WebNovelSoul Nite97.62%

Final chapter

As it was, the large transparent dome of nite which Jerry created was kept active as people who weren't living in the estate who lost their nite could replenish it just by being within the walls of the estate. However, because the estate was also the Ga-den business and commercial headquarters, all business Ga-den had been conducting at the time came to a halt until reconstruction was completed, as you can imagine, during these times millions of dollars were lost and worst of all business rivals and enemies of the clan did not stand idle by, they quickly began to ban together to create a commercial superpower strong enough overtake and crush the clan. And sadly there was nothing that could be done.

That same evening about 6:30 p.m.

Jerry; Hello Choki.

Choki; hey Jerry.

In Choki's state he was on a hospital bed with his entire body being bandaged and most of his bones broken as well as one of his lungs collapsed as well as internal bleeding. He just regained consciousness 20 minutes after the barrier was created.

Jerry; are you feeling better?

Choki; yeah, thanks to you.

Jerry; listen I want to say thank you for protecting Lisa.

Choki; what are you talking about, she practically protected me.

Jerry; still though I have to say thanks, it's the least I can do.

Choki; listen, I was just doing my duty also…

Jerry; what?

Choki; it's nothing.

Jerry; ok.

Jerry; also, one more thing I need to ask you, I want you to be my retainer, as seeing how trustworthy you are, I want you to be at my side not just as a guard, but also as a close friend.

Choki; you give me too much credit you know that? I would be fine just being your minor subordinate.

Jerry; whatever you say.

Choki; I'll think about it, but either way I'll always be loyal you as the Ga-den clan's secret leader.

Then Jerry smiled and left the room, then Choki thought,


The day they were ambushed and being escorted by the maid…

Lisa; I have to say, you are an extremely competent person.

Choki; oh, seriously?

Lisa; yes, how did you end up like this, what made you start acting this way?

Choki; well, here's the thing, I met this guy, he was an outsider, before meeting him I thought there were only 5 people in the entire world who could beat me, but I was wrong, after losing to him, I stopped being cocky and became much more determined.

Lisa; determined to do what?

Choki; oh, it's nothing.

Lisa; oh, and may I have the name of this person?

Choki; his name was Jerry, Jerry Wilson.

Lisa, blushing and in shock; Jerry…Wilson?

Choki; you know him?

Lisa; no, well actually yes, it's complicated.

Choki; oh, I see, it's fine.

Lisa; please don't get the wrong idea.

Choki; no, I get it.

[btw; Lisa's face was completely red and was placing her hand on her lip, damn this girl down bad as hell]

*my 1st friend is the crush of woman I always liked, it wasn't hard to put two and two together, it stings but I'll find a way to make it work*.

Back in Heiwa, Tom began to open his eyes, and there in front of him was Itona, his friend from school.

Itona, you're finally awake, I was worried.

Tom; Itona, how long was I asleep?

Itona; about 4 days actually.

Tom; my brother, Jerry, have you seen him?

Itona; I heard he's in Japan right now, it seems there were some things he had to take care of.

Tom; I see; I guess that's how it is then.

Itona; by the way, the others were a while ago.

Tom; seriously?

Itona; yeah, they wanted you to get better soon they were all worried you know.

Tom; go tell them I'm awake, and that I'm sorry for making them worry.

Itona; alright then. I'm sure they'll be glad to see you.

Tom; *I'm blessed with such good friends, I should get stronger, so I can protect them, just like that asshole I call brother. *

Tom; I hope Tsubaki is alright.

A few minutes later…

Itona; alright, here they are.

Aki; finally! you're awake!

Rose; oh my god I'm so glad you're alive! Don't ever make me worry like that again.

Tom; OU! Can you please stop hugging so tight it still hurts!

Rose; omg I'm so sorry!


Ying; it seems you've raised a fine set of students, brother.

Yang; I believe I always do, each one of my students are refined to the best of their capabilities, so whatever happed with those three, it probably nothing special anyway, I was just earned of their own merits.

Ying; you never change brother, you know that?

Yang; I guess so.

Meanwhile back in Jerry's house in Heiwa…

Dave, while pouring some tea; everything is going more or less exactly the way he said it would. If I'm being honest I don't know whether to step in or just keep watching patiently.

Sammy; have you at any point thought that older brother has gone too far, or has taken more than he could handle?

David; yes, every day in fact.

Sammy; remember back at the Hasashi when we 1st joined and had that little evaluation test?

Dave; yeah, I knew Sora was good against us, but against everyone else he was unmatched.

Sammy; the unbeatable Sora, that was his name.

David; it was well deserved, around that time I thought the same thing, ever since we were growing up.

Meanwhile, in a bar at the estate…

Araki; ah! Nothing tastes like good old sake to celebrate a friend right?


Lay; Don't drink too much though, I don't want to have to carry you again.

Araki; oh come on, can't a guy just sit back and relax after his best friend got discharged?

Lay; not if I had to walk you all the way home afterward.

Then a woman who was in her mid-twenties entered the bar, she was wearing a leather jacket and had sunglasses in her pocket. "hey you two" she said.

Lay; oh it's you Kongou. Come have a seat.

Araki; oh hi, there I'm Araki, nice to meet you gorgeous.

Kongou; my name is Kongou Mishima.

Araki; that's weird, I would have sworn that was the no.2's name.

Then Araki took a sip of his drink before spitting it out in shock, realizing what was going on.


Kongou; I am; now can you please calm down already.

Araki; sorry I'm just a little bit shocked since it's not every day one of the 10 strongest people in the clan come to drink with me in a bar.

Kongou; well I heard my uncle was discharged so I came to visit him and celebrate as well.

Araki; WHAT! Lay, why didn't you ever.

Lay; you never asked.

Araki; but still! How TF was I supposed to know or ask something thing that! anyway, let's share a toast old friend. No matter what happens lets always…

Before he finished that sentence he passed out.

Lay; I shouldn't have brought him here. Anyway, take care of yourself Kongou, I'll help him up.

Koungou; no uncle, let me help you.

Lay; thank you dear.


Lara; are you ready?

Jerry; I am.

Then Lara, opened the door in front of them and there Lisa was pouring cereal into a bowl of milk. Jerry stood confused for a few seconds before stepping into the room.

Lisa; Jerry!

Lisa then ran to hug him with tears in her eyes. While Lara just stepped out.

Jerry; I'm glad you're alright.

Lisa; I was just about to say the same. So I heard what you did and…

Jerry; Lisa, remember when I said, what if we both could both be leaders of the clan?

Lisa; yes, don't tell me!

Jerry; yes, I did all of this for you, now, you're free. You can see the world meet all kinds of people, and enjoy yourself, you can live your life the way you want now, you deserve all of that.

Lisa, smiled saying; so you did all this for me right, defeating Con and taking over the clan was all part of your plan.

Jerry; don't get me wrong, I would have still beaten Con anyway but it was good that I could use it in my plan. I just wished Lenard didn't have to die in the process.

Lisa; I will miss her two. You're a big idiot you know that?

Jerry; I guess I am.

Lisa; Also, *does he still remember what I said to him? Probably not, I'll just hold that off for the time being*

Jerry; yes, one more thing…

Jerry then came close to Lisa, face to face and said,

"I like you two"

And he then kissed her and after that she kissed him as well.

Jake, who was watching everything from the outside window; so you finally did it. Well I should probably meet up with Nino soon, goda get mine two.


And so a man, the same one who was giving a warning to Lara several months back was standing just outside the estate on a hill, he then said, "so, one hurdle cleared now unto the next, hopefully this time everything will go smoothly and this timeline will have a peaceful end". Then suddenly a portal opened and a naked teenage boy fell out of it. Right on time, the man said. Where am I, the boy asked? Right where you need to be, you are looking for your friend right? Yeah, how did you know? the boy answered. Just listen closely, I can help you find your friend in this world. But 1st you need to understand a few things.

Soul Nite

