Unless It's Zombies, It's Impossible To Blow Up The High Wall

Midnight was the time of entertainment for Karon City. The entire city was immersed in red wine and green lights.

Johansson had also arrived in Karon City at this time.

After he decided to perform in Kerry City, he naturally had to be there and familiarize himself with the environment.

Johansson's name might be unfamiliar to ordinary people, but in the hearts of the officials, it was naturally extremely loud.

They needed the help of the John family to have a good official career.

Before Johansson's plane arrived at the airport, Mayor Jeff of Karon City, who had received the news, was already waiting at the airport.

At the airport, there were more than a dozen luxury cars waiting.

There were high-quality women in every car that were specially prepared to accompany Johansson after he chose the car.

He had chosen a nice car and a beauty.

The hotel that was meant to receive Johansson had already been cleared out, and a banquet had been prepared.

Apart from the high-ranking officials of Karon City, there were also the rich and famous people in Karon City. They would all bring their wives and daughters to the party to make it more glamorous.

"We've arrived?"

When he felt that the plane had stopped, Johansson pushed the woman in his arms away and tidied up his clothes with the help of the new flight crew.

"Young Master John, welcome!"

After getting off the plane, Johansson saw Jeff, who was standing in front of the crowd.

He had only learned the mayor's name when he was on the way to Karon City.


Johansson did not shake hands with Jeff, even though he had just put on his white gloves.

He saw a row of luxury cars parked at the side, and he also saw the beauty in them.


At this moment, a smile appeared on Johansson's face.


After he opened the door of one of the cars, Johansson smiled and started to chase people away. "Miss, I like this car. Can you come out for a while?"

The woman looked embarrassed. After seeing Jeff's expression, she got out of the car with her delicate bag.

After Johansson got into the car, the driver started the engine.

Johansson, who was sitting in the car, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples gently.

It wasn't that he didn't like beautiful women.

That woman, in terms of looks, was an 8 pointer in his view, so it was completely fine for her to accompany him all the way.

He only did that so that Jeff wouldn't understand.

He didn't want to be manipulated.

The only one who could make people suffer was himself.

When they arrived at the hotel, Johansson walked into the hall and looked at the guests under the slightly tipsy lights. He joined them with a glass of red wine.

Not until then did a drop of sweat fall off Jeff's forehead.

Johansson had only chosen a car out of the options of beautiful women and beautiful cars, and this made him a little nervous.

The guests were all excited when they saw Johansson.

These people's families were still in Karon City. Although they had the ability to escape when the zombie outbreak occurred, their lives would definitely not be as comfortable as they were now.

Most people were worried about the situation in Karon City.

Many men did not dare to ask directly, for fear of causing Johansson's dissatisfaction. So, they whispered a few words to their wives and daughters, asking them to get closer to Johansson.

In a short while, many beautiful women appeared around Johansson.

Johansson even took off his white mask and casually put it in his pocket.

He was holding hands with the beauty and communicating with her happily.

Among them, a young girl in a light yellow dress looked at Johansson with stars in her eyes and asked, "Young Master John, do you think the survivors will blow up the wall again?"

"Oh, don't worry. There will be a circle of thermal sensors on the high wall. Even if an ant runs under the high wall, it will not be able to hide. The survivors will no longer have the chance to get close to the high wall with the fog."

"If the drones appeared, you would be able to see the survivors with your own eyes. After the drones appear, you would have no sympathy for the survivors. Kerry City is really hell!"

Johansson took a sip of the red wine in his glass and shook his head.

"Is it possible for the survivors to get close to the wall through the underground? What if they buried the explosives underground?"

"Yes, there are oil and natural gas pipes underground. What if they break the pipes and ignite an explosion?"

After Johansson answered one of the questions, the mother and daughter in white dress beside him asked.

There was even a hint of fear on their faces.

They had once seen the appearance of zombies and couldn't imagine how beautiful they would look when they turned into zombies.

"You don't have to worry about that. My father is the manager of a natural gas company. Speaking of natural gas pipelines, the oil and natural gas pipelines at that time were related to my father. I know some of the situation."

"Different from other pipelines, the oil and gas pipelines are made of extremely thick steel pipes. Even the tools of survivors can't make a hole in them."

"If they really want to do that, they will only attract more zombies. You know, the knocking sound just now made many zombies like it."

"Unless this person is a zombie, it's impossible to get close to those pipes. As time goes by, the survivors of Kerry City will have less and less people and supplies. The living people will fight each other. When the drones appear, we can just watch the show."

"Isn't that right, Young Master John?"

The new person was wearing a green suit. After explaining, he even bowed to Johansson apologetically.

"Pa pa pa!"

Johansson put down his glass of red wine and started clapping.

If someone came and asked him a question, he didn't want to answer it so tiredly.

Wasn't it good for beauties to be intimate with each other?

Now that this kid had said so much and saved him from trouble, he naturally felt that this kid was not bad.

"Well said. What's your name?"

Johansson had a smile on his face as he asked for the name of the young man.

"Young Master John, my name is Kerry."

A smile appeared on Kerry's face when he heard Johansson asking for his name.

It was an honor to be asked about his name by Johansson.

He had to try his best to solve Johansson's problem.


At the same time.

Jiang Feng came to a street and ordered the long-armed zombie to open the manhole cover.

The drainage canal under the street would become one of the passages for the next seven days.

At this time, the long-armed zombie had a fire axe in its mouth, while the herculean zombie had a shovel in its hand.

These were the weapons and tools that Jiang Feng had prepared for them. After communicating with their brainwaves, the two zombies had learned how to use the tools.

After the two zombies went down, Jiang Feng stepped on the long-armed Zombie's back and went down.

In the past three years, there had been no human discharging sewage, so the smell inside was not as pungent, and there was a small amount of moss.

"Shua shua!"

After Jiang Feng went down, two more zombies heard the noise and came over.

The herculean zombie bent its back and killed all the zombies that got close.

The sewer was too narrow for the two zombies, and the long-armed zombie had a hunched back.

Jiang Feng glanced at the dead zombie.

The zombies in the sewer were more moist than the ones on the ground. At least, their skin wasn't dry.

There were all kinds of insects and rats in the sewer, and the food was even more abundant than on the ground, so the teeth were sharper and the nails more ferocious than those on the ground.

However, they didn't have the habit of bathing, so they became the source of the smell.

Jiang Feng waved his hand in front of his nose and stepped over the two zombies.

It was not strange for zombies to appear in the sewers.

He already knew that the underground might not be safer than the surface.

When the zombies first swept through Kerry City, there were naturally not many zombies in the sewers.

However, three years had passed. As it was a dark place, many zombies had entered.

Although zombies weren't afraid of the sun, they would easily lose moisture under the sun.


As time passed, the zombies gradually entered the cool buildings and sewers.

With two zombies clearing the way, Jiang Feng continued to walk down the sewer.

Walking in the dark underground gave one a feeling of adventure. You didn't know when a zombie would appear above you or in another sewer.

In the past, he would have reacted in a hurry and crushed the heads of the zombies when they got close to him.

Even if Jiang Feng's face was pressed against a zombie's, he would not have much of an emotional change.


He didn't really like the zombies in the Windy camp. He felt like they were savages.

The two zombies that he had tamed were very good guards. With shovels and fire axes, even ordinary zombies would sense danger and run away.

After walking down the sewer for a while, Jiang Feng stopped.

Above his head was the gathering place where Tian Hong and Yin Ling were. When the high wall was blown up, he had lived on it for a while.

Even the off-road vehicle was still parked in the city center and not returned.

He wanted to go up and take a look.

When his sister was still around, that group of people had taken care of him and his sister.

There was an inexplicable sense of nostalgia.

Seven days later, the high wall would be blown up, and these people would know the situation. Taking advantage of the chaos, they would be able to escape easily.

If these people wanted to leave, he might be able to help.