Time for celebration

Inside the room

Standing by the window with daggering eyes, Lee clenched his jaw. He can't believe what he's hearing. How could his only daughter he entrusted so much more than his other children stoop so low to give herself to their enemies?

This is not right. He has to do something about it. The earlier he terminates the pregnancy the better for him and his family. He loved his daughter and can sacrifice anything for her.

He seek peace, tranquillity and pacification for his family. They harmed his wife and he kept quiet. But they're taking his quietness for granted. They had the guts to use one of their sons to impregnate his daughter.

The only number one joy he has had since her birth. No way, somebody has to go down for this. If only he knew the exact culprit from that family but he doesn't care anymore, they all are going down for it. They will all pay darely for the pains they cost his wife in that two years.

And there his daughter is doomed in both love and child bearing. She's fighting for the family that is responsible for her mother's moribund.

No, not in his lifetime when he is alive will he allow such a thing. Hurting people is not his hobby but the Flynns made him so. He has kept a strategy of hurting them in return of what they did and right now, he is going to take it out on them with no mercy.

"Lee?" She stood by the door.

He took a deep breath without turning around, "What is it?"

She quietly made her way towards him and stood by his side with one of her hand placed on his shoulder, "My love, what is going on? Why did you say such words to our daughter in this time of celebration?"

Time of celebration? He looked at her, "Bong-Cha, you have no idea the help am lending to us."

"What help? Jin-joo is pregnant, Lee. We are officially going to become a grandparents–"

"And am so glad to be a grandparent but not with the mixture of the Flynns bloodline." He widen his eyes.

Scrunching her brows, she inquired, "But why? Lee why can't you accept that young man as our daughter's choice?"

"It's very difficult." He ran his hands through his face and sighed, "So difficult to justify, Bong-Cha."

"What is so difficult to–listen honey, you're frightening me these days and I can't take it anymore. Look at the traits you threw at the dinning room earlier. Am getting sick of this."

When he kept quiet, she snapped, "Lee!"

"What?! Huh? What is it? Do you realize what am trying to do? I ask you? This family has been peaceful from day one until the Flynns strived in!"

Bong-Cha widen her eyes, "What?" She gasped in frustration. "The–"

"Yes the Flynns!"

"Lee, I don't understand what you're talking about, okay? All I know is Jin-joo won't have those babies terminated." She crossed her arms and turned her back at him.

"Oh really? Are you done speaking your part? Because there's nothing no one will do or say about this. Whether Jin-joo likes it or not, I'll get that pregnancy terminated. I, Lee Kim will do it myself."

She broke in a mockery chuckle and turn to look at him, "What a shameless father you are. You want to take the life of innocent babies who knows nothing about sin?"

"What kind of man are you?!"

"Am a man of my words, BC. You've known my type of personality and I always do whatever I say. I mean it, and I'll do it."

"But why?" Without saying anything, he walked towards the wardrobe and she dashed at his front. Clutching her hands on his sleeves, "Lee, you're going to tell me one good reason why you don't want to accept Sebastian as jin-joo's love."
