Avoid repeated patterns

"It hasn't been easy, grandma. Besides what could we possibly do? It's my duty and Dong-Hyun's."

Holding her granddaughter's hand in hers, Zhou grinned, "So why don't you tell me, how was your honeymoon with Mr handsome hunk and your sister In-law's wedding?"


Flynn International Group

Ground floor

Mrs McKinney's office

"That's the same thing I said, Liam. But unfortunately I can't help you out."

"Is not that difficult, Stella. You just have to walk up to him--or maybe Ryan and do something." Joining his Palms together, Liam added with a low tone, "Please."

Raising her eyebrows, Mrs McKinney adjusted her glasses and asked, "Why do you sound like I was the one who asked you to misbehave when you were still in the company?"

When Liam ran his hands through his face and took a deep breath, she frowned deeper, "Listen, a blacklist is a blacklist. There's nothing I can do or help you in this situation. Only the CEO has authority to erase your name from the blacklist."

"Stella," Sitting on the chair across the desk, Liam held the desk's edge, giving her an appealing expression, "If you can help me out to get back my job and erase my name from brother Seb's blacklist, I swear I'll reward in time to come."

Liam had waited and prepared for this day to meet with his thought to be stepbrother Sebastian, but at the same time, he found out that his socalled guts are not strong but falling weak to speak to him. He is not even sure if he could stand one bit of chance to explain to Sebastian and tell him the reason why he showed his face again.

"What you asked for, is beyond me, Liam." Placing her elbows on the desk, Mrs McKinney asked, "Have you forgotten so soon how you and your mother came to threaten me to give out the permission form of the company's withdrawal? Have you?"

When Liam nodded his head, she exclaimed, "Very good! And now you come back to seek for my favour? Do you even realize that the CEO almost fired me? The company I've been working with for years since the tenure of the CEO's father. I almost lost it in one day, Liam and that was because of what you and your mother did."

"Listen, Stella, I'm sorry about all of that, okay?" Placing his hand on his chest, Liam tried to explain his new personality, "I'm a different person now. I know it's very difficult for you to see that through my perspective but-"

Cutting him off, Mrs McKinney chuckled, "Different person? Anyway, I don't care to know if you're still the old Liam I used to know--everyone used to know, okay? But it'll be better if you get your damn bloody ass out of my office and out of this building and premises for good. I have work to do. Just imagine the CEO barging in, I don't need to tell you what will happen next when that happens."

Without waiting for him to say anything, Mrs McKinney pulled her laptop closer and started punching in the keyboards as she typed with a low yet soundly clacks.

"Stella, you're the only person I can count on in this whole mess am in right now." Pausing for a while, he leaned his chair closer to the desk and lowered his voice, "My account is almost reading red signal. I'm a family man now. I have a woman I'll be marrying soon and we both have a child."

Family man? Did he just said that? Mrs McKinney who was so fast typing, paused and raised her brows, "Hmm, am happy for you, Liam. So amongst those countless women you've dated--no fucked all these years, you managed to finally pick one. Ah, did she hook you up with pregnancy so you can marry her?"

Getting sucked up with her weird questions, Liam sighed and shook his head. "Mabel, is a lot different from the women I womanized with in the past. I met her as a virgin and she is so committed to me and our relationship. Even when she knew I was a womanizer."

Placing her chin which was rested on her dominant arm, Mrs McKinney slowly nodded in amusement, "Ah, is she? Then I bet you are a lucky man to meet such a woman."

"Stella, seriously I need your help."

"First I'll blow up your mother's attitudes towards me when Mr Flynn was still in power in this company." Taking off her glasses, Mrs McKinney placed it on the desk and continued, "Your mother, Lorena, was so harsh to me. Though I never noticed her spy and dangerous intentions towards Mr Flynn. And you know what?"

When Liam nodded, she chuckled before wearing her glasses an continue typing, "As an old employee of this company, I narrated the whole thing to the CEO and vice president the very first day they took over their fathers positions. And what they did next didn't surprise me at all. To avoid repeated patterns, they both didn't and had never hired a female employee. Majority of the female employees here, were posted to our other branches in various countries."

Thinking for a while, Liam asked, "Is that the reason why males are-"

"Yes Liam," She quickly stated before looking at him. "During your time here, you saw for yourself. The two workaholic bosses doesn't like female employees in this floor. Because after the whole narration, they feared some women might wanna do what your mother did. And for somewhat reasons, I think your face might remind boss about the narration."

"She never got the chance to tell me all these things and me? I suffered brother Sebastian. I looked at him like--you know, a man said to steal away your birth right and-" Running his hands through his face, he took a deep breath. "Now look at my life. So miserable. He wasn't my birth father and-"

Widening her eyes in shock, Mrs McKinney slowly took off her glasses and asked, "Huh? Grayson isn't your biological father?"

Slamming the desk, Liam cursed Lorena, "I swear, that woman is never gonna get away from the bad names she had tag in my life."

"But- I knew it!" Gritting her teeths, Mrs McKinney scoffed, "The very first time she stepped into this company many years ago, I knew she was up to something and a gold digger as well. She was hired to do the job of an assistant but she went above the company's policies and took someone else's husband. Not just doing that alone, your mother also went to far to break an happy home."

Pausing for a while, she asked, "So who is your biological father, Liam?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he stared at her while tapping his fingers on the desk.
