
Mr Kingsway restaurant

It's been couple of weeks passed by since the trial in court happened to be woefully failed. The most wanted significants; Sebastian, Jin-joo and Lorena, purposely refused to appear in court with different excuses.

Though Lorena's specific reasons seems to be so weird after evacuating the apartment for so many times when Grayson came to see her. Whereas Sebastian and Jin-joo also had their own reasons why. They made an odd reason and the both families couldn't do anything.

The court had to dismiss the lawsuit and ask the Kim's family to seek proper evidence against the Flynns. Trial continues.

Few weeks ago, Chung-Cha put to birth a baby girl through a normal delivery. Even as the Kim still had the expression of disappointment in them over the case lately, they brush it off for a while and traveled to welcome the new generation of the family in Hong Kong.

While Chung-Cha and Dong-Hyun had an elegant registry wedding in Victoria, Hong Kong, same day, Ryan and Anastasia had their baby boy's naming ceremony; Billy.

"Cheong. That's her name." Kang-dae spoke in Korea language while shoving a big piece of dry fish and french fries into his mouth.

"What a lovely name." She remarked in the same language as she continued typing something in her phone.

Both Jin-joo and Kang-dae are communicating in their dialect since the whole people in the restaurant seem to be foreigners and they don't want them to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"The wedding was lit." He stated with his fingers making a little circle. "Dad and mom made the courtesy."

"I know." She nodded. "Doc told me about everything. Too bad I couldn't come as you already know. I have certain mysterious issues with our parents."

"Are you really sure you can do this thing? I mean, stay apart from each other."

"Kang-dae," She put down her phone and rolled her eyes at him, "They chose to turn out this way. It wasn't my opinion." She shrug.

He suspiciously waved the fork at her, "This isn't the type of family one should wish for because it's tearing apart."

"Like I'm to be blame?"

"Well, I can't comment on that." Grabbing the bottle of wine, he poured from it into a glass and took a sip, "Both mom and dad haven't talked about anything related to you or how the pregnancy is going since things fell apart between you guys."

She shrugged innocently and continued with her phone.

"Grandma is still trying to make things work out but–" He helplessly sighed and shook his head as he stabs the dried fish, "Right now, they're not listening."

"Well, of course they won't because it has to do with me, Kang-dae." She scoffed. "Now that they're away to see doc's baby, I feel free." She sighed in satisfaction.

"Huh, really?" He chuckled at her dramatical acts. "Grandma is out of the country to spend sometime with her new great-grandchild. Same with dad and mom."

"Hope they stay there a little longer." She wished her parents never returns. The crises between them kept increasing after the Flynns had an upper hand over them in the trial.

"All bad eyes has been casted on you Jin-joo. I mean mom and dad. They eventually hates you more after the trial."

"Oh yeah, like I care?" She laughed girlishly.

"I don't expect you to care either. Infact, am against their risky choice. They have no idea what they're busy playing at."

Sipping from the glass of juice, she sighed as she puts it down, "For me, life is not pathetic." Stirring up a stick of french fry in the sauce. "My life is going well with Sebastian and his family too. I've even got to know more about his father." She exclaimed.

"So, you met with him or uncle Seb told you?"

"Hell no Kang-dae." She rolled her eyes. "I met his father a month ago and we happen to get along out of the blue."

Clasping his hands, he asked, "And uncle Seb? What is he saying about it? Does he know yet?"

Contemplating for a while, she hesitated, "He doesn't have a problem with the flash friendship between his father and I. Infact, the last time he spoke to him was 'Don't hurt my woman the way you hurt me."

"Furious man." He laughed and nodded.

"Seb is higher than that. I think the right word should be cruel." She sighed. "Till now, there's no room of forgiveness for his father in his heart."

"What a stone." He frowned.
