Am the man

Slightly scrunching his brows, Ryan inquired, "Who is that?"

"Of course who else should it be," Covering one side of his mouth, he grinned, "Your ex girlfriend, Sofia Vergara."

Rolling his eyes, Ryan whined, "So? What's with her? How's that my concern?"

Sebastian, Calvin and Eliot whom are aware of the woman and Ryan's current weird expression after hearing her name, puffed their cheeks, about to let out a loud laughter.

Sofia Vergara is a social media influencer and Ryan's former number twentieth girlfriend. Back in those time, when Ryan use to be a womanizer and steady flirt. He barely live a day without hiring a harlot for making out sessions. But eventually stopped when Sofia came into his life and wreck his money. Unknowing to him that Sofia was a gold digger, who only clings on him like a monkey on the tree just because of his fat wallet.

"Please, don't mention that woman's name in my presence again. I beg of you, it sucks." He remarked with all seriousness.

"Hey, Ryan, what happened? Didn't you used to say that she was your angel on earth?" Sebastian laughed.

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "Yeah, you're right, I used to but I was saying those things out of the erotic tastes she had."

Staring at each other's faces, the others gasped, "Wow!"

Crossing his arms, he took a deep breath, "She played with my heart, guys. I gave her everything but–you know what, let's not go into that right now. I'm a married man. Anastasia is more better than her. What she couldn't give to me, I found it in someone else's. And am grateful for that."

"You see, Ryan. If she hadn't thought you those negative side of love and all of that, you wouldn't have let go, right?"

Nodding his head in agreement, "I regret every bit of moment I spend on her. My money, my assets, my potentials with her–everything was a big waste." He frowned.

Patting his shoulder, Elliot consoled, "Take a deep breath my man, those are all in the past now. Even if you bump into her anyway in the world, just sneer and walk away with your woman, alright?"

"Hmmm," He shook his head in dejection. The way Ryan loved Sofia, he enveloped all of his trust in her to the extend of handing her his property papers. Only for him to find his lawyer making reports of her planning to sell his house and kicking him out.

"You really did a lot for her. I can remember one night when you came complaining that she spent five million in just one night."

Looking at Sebastian, Calvin gasped, "Five million?" Turning towards Ryan who was fustrated of the conversation, he snapped, "Dude, what type of love got to that extent?"

When Ryan gave him a weak smile, he whined, "Damn, I feel like searching for her and breaking her head. She doesn't deserve love itself."

"Rubie barely ask me for something–not that am proud about it but she just love being independent. Infact I had to plead with her to go out with me today." Elliot remarked.

Raising his brows, Sebastian chuckled, "Oh gosh, she's same as Jin."

"What do you expect from a self-subsistent woman? She's a red-hot vogue woman, who doesn't know? Women like her hardly depends on a man." Donald explained.

"Hmm, you need to see how we argued on responsibilities last night." Letting out a chuckle, he placed the shopping stuffs aside, "She said, she don't want to look up to a man for her daily needs, so therefore, I have to let her take charge."

Pausing for a while, he grinned, "If only you knew how it ended last night before she decided to go shopping with me today."


LAST NIGHT [Sebastian's place]

Inside the bedroom

Placing the clothes into the wardrobe, Jin-joo snapped, "Listen Seb, there's no way am going to let you spend a dime on me. For goodness sake, why are you trying to act like you're the only masterpiece?"

Ignoring her lousy questions, he wiped his wet silky hair after having a cold water bath.

"Arrghh, everytime you want to be the only one who's spending the money and picking up the responsibility." Shutting the wardrobe's door, she placed her hands on her hips, she frowned, "Do you really think relationships work that way?"

"Of course baby, it does."

"Ugh, this guy is fucking pissing me off." Standing in front of him, she faked a smile, "Oh yes it surely does when the other person is trying to show off his net worth by spend money met for next generation."

Rolling his eyes, he turned towards her and raised an brow, "Don't you get tired of ranting about who takes responsibility and who doesn't?"

Taking the scrunchie off her brown curly hair, she combed it freely, "Honey, one thing you should know. This relationship is a commitment. Partners need to participate in chores too."

Crossing his arms, he chuckled, "So you want me to sit back like a good for nothing lazy man and watch you do the chores of both a man and woman?"

"Uh huh," Placing the comb down, she took a deep breath, "I'm not saying you shouldn't do your main task as a man but at least, let me make use of my money."

When he raised his brows, she added, "Ever since we started dating, I can't even remember the last time I spent a dime. Both in my music and publishing industry and outside that," Poking his chest, "You've always claim to be on top."

"That's because am the man."
