Race Against Time, Leaving The Hospital

After Zhang Tong sent his men to guard the entrance, he also sent a group of people to look for Lu Jinhong.

This was the prey he had finally found, and he didn't want to let it get away.

No matter what, he had to get it back.

The accident in the power room might have been caused by He Wei's underlings, so they had to be dealt with as well.

Jiang Feng came to the balcony at this time.

He had planned to go straight to the pharmacy, but the accident in the power room made him a little vigilant.

Thus, he went straight to the rooftop.

He decided to observe the situation first.

Unlike the dimly lit hospital, the rooftop was very bright. It was rare to see the sky so clean.


At this moment, the ground was extremely crowded.

Hearing the noise, the zombies had been approaching quickly.

Jiang Feng's vision was far better than that of ordinary people, and he could even see the rotten flesh on the zombies' face.

He could also hear the sound of air leaking from the zombies' mouths.

After becoming half-zombified, not only did he manage to save his life, but he also improved his five senses, speed, and strength.

These zombies didn't have much intelligence. When they encountered an obstacle, they would just directly crash into it. When there were more zombies, all the obstacles were piled on.

Some zombies had already come in and were trying to climb the doors and windows.

Some of the zombies had huge bodies or long arms.

They were the different types of zombies, and had a more terrifying attack power than ordinary zombies.

If a person had appeared in a group of zombies, he might have already been torn to shreds.

Now, the zombies were surrounding the hospital.

Around the hospital, someone had specially set up a protective grid.

If the hospital still had power, they could rely on the power grid to defend for a while.

However, there was a problem with the power room. The power grid had lost its function, and the original defense network was full of loopholes.

Although there were still sparse gunshots downstairs, they probably wouldn't last long.

In the past, he had once stayed in a similar base for survivors. After an accident, the base was devoured by a group of zombies within ten minutes.

Therefore, this hospital could only hold on for ten minutes at most.

He had to hurry up!

Jiang Feng looked at the ventilation duct next to him and then climbed in.

He was very familiar with the hospital, and taking the ventilation duct would save him a lot of trouble.

After a period of climbing, Jiang Feng finally reached the vent that led to the pharmacy.

Prescription drugs were generally dangerous drugs, including addictive drugs and explosive nitroglycerine, which were usually found in the pharmaceutical lab.

Jiang Feng was looking for nitroglycerin, which was stored in a brown bottle. It was flammable and explosive, and could be made into a bomb.

This was originally a medicine for angina pectoris.

After taking apart a fan from the vent, Jiang Feng took a look.

There were two zombies in the room, and they were standing there motionlessly.

They had entered a dormant state and would wake up immediately if anything happened outside.

Jiang Feng threw the fan on the ground, and when the zombie rushed over, he jumped down and pressed down on the zombies.

A short blade pierced into the brain stem of the zombies and finished them off skillfully.

These were ordinary zombies. After hibernating for a period of time, their speed has not recovered.

After he was done, Jiang Feng found the nitroglycerin in the brown bottle. He gathered all the items together and combined them into a few simple bombs.

After the bomb was set up, he began to walk down to the basement.

It was good that there were enough bombs. This trip was to get some folmalin liquid and a glass tank.

His sister was still waiting for him in the car.

Just ten minutes.

He had to go faster.

As he walked underground, the surrounding environment immediately became dark.

Jiang Feng walked down the dark corridor, avoiding all kinds of obstacles.

They were broken tables and chairs, broken machines, and even skeletons and bones.

After semi-zombification, he had developed night vision.

Now, he could clearly see the medical knowledge on the yellowed publication papers in the hospital corridor.

After walking for a while, he heard some noise near the hospital's freezer.

At the same time, there were also a few flashlights.

"Don't let go of anything in the cabinet behind the door. This woman is injured, and I saw fresh blood nearby. She must not have gone far."

"She killed a few of our brothers. I'm going to make her life a living hell."

"If there's stuff on the ground, she would make some noise even if she walked back."

"Yes, smash those glass bottles too. Who cares what's inside? it's mainly to block the way."

Jiang Feng looked at the young men with sharp blades and sniffed.

It was the smell of formalin.

Half of the hospital's cold storage was used to preserve corpses, so it was normal for there to be formalin nearby.


His little sister needed the folmalin liquid.

He was here for the formalin liquid. He couldn't let them smash the containers like this.

Jiang Feng didn't care if he would make any noise. He took out his pistol, aimed at the few figures in the dark, and fired three shots.

Following the three gunshots, the three men fell to the ground.


After the gunshot, a woman's scream came from a nearby room, and a nervous face emerged from the crack of the door.

Jiang Feng glanced at the face and ignored it.

That group of people should have been looking for her, but it had nothing to do with him.

He only collected the formalin liquid nearby and found a glass tank more than a meter tall. He was ready to go to the hospital supermarket on the basement first floor.

As long as the wall was blown up, he could leave.

Now, about eight minutes had passed.

Time was still tight.

At this very moment.

Lu Jinhong looked at the man who had fired the gun and who was looking for something, and bit her lip.

She was hesitating if she should follow him.

She had killed the few people who were chasing her. This person was definitely not with them. He might have been one of the survivors here.

He might have been injured and was searching for medicine.

She used to be a doctor and had a high status in this survival base, which was why she had been able to survive.

An accident had happened today, which was why she had fallen into this predicament.

Seeing that the man was about to leave, Lu Jinhong struggled to stand up and said, "I'm lu Jinhong. We can go together. I'm very familiar with this place, so I can lead the way."

"Besides, I'm a doctor. I can cure and save people!"

Lu Jinhong expressed her value the moment she opened her mouth. In the apocalypse, skills were the most useful.

One would only be valued by others if they were a useful person.

Jiang Feng had almost finished looking for everything. He was about to leave when he heard the word "doctor" and stopped.

A doctor?

If his sister was still alive, she would need a doctor.

However, she was already dead.

Doctors were only limited to treating and saving people. How could they bring the dead back to life?

As for himself...

He was neither a zombie, nor a human being.

"Get lost!"

Jiang Feng said coldly, not planning to continue paying attention to this woman.

Lu Jinhong, who was about to follow him, stopped in her tracks.

She thought that Jiang Feng would immediately agree and let her follow him after she told him that she was a doctor.

After all, no one could avoid getting hurt.

Now, she was actually rejected.

Could she still want to follow him?

However, what could she do if she didn't follow him?

She didn't have a gun on her, and the gunshot just now would definitely attract people over. Staying here would only lead to death.

The noise behind her started again.

Lu Jinhong turned around to take a look and bit her lip.

At that moment, not only were there people behind her, but there were also zombies quickly approaching.

In the dark, the zombies' eyes glowed red.

Shua shua shua!

She could also hear the breathing of the zombies. It sounded like there were quite a number of them.

A human voice came along with this voice.

"Run! F*ck! Who knew that the zombies would come in like this?"

"Boss, that woman is also here."

"Take her with you. Ask her if she knows the way so that we can find a way out."

"Damn it, this is so unlucky."

"There's a kid I don't know. I think he's the one who caused the power room explosion."

"Then don't let him go."


In the midst of the commotion, a group of people appeared with flashlights.

They had all sorts of blades in their hands, and a few of them had guns.

Their eyes were filled with panic, and they kept looking back as they spoke.

When they saw Jiang Feng and Lu Jinhong, they immediately surrounded them.

Lu Jinhong's eyes were filled with despair.

These people... How did they appear so quickly?