
Covering her mouth with her both hands, Petra helplessly fell on the ground and cried her eyes out.

Bursting into tears, Lorena yelled, "He is your Ex, you said it yourself at the courtroom. According to you, you both are divorced and have nothing to do with each other forever, so what are you doing in my marital home?"


Cutting him off, she snapped, "Shut up Grayson, not one more word from you." Looking at Petra who was still weeping bitterly, she gritted her teeths, "You sighed the divorce papers yourself twenty-three years ago. And now you're trying to steal my husband away from me?"

"Lorena I'm not taking him away from you. Grayson and I have nothing in common please believe me."

"Oh wow, nice play Petrarchan." Clapping her hands, she scoffed, "You'll do well if you were to be hired in Hollywood. You think you're talking to a three years old toddler? Huh?"

Gritting her teeths, he inched closer, "I hate you Petra, I never liked you, not–" Poking one finger out, "One bit uh uh. You think I'm a fool after seeing Grayson's hickeys around your neck?"

Petra shamefully covered her neck with her messy hair and tried to be neutral.

"How could you stoop so low to the extent of having an affair with a married man–wait a sec." Looking at Grayson, she inquired, "Did you had sex with her?"

Turning his face aside, he kept his expression neutral and refuse to say anything.

Widening her eyes in shock, Lorena snapped, "Grayson, tell me you did have sexual intercourse with your Ex on our matrimonial bed."

When he hesitated, she gritted her teeths and pounced on Petra, "You cheap woman, you succeeded to lure my husband on your rotten body."

"Lorena, Lorena please stop this madness right now, stop it." Grayson tried to withhold the fight. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her away from Petra who has already gotten swollen face and red eyes.

Squatting down in front of her, he pulled the strand of messy hairs covering her face aside, "Honey–"

Cutting him off, she landed a resounding slap on his face and snapped, "Stop calling me your honey, I'm not your wife." Pointing at Lorena, "She's your wife."


"One more word from you then I swear I'm going to slit you off. It was your idea we get divorced." Bursting into tears, Petra added, "You detested me out of the blue after your affair with Lorena. I gave everything I had, I risked my whole life couple of times just to save you from several dangers. I was there for you but you turned your back against me. Grayson you betrayed me with another woman. You never loved me when we were young, you can never love me when we are getting old."

"Listen, I've been trying to explain my faults but–"

"Explain your fault? Can you hear yourself?" Letting out a mockery chuckle, she gritted her teeths, "You said it yourself that you never loved me from the very beginning."

"Petra the whole thing was complicated, everything that happened between us wasn't intentional."

Raising her brows, she scoffed, "Ah, so the day you stood in front of the court and signed the divorce papers was not intentional? What about the day you impregnated Lorena, that too wasn't intentional?"

Before he could say anything, she quickly added, "Everything between us got broken because of you. Because of you, I vowed and kept my body for no one else. You taught me never to fall in love again." Clutching her hands on her messy hair, she wept, "I was a fool to trust you, love you, and give my all to you. I never knew you ain't the valuable type."

"Petra stop!" He yelled.

"Why should I stop Grayson? Are you feeling ashamed of yourself so soon?" She retorted back. "You abandoned Sebastian when he was three and Nelly two, isn't that enough for them to develop detested hatred for you. You don't deserve to be called a father let alone a husband."
