want to kill me so I don't get the power you possess, so they can have it for themselves.

Jerry; last question, what do you know about my mother?

Con then burst into laughter.

Jerry; what's so funny?

Con; just the fact that you know nothing boy.

Jerry; enlighten me.

A few minutes later

Jerry; I see.

Con; so what will you do now, with this invincible body, there is no stopping me and you know it.

Jerry; you're right about that and I know there was no point in me telling you all that anyway, so, in order to protect my friends, I'll just give you what you want, every bit of it.

Then Jerry began filling Cons body with nite.

Con; yes, yes! you…wait!

However, he was pouring it in faster than his body could handle it, "NO! IT'S, IT'S, IT'S, TOOOO MUCH!!!!

As Con said that, his body began to break to pieces, as he was slowly about to explode *so this is how it feels like*

Con, in Jerry's mind; I seriously have to hand it to you boy, you had me.

Jerry; I did didn't I? so what's this for? One final mind tease?

Con; nope, it's just to congratulate you on becoming top dog, however, from now on it's only going to get worse from here, but I doubt I need to tell you that.

Jerry; that was practically common knowledge to me. Bring it on…

Then Con, with a tear in his eye and a smile on his face exploded into blue dust like particles. And the spot where he exploded was glowing like from a fairy-tale. The trees were covered in glowing blue dust and the base of the mountain where Con exploded looked like it was painted by some abstract artist the place was filled with Jerry's nite, he thought that because he could feel himself throughout the area. Jerry, after some deep thinking then stared at the base of the mountain and said you we're one annoying bastard, but I thank you for that Con, after all, it's because of you I'm who I am now and what I must do, may your deeds be forgotten and no one remember you. Yasuraka ni nemuru. [rest in peace]