Heading to The Hospital, Looking for Formalin Liquid

"This is troublesome."

"This is the only car I can get my hands on right now,"

"I'm afraid that as the leader of the survivor camp, Tian Hong, will not agree to my request to use the car to preserve my sister's body. "

Jiang Feng pondered.

The only way was to steal the key.

Furthermore, Tian Hong would not agree to him taking away the firearms.

They didn't use guns to deal with zombies.

In order to avoid making noise and attracting zombies, the survivors usually tried their best to avoid it. However, Jiang Feng had to consider the fact that he would need to attract zombies to deal with the humans.

He could also fight against other survivors in closed quarters, inside hospitals, or in tunnels.

Jiang Feng had to bring his gun!

Since that was the case...

Then, he would choose a time.

Jiang Feng thought about it carefully and realized that now was the most suitable time.

Everyone was chatting outside. During nighttime, there would be people patrolling. Moreover, in the dead of night, the patrollers in the camp would pay more attention to the slightest sound.

However, there was one bad thing.

He had just returned, so they were a little concerned about the situation here.

"But fortunately, it's been a while now. Tian Hong and the others shouldn't be so concerned."

Jiang Feng quietly listened to the sounds outside.

He nodded his head!

He carefully used a metal spoon to pry open the window. He tried to remove the wooden boards and iron sheets that were used to prevent the zombies from getting in through the window.

He tied a knot with the cups and curtains and hung down the wall.

Tian Hong's room was next to the second window, with all sorts of guns and bullets inside.

As for the key to the Mercedes-Benz SUV...

It was on Tian Hong!

"Do you guys think Jiang Feng will be fine?"

In the living room, the survivors were gathered together. This was their only comfort in the apocalypse.

Many people in the living room were silent when they heard the tall and thin survivor say this.

In the villa camp, Tian Hong, the leader, had a soft personality and was more considerate to everyone.

Of course, those who could survive the apocalypse, other than being lucky, were also relatively capable.

However, the people in this camp were generally more kind and had a bottom line.

This was also one of the reasons why Jiang Feng, who was not even twenty years old, could survive and grow up in the apocalypse.

Tian Hong frowned and rubbed his chin, then nodded.

"His sister is dead."

"He must be feeling terrible."

Tian Hong patted his wife's shoulder and said, "Go and take a look. "

Tian Hong helplessly shook his head.

"You're usually gentle. Go and comfort him. I think he'll only be willing to listen to a few words from you now."

Yin Ling helplessly nodded her head.

She usually took good care of Jiang Feng and Jiang Tang.

Back then, she had even advised the two of them not to explore the borders of the city.

They couldn't get out.

If there was a way out, had no one tried it in the past three years?

Apart from zombies, the human heart was even more terrifying!

She sighed in her heart, then walked to Jiang Feng's door and knocked on it.

Thump thump thump thump.

There was no response.

Yin Ling wasn't surprised. She had guessed that Jiang Feng would be crying or feeling sad.

Knock Knock!

"Jiang Feng."

Yin Ling shouted.

"Hurry up and come out."

"Everyone's worried about you!"

Thump thump thump!

There was still no response!

"Strange... Why is there no sound at all?"

Just as Yin Ling was about to turn her head and say something to the others, suddenly, there was a click from the door lock.

Jiang Feng pushed the door open. Just as Yin Ling had guessed, there was still some pain, bitterness, and sadness on his face. Those emotions that could not be hidden were emerging.

Jiang Feng tried his best to calm his breathing.

He had just used his fastest speed to enter Tian Hong's room through the outer window, pried open the window, took the pistol and bullets, and put on a bulletproof suit under his clothes!

Jiang Feng forced a smile and nodded.

Yin Ling glanced into the room. The window was blocked by the curtains. She didn't think much about it, but patted Jiang Feng and closed the wooden door. She pulled his hand and walked out as she said, "Jiang Feng."

"My condolences..."

"Everyone was worried about you."

When all the survivors in the living room heard Jiang Feng coming out of the room, they all came over.

Especially Tian Hong.

He walked over and patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder.

Jiang Feng did not say anything and only shook his head.

His expression was very calm as he said indifferently, "I'm fine."

In the eyes of everyone else, Jiang Feng's expression at this moment was...

He was just pretending to be calm after his sister died.

They all gathered around to express their concern. Some patted his shoulder, while others shared their gains during this period of time.

Jiang Feng did not show much of an expression and simply responded.

The key to the off-road vehicle was with Tian Hong! And even if these people were kind, they would not let him drive the car away. After all, it was an important tool for them to search for supplies.

There would also be all sorts of worried expressions. All of this... was a waste of time.

Jiang Feng thought to himself that it would be better if he did not explain much, and in the future... There would be no other connection.

He looked at Tian Hong's pocket, which was slightly bulging.

What many people didn't know was that some really good thieves could also do the same thing as a magician.

To put it bluntly, divert your attention and fool your eyes!

His gaze didn't fall on Tian Hong's pocket. He only watched it from the corner of his eye.

The main thing was to calmly communicate with everyone.

"It's fine. This matter... is over. "

"Jiang Feng, don't participate in the search for supplies for the next seven days. Just rest in the camp for a while."

Jiang Feng nodded.

And he retracted his hand without a sound.

Got it!

However, Jiang Feng did not act rashly. Instead, he remained quiet, his expression calm.

Jiang Feng used the excuse he had already prepared, "I... I'm going to bury my sister's body."

"We'll go with you! It's dangerous outside."

"No need," Jiang Feng refused sternly.

His expression did not allow any room for discussion.

"This... is my own business,"

After Jiang Feng said that, no one said anything else.

Moreover, it was indeed dangerous outside. They thought about it and assumed that he would not go too far away to bury a person.

He should be fine.

Everyone watched as Jiang Feng carried Jiang Tang's body away.

Tian Hong was speechless for a long time, but he suddenly frowned.

"Do you feel that the house has turned cold?" Tian Hong turned to his wife.

The others were also stunned!

In order to hide the camp from the zombies, although they used car-mounted power generation, solar power generation, and other equipment to power the place, they didn't have air conditioning fans.

Usually, the temperature would change according to the weather. After the window was sealed, the temperature would remain constant.

But what was with the sudden cold?

"AI! I feel like it's a little windy?"

"It's coming from your room, Brother Hong!"

Tian Hong furrowed his brows. Why was there wind?

Although he felt that something was wrong, he didn't think of anything.


However, the sudden sound of iron sheets made Tian Hong's expression change.

Was it the sound of the iron sheet on the window? It came from his own room!

"Not good! Something's wrong!"

Tian Hong quickly ran to his room!

He pushed the door open!

The window was wide open!

The bag containing the firearms was wide open. An M1911 pistol and a few boxes of 11.43mm ammunition were missing.

"Brother Hong! Look over there!"


In a silent city surrounded by zombies, even the slightest sound would be heard! About a kilometer away, an off-road vehicle roared!

Even though the engine was modified by the survivors and the sound was softer, it still caught their attention. Tian Hong touched his pocket again. His key was indeed missing!

"T-this kid...? Did he take the key away just now?"

Everyone was stunned, and then they frowned and looked out of the window. It was indeed their car! Following their gazes, they could almost see Jiang Feng sitting in the driver's seat in the distance, expressionless!

Was everything he did just now an act? No, he was indeed still immersed in sorrow! Indeed, he didn't want to show them any false pretenses.

However, so much chaos... Jiang Feng ...

What was he trying to do?

Everyone in the campsite was dazed by the cold wind that blew through the window and carried the stench of the zombies in the city.