His Disreputable Friend's Shock and His Wife's External Debts

Chen Zhiyuan, who was humming a tune, had just entered the village when he saw a person with his belly exposed, staggering out of the village. He focused his gaze and saw it was Wang Xiao'er from his group of friends.

Before he could say anything, Wang Xiao'er had already spotted him, and he immediately came over with a smile on his face.

"Brother Zhiyuan, I didn't expect you to be the one to fetch water today. What's wrong? Is your wife sick, or is she on her period?"

Wang Xiao'er circled around Chen Zhiyuan, stared at the bucket, and said with a smile.

"Wang Xiao'er, yesterday, I was drunk and fell on the road. You sons of b*tches abandoned me and ran away. It was Zhu'er who helped me back home. Today, when I woke up, I decided to be a new person and treat her well. I won't hang out with you b*stards anymore."

Chen Zhiyuan put down the bucket and started to curse at the man in front of him.

According to Chen Zhiyuan's memories from his previous life, this guy was not a good person. Even though he kept calling him brother, his mind was all about trying to gain benefits from him. Every time he would eat and drink with his money, he would also borrow his money to gamble, but he would never return it. Whenever Chen Zhiyuan mentioned the matter of returning the money, Wang Xiao'er would only give excuses...

Chen Zhiyuan decided to teach him a good lesson this time.

"Aiya, Brother Zhiyuan, don't be angry. Last night, the three of us were so drunk. We couldn't tell the difference between east, south, west, and north. How would we know that you fell halfway? Here, let me apologize to you first..."

Wang Xiao'er smiled and casually cupped his fists. He was not angry at all. Then, he extended his thumb and forefinger and rubbed them together. "Why don't we go into town again today to drink and gamble? What if we're lucky enough to win back all our losses from the past few days?"

In Wang Xiao'er's opinion, Chen Zhiyuan had a cultured name. He had heard before that he wanted to take the examination for scholarly honor, but every time he heard about drinking and playing Pai Gow, he would immediately put down his books to drink and gamble with them.

Later on, the books that he used to read were pawned by him. Then, he had the idea of stealing money from his wife or robbing her openly. Now that he said he wanted to change, Wang Xiao'er would never believe it.

"What? Wang Xiao'er, you want us to try our luck to win back our losses again? I can go but lend me ten coins first. If I win back the losses, I'll pay you back double. What do you think?"

Chen Zhiyuan pretended to think. His bright eyes glanced at Wang Xiao'er with a hint of a smile as if it had penetrated his soul.

In ancient times, there were things like Mercury. Whether they wanted the people to lose or win, the people behind the casino could arrange it properly. How could they let these poor people who couldn't squeeze out a few drops of profit turn the tables?


Wang Xiao'er hesitated. He vaguely felt that Brother Zhiyuan in front of him was a little different.

Usually, they were the ones who borrowed money from Chen Zhiyuan to gamble. If they won, they wouldn't share the winnings with him. If they lost, they would cry about being poor. In this way, they would renege on their debts and leech on Chen Zhiyuan. He didn't expect that Chen Zhiyuan would actually borrow money from him today.

"What, Brother Wang, are you reluctant? Aiya, usually, you are the one to borrow money from me at the gambling table. I don't hesitate to lend you money whenever I have it. Is this how you treat me now that I want to borrow a few coins from you? If that's the case, it's fine if you don't want to be my brother. In the future, we'll sever our friendship and take it that we were never brothers!"

Chen Zhiyuan pretended to be sad and indignant. He picked up the bucket and was about to leave.

"Aiya, Brother Zhiyuan, wait a minute. It's not that I don't want to lend you money, but I really have nothing left. I only have ten coins. If I lend all of it to you, I can only be a spectator when I go to the town."

Wang Xiao'er hurriedly stopped Chen Zhiyuan. He took out ten coins and gave five coins to Chen Zhiyuan. "Brother Zhiyuan, why don't we try our luck in the casino with five coins each?"

Although Wang Xiao'er's heart was bleeding, he still endured the pain and gave half to Chen Zhiyuan. In order to continue to leech off Chen Zhiyuan in the future, he had put in a lot of money this time.

"Brother Wang, thank you for being forthright."

Chen Zhiyuan caught it and stuffed it into his sleeves. He was about to continue walking home.

"Hey, Brother Zhiyuan, didn't we agree to go to the gambling den in town to test our luck? Why are you walking home!"

Seeing that Chen Zhiyuan was about to go home, Wang Xiao'er was anxious. He stood in front of Chen Zhiyuan and held his arm.

"Brother Wang, don't worry. Zhu'er is not feeling well today. Didn't I go to fetch water? I have to send the water home first."

Chen Zhiyuan was not in a hurry. He put down the bucket and explained patiently. He unintentionally opened his shirt, and a tempting aroma of roasted meat wafted in the wind.

Wang Xiao'er was shocked. He took two more deep breaths to confirm that it was coming from Brother Zhiyuan's body. Then, he looked at Chen Zhiyuan's bulging waist. It was indeed hiding something.

"Brother Zhiyuan, where did you get this high-quality beef? And it's cooked!"

Wang Xiao'er was extremely shocked.

It was definitely beef!

One had to know that cows were an important labor force. Even if a cow died, it had to be reported to the government before one could eat the meat. If anyone killed a cow without permission, they would be charged and sentenced to jail.

All his life, he had only eaten beef once when he was a teenager, and he ate it with the other villagers in Taoyuan Village. The smell of meat at that time was unforgettable to him.

After so many years, he could actually smell the aroma of beef again, and it was during this year of famine.

"Haha, Brother Wang, speaking of which, I am really lucky. Today was my first time fetching water, and I met an otherworldly expert who was also fetching water. We chatted for a while, and he gave me some of his rations. I didn't expect it to be this high-grade beef."

Chen Zhiyuan put his knife on his belt and took out the roast beef wrapped in cypress wood from his waist. He put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.

Wang Xiao'er's eyes were fixed on the lump of beef, and saliva kept dripping from his mouth. In an instant, he forgot about the five coins just now and reached out to take them.

To be able to eat a piece of roast beef with five coins was a sure-win deal!

"Hey, Brother Wang, wait a minute. Good meat has to be matched with good wine. You and I both love to drink wine. How can we be happy without wine?"

Chen Zhiyuan quickly moved his hand away and put the beef back on his waist. He looked at Wang Xiao'er, who was staring blankly, and he said, "Why don't you go and ask Dali and Laosan to gather some money to buy a pot of good wine? I'll go home and ask Zhu'er to divide the meat. You and I can enjoy good wine and good meat. Let's get drunk today. How about it?"

"Okay! I'll go and get Sun Dali and Zhang Laosan to go to town and get a pot of good osmanthus wine. Tonight, we brothers will definitely eat to our heart's content!"

Wang Xiao'er's surprise turned into joy when he heard that. Although a pot of osmanthus wine cost more than 100 coins, they could still gather enough money together. Brother Zhiyuan's piece of beef was about one pound, and each of them could get a few ounces of it. With this amount of money, they could eat a few ounces of high-quality roast beef for more than thirty coins. It was a guaranteed profit!

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Chen Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Looking at Wang Xiao'er running into the village, his eyes gradually narrowed.

What kind of joke was this? This was how he normally leeched on him, and he wouldn't stop until he squeezed everything out of him. Today, he even wanted to borrow money from him, and also eat his meat. He shall let him know what it means to return the favor!


"Zhu'er, come out quickly. I've brought back the water. I have some good stuff for you."

"H-Hubby! Why are you so fast? You must be famished. Eat this first."

Li Zhu'er rushed out of the house with half a bowl of porridge. She looked at Chen Zhiyuan in surprise and handed him a bowl and chopsticks.

Usually, it would take her four hours to fetch water. How did her husband come back in an hour? It was even a bucket full of water.

"Zhu'er, remember in the future, don't casually say that your husband is fast. Do you understand? I won't eat this. Look at this!"

Chen Zhiyuan scratched Zhu'er's nose, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and took out the roast beef in his arms. He also gave Zhu'er half a piece of fresh steak. "Eat the roast beef first, then make a stew tonight. Zhu'er, from now on, I will never let you suffer again."

"Hubby! Am I dreaming? I can't believe it... Boohoo..."

Looking at her husband, who was smiling, Zhu'er covered her face and wept.

Chen Zhiyuan pulled Zhu'er into his arms and comforted her softly. Feeling Zhu'er's well-developed and full body, Chen Zhiyuan, whose physique had just been improved, was instantly moved. His body immediately reacted.

Zhu'er, who noticed her husband's strange behavior, blushed. She quickly struggled out of Chen Zhiyuan's arms and lowered her head, not daring to see anyone.

"Haha, there's no rush. Zhu'er, eat some meat to replenish your body first. We have a lot of time at night..."

Chen Zhiyuan could not help but tease Zhu'er.

Li Zhu'er happily took the roast meat and beef. She frowned slightly and handed it to Chen Zhiyuan. She said softly, "Hubby, I'm afraid we can't eat this meat anymore. Take it to the market and exchange it for some money. Our family has an external debt to pay..."