Am ready to make amendments

Holding his hands which were still on her face, she burst into tears, "I know, I feel your pains but I just can't. We can never happen again Grayson." Sniffing her nose, she held back her tears and shook her head, "You, me, us, its not gonna work. Not now, not ever. The mistakes has been made."

"Petra I understand, that's why I said am ready to fix everything."

"No Grayson, things don't work out that way. You have a family with her now, you need to continue living with her for the rest of your life."

"No," He vigorously shook his head and ran his hands through his face, "Petra I can't have my life again if I chose to remain with Lorena."

"You have to, Grayson. If truly you want to make peace." Turning his face towards her, she held his face, "She's your wife, you shouldn't think about any other person but her."


"Please don't say anything other than your promise to continue your life with Lorena and–"

Cutting her off, he yelled, "Petra I can't because I love you." When she startled with her eyes wide open in shock, he sighed and held her face, "I don't want to die untimely. I've developed high blood pressure because of my past mistakes."

Gazing deeply into her eyes, he explained, "I realize I did something I shouldn't have done in the past and am ready to make amendments if you could give me one last chance. Petra I swear, I'll fix everything and we'll start our lives just like the very first time we met."

"I–" Closing her eyes with tear drops escaping out of her eyelids, she took a deep breath, "I'm speechless right now Grayson, I don't know what to say. Because I also want to spend the rest of my life with you." Bursting into tears, "I missed you too."

Wrapping his arms around her, he placed her head on his chest and kissed the top of her head. Closing his eyes, he sighed in relief, "I missed you more sweetheart."

The sound of a ringing phone startled them.

Pulling away from his embrace, she wiped her face, "Its my call, I'll pick it." Looking at the caller ID, she tuckled a strand of hair behind her ear and silently instructed Grayson to keep shut when she knew the caller. "Sweetheart my dear."

"Mom, where the hell are you?" Without waiting for her reply, Nelly added, "I've been calling your phone for hours now, and you aren't–"

Cutting her off, Sebastian snatched the phone, "Mom, can you please text me the address of the place you are right now? I need to pick you up."

Widening her eyes in shock, she awkwardly scratched her head, "N-No dear, you don't have to bother yourself. I'll arrive soon."

"Mom, why do I think that you're nervous about something?" He frowned.

"Nervous? Don't be silly, I'm not nervous–you know what, I'll be home soon."

"Yes better hurry, because you made Empress Jee leave in disappointment." Nelly added.

"Jin was home earlier?" Slapping her head, she groan in frustration, "Oh I forgot, we were supposed to meet today. Anyway I'll call her later."

"Alright, see you soon."

After hanging up, she shoved the phone into her bag, "Its Seb and Nel, they're worried over my absence. I have to go now."

"I wish I could get the chance to see them again." He sighed in dejection and helplessly shook his head, "I'm a bad father."

"Hey Grayson don't say that." Wearing the bag over her shoulder, she cupped his face and smiled, "All we have to think about is the kids. I can't tell how Sebastian and Nelly are going to react once they find out about our reunion."

"Do you think it'll be nice if we keep this meeting within ourselves?"
