Zombies Can Control Zombies, Can I?

After he left the hardware store, Jiang Feng went straight to the City Center.

The journey wasn't so smooth.

With zombies all over the city, only when there was a certain number of survivors would the roads be cleared.

In most areas, the roads were still impassable, and they had to force their way through.

Compared to other areas where zombies wandered, the City Center didn't have many zombies nearby because there were Devourers that ate zombies.

Besides, information about zombies was life. Jiang Feng didn't know much about the Devourers when he was in the survivor camp.

Unlike most zombies that acted on instinct, the Devourers knew how to take shelter from the wind and rain. Their usual living place was the underground parking lot.

After Jiang Feng parked the car in a hidden spot, he set off with Lu Jinhong.

He was still worried about leaving Lu Jinhong with his sister and the car.

It didn't matter even if Lu Jinhong saw his situation.

If he didn't want the information to be leaked, he would just kill her. Whether it was a short blade or a pistol, he could quickly end this woman's life.

Walking into the dimly lit parking lot, he could see that it was very empty.

It was different from the car parks that he had been to before. The people here seemed to have run out, and only a few cars were parked in place.

Jiang Feng immediately saw the Devourer.

He sat in the middle of the parking lot, on top of a few flattened cars. The cars seemed to form a throne.

Of course, this Devourer was not on the same page as a king.

This was also Jiang Feng's first time seeing a Devourer. It was even more ferocious than he had imagined.

Although there was still a humanoid figure, its head no longer looked like a human.

It was obvious that it had a big mouth with sharp teeth. Its stomach was round and there were some wounds on it that were oozing pus.

The Devourer was sitting on the seat, and there were two zombies beside it, feeding it meat from the corpses.


Jiang Feng frowned slightly. This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

He didn't know that there was a service relationship between zombies.

Lu Jinhong finally got used to the basement environment and could see the Devourer a little more clearly.

She widened her eyes and covered her mouth.

This was a special zombie!

Wasn't coming here now courting death?

She tugged at Jiang Feng and told him to be careful. There was still time to leave.

If the Devourer had its eyes on them, they would not be able to escape.

At this moment...

The Devourer that was eating the rotten meat raised its head and sniffed the air. It also noticed Jiang Feng's direction.

The two zombies under the Devourer seemed to have felt the movement and started to pounce toward Jiang Feng and the woman.

'It's over!'

When Lu Jinhong saw this, her breath was stuck in her throat.

The Devourer had discovered them, and it would be difficult for them to escape.

Jiang Feng looked at the two zombies that were charging at him and confirmed his thoughts.

It turned out that the Devourer could really control other zombies.

'I wonder if I can?'

But it wasn't the time to think about that. He had to deal with the Devourer first.

Jiang Feng pushed Lu Jinhong's hand away and ordered, "You wait here, I'll deal with it!"


Looking at Jiang Feng's back, Lu Jinhong's face was full of question marks.

She had thought that Jiang Feng wanted to find some supplies in the vicinity. After all, few people would come to this area. With a car, it was not impossible to seek wealth in danger.

When she saw the weapon that Jiang Feng had made in the hardware store, she finally realized that Jiang Feng had come for this special zombie.

The two ordinary zombies were cut in half by the longblade.

The two upper bodies were still conscious and tried to crawl up to attack.

However, Jiang Feng had broken their necks with a single kick.


Compared to the other zombies' muffled voices, the Devourer's aura was obviously more powerful.

It stood up, its head almost touching the ceiling beam of the basement.

Its two bucket-sized legs supported its round belly, and its thick arms directly picked up the twisted car next to it.

It had only taken two steps when they could feel the basement shaking.

Jiang Feng didn't wait for the Devourer to approach him. Instead, he took the initiative to approach.

This terrain was still to his advantage.

Even the Devourer couldn't deal with the thick pillars.

After getting close to the Devourer, Jiang Feng calmly swung his long blade. When the Devourer tried to hit him with the car to evade, he attacked and cut at its thigh.

With the sharpness and the weight of the long blade, he could still cut open the skin of the Devourer.

However, it was only the skin.

After the Devourer's skin was cut open, the butter-like fat was exposed, but it would not affect his movements and behavior.

Jiang Feng was not in a hurry. It was good that he could cut it open. He went a little deeper with every slash; he would give the Devourer a fatal blow sooner or later.

The Devourer did not feel any pain. Facing Jiang Feng's attack, it only wanted to catch this cunning prey and did not care about its own injuries.

Facing the attack of the Devourer, Jiang Feng had to be on his guard.

He was only slightly faster than the Devourer.

In addition to the snapping movement, the Devourer would also suddenly accelerate and slam forward, or roll on the spot.

It even looked a little flexible.

If he hadn't noticed the Devourer's attack and used the pillars in the basement to block it, he would have failed.

After a while, when the Devourer was approaching the pillar, Jiang Feng finally stabbed the long blade into its belly and used the force like a lever to cut open the Devourer's stomach.

There were no internal organs inside, only a ball of corrosive yellow water came out.

Even the long blade he made was releasing sounds of corrosion.


After the yellow liquid came out of its stomach, the Devourer let out an angry roar, and its speed seemed to have increased.

The speed of the pounce was even faster!

Jiang Feng changed his position and continued to deal with it calmly.

Even though its speed was faster, he had already figured out the Devourer's patterns.

Besides, the larger the range of movement, the more weaknesses would be exposed.

After fighting with the Devourer with yellow water flowing out of its stomach for a while, Jiang Feng's long blade finally landed on the head of the Devourer, ending its life.

After he was done, Jiang Feng could feel his heart beating faster.

He glanced at the long blade and noticed that it was mottled.

As for his hand, it was also stained with some yellow liquid, and some of his skin had been corroded.

Jiang Feng casually wiped his body and walked towards Lu Jinhong with the blade in his hand.

Lu Jinhong looked at the Devourer on the ground. Her mouth did not close for a long time.

She had thought that she and Jiang Feng were both gone.

But now...

In front of her, Jiang Feng had finished off such a large Devourer.

Was this a change after breaking through the genetic constraints?

Lu Jinhong wasn't sure if this was Jiang Feng's own ability or if it was caused by the changes in his body.

Perhaps, it was both.

Using the pillars in the parking lot was not something that ordinary people could think of.

If it was her, she would have run out of the parking lot in a panic.

She had no doubt that if Jiang Feng wanted to kill her, it would be as easy as brushing dust off his shoulder.

Jiang Feng didn't care about Lu Jinhong's surprised expression and asked the question he had thought about earlier. "Why can the Devourer control and order other zombies?"

Lu Jinhong said that she knew about his own condition, so she might also know about the Devourer.

He was a semi-zombie now.

If the zombies could do it, he should be able to do it too. If that was the case, he would have another helping hand.

At the very least, if zombies could be ordered and controlled, they should be more reliable than humans.

The zombies didn't have complex thoughts. They just wanted to eat some flesh and blood. They weren't afraid of their own kind, nor would they drive them back into the wall.