Embarrassing day


Standing on her toes, Jin-joo intently stared at the waving swimming pool. Balling her hands, she cursed the water, "Mr swimming pool, why are you waving? At least give a stagnant break for me to see the bottom."

Taking a step forward, she stopped and make mockery of herself, "Oh my goodness, Jin-joo you're such an idiot."

Placing her hands on her baggy clothes, she took them off and tossed them aside.

Spreading her arms wide open, she grinned like a renowned donkey, "Woohoo, time to swim folks." Diving into the water, leaving it to give a great splash.

"She was right here–" Anastasia stopped midway after seeing the missing person settling in the water.

Widening his eyes in shock when he saw her with just a pair of black bra and lacy thong Sebastian rushed towards the slab, "Jin, what the fuck is this madness? Come out now."

Trying to figure out the person who was yelling, she laughed. The thought of Sebastian smiling like a little cub made her giggle and fell back into the water.

"Fuck! She's drunk!" Looking at Nelly, Ryan snapped, "You left her to get drunk?"

"Wait what, no this wasn't my fault."

"So who's fault was it?" Before she could say anything, Calvin snapped, "Honey, you girls were with her all through so how did she get drunk?"


Cutting Tasha off, Donald scolded, "Baby this isn't fair, how could you guys watch her get drunk. None of you could even stop her before she–"

Cutting him off, Jin-joo laughed at Sebastian who was still standing rooted from the shock, "Sebastian, do you know how handsome you are. You know what, I feel like kissing you right now."

When she blew flying kisses to him, the others couldn't help with the laughter.

Getting embarrassed with her weird purposes, Sebastian gritted his teeths, "Jin, I beg you with every pleasant on earth please come out and put on your clothes."

Scrunching her brows, she snapped, "Are you refusing my purposal?"

"Dude she's purposing, I bet you better accept." Ryan grinned.

"Shut up!" Looking at Jin, he squatted down in front of her and extended his hand, "Give me your hand, I'll get you out."

"You don't love me?" Slapping his hand, she cried, "You're bad, how could you be so selfish?"

Running his hands through his face, he puffed his cheeks, trying to holdback the urge of yelling at her, he faked an awkward smile, "Jin you know what, why don't we talk about this in the morning." He knew she won't be able to remember anything the next day.

"No no no, I want you to say something positive right now." Playing with his fingers, she brittle, "You look so sweet, I think I love you, I don't like you."

Unable to control his urges, Sebastian yelled, "Stop talking shit and get out of the pool now."

Startled from the sound of his voice, she burst into tears, "You don't love me, you're wicked, bad, bad, bad, bad Sebastian. I'm gonna report you to Aunty Petra."

"Jin you–" Stopping midway when she pulled him into the water. Looking at himself in the water, he widen his eyes and mouth in shock, "What the fuck."

"Wow, dude I think your clothes just got wet." Donald laughed.

"They look romantic together." Calvin chuckled.

Placing her head on his shoulder, Nelly sighed in satisfaction, "Yeah, I know, right?"

Narrowing his eyes at them, Sebastian retorted, "I think you guys hit your heads somewhere. Instead of you to–"

Cutting him off, the drunken damsel wrapped her hands around his waist and pouted her lips with a pitiful expression, "Kiss me Seb, come on and do it. I've never been kissed and sex before, so do it."

The others widened their eyes in shock and threw their hands into their mouths.

"Jin stop talking nonsense and let's get out of here."

"You won't kiss me?"

"No I won't!" He snapped and pushed her hands off him.

Leaning closer, she bit her lower lip and caressed his face, "What about sex? I need a hot sex right now."

Scrunching his brows, he slapped her hands off his face and pulled away, "Now that's it, enough!"

"Why can't you–It doesn't matter because you can't even–" Waving on her toes, she laughed, "You look grumpy again and I kinda like it."

Looking at Sebastian, Ryan suggested, "Dude, you have to take her home before any other persons sees her in this condition."

"Ryan is right. Seb, she's a celebrity, a situation like this might make her face weird questions from the press the next morning." Calvin added.

"The press–yes you're right, I have to take her home right away." Gazing into her big blue eyes which were now slight red, he extended his hand, "I beg you please give me your hand."

Clasping her hands on her chest, she vigorously shook her head and pouted her lips, "No, you're going to hurt me."

"I swear, I won't do such a thing believe me." Sneakingly leaning towards her, he added, "If anyone else sees you like this, its gonna be a laughing gist on the internet."

"Internet?" Furrowing her brows, she inquired, "What is an internet?"

"An internet is–"

"Seb there's no time to give her replies, she's not on her right senses right now. She won't remember any thing the next morning." Donald stated.


Sebastian's place

"Ten, five hundred, ninety-nine and–" Turning around, she snapped at him, "What's the next number?"

"The next what?" When she burst into tears, he panicked and quickly consoled her, "Shh, please don't cry, okay go on and read them over again, I promise to pay attention."

"You promise?" She beamed.

"Yes I promise." He whined and guided her towards the stairs.

Counting her fingers, she smiled, "Ten thousand, four, seventeen–"

"Seb, you guys are ba–oh my God, what happened to her?" Dashing towards them, Petra held her face and panickly inquired, "Jin, why are your eyes red? Did–" Covering her nose when she blerc. "Alcohol?"

"Mom, Jin drank a whole bottle of alcoholic champagne unknowing to me." Placing his hands on her tiny waist, he guided her upstairs.

Stepping aside for them to pass through, Petra widen her eyes and threw her hands into her mouth. "Oh my God, she's wild."

Without looking at her, he added, "Mom, please I'll need your help upstairs."
