Master Qingtian Is Wise

Since ancient times, during the year of the great calamity, the people were the focus of the imperial court. Once the people ran out of food, they would either flee in groups and become refugees, or they would go up the mountain and work for the bandits.

If there were too many bandits and people with evil intentions who wanted to incite them, a great calamity would inevitably occur. The bandits who had weapons in their hands and killed people without batting an eyelid would rebel, and a group of people with hoes and wooden sticks would cause trouble. These were two different concepts.

Therefore, the imperial court would crack down on bandits even more during the year of the disaster. Usually, the small bandits who were only locked up for a few months would be sentenced to death after autumn. First, it was to maintain regional security. Second, it was to kill a chicken for the monkeys to see. It was to warn the people not to go against the imperial court.

Chen Zhiyuan knew this clearly.

He believed that as long as the county magistrate was not a fool, the reported achievements of capturing two bandits from the Black Wind Mountain alive and killing six bandits would at least be above average for this year's county magistrate assessment.

If he could take this opportunity to make a large sum of money, even a fool would be tempted.

With this thought in mind, Chen Zhiyuan wrote like a god, and a sheet of complaints was written.

"This county's wealthy businessman, Xu Qingfeng, is rich and heartless. He forcefully tried to snatch a woman. He has long had the intention of disobeying and disrespecting the emperor, secretly storing death warriors, and colluding with the bandits of Black Wind Mountain. On the 7th of this month, he invited the bandits to raid Taoyuan Village. Thanks to the county magistrate's sharp observation, he ordered the villager from Taoyuan Village, Chen Zhiyuan, and the bailiffs of the government office to ambush them in advance. When the bandits entered the village, they led the soldiers and killed one person. The morale of the army was greatly boosted, and the villager and bailiffs followed closely behind. All the bandits were shocked, and they fled in defeat. This battle included capturing two of the bandits' leaders alive, and killing six lackeys..."

Chen Zhiyuan put down his brush and ink, blew dry the paper, and was greatly satisfied.

With this ironclad evidence, and if he performed properly in the county office hall, the Xu family would be finished.

"Villagers, bring the bandits that we killed with you. You must rush to the county office by today and receive the reward from the county magistrate, Master Qingtian!"

Chen Zhiyuan shouted again, and the villagers of Taoyuan Village lifted the corpses on the straw mats and rushed to the county office with the two bandits in tow.

In the evening, a group of people finally arrived at the county town. When they saw so many straw mats, the surrounding people immediately gathered around them. The bailiffs guarding the door thought that someone from some other village had starved to death, and they wanted to come to the county office to cause trouble. Hence, they quickly came up to drive the crowd away.

When they heard Chen Zhiyuan say, "These are the bandits of Black Wind Mountain who were killed by the county magistrate's men, and they specially came to let the county magistrate examine their bodies." In an instant, one of them shouted and ran to the county office, while the other immediately opened the way to lead Chen Zhiyuan and the others in.

Qingshui County Office.

Back hall.

County Magistrate Liu Qingshan was sitting at the dining table, hugging his newly accepted concubine and flirting with her. The concubine was holding a wine jug in her left hand and a wine glass in her right hand as she was feeding wine to Liu Qingshan's mouth.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door.

"County Magistrate, County Magistrate, something big has happened! That Black Wind Mountain... There are bandits on Black Wind Mountain who have gone down the mountain..."

The person did not even greet him and fell with his face down.

The concubine who was feeding the wine was so scared that she poured a cup of good wine into Liu Qingshan's nose.

"Cough cough cough! Adviser Tang! What did you say? The bandits on the Black Wind Mountain have come down from the mountain? They are coming to the county town? Quick! Quick! Quickly gather the bailiffs and the militia to go up the city wall to defend the city!"

Liu Qingshan did not have time to wipe the wine. He suddenly got up and threw the concubine onto the ground. He picked up Adviser Tang's collar and hurriedly said.

"Cough cough! County Magistrate, don't be anxious. I haven't finished speaking. The bandits on Black Wind Mountain have gone down the mountain, but they were killed by your men..."

Adviser Tang got up, cleared his throat, and continued.

"I sent people to kill the bandits who came down from Black Wind Mountain... Wait... When did I send people... What kind of nonsense is this!"

Hearing that the bandits were not attacking the town, Liu Qingshan felt relieved again. Then, he scratched his head and became confused.

"Yes, County Magistrate, you didn't send people to kill the bandits, but the guards reported it like this. The leader is called Chen Zhiyuan, and he is coming to the county office with the corpses of the bandits."

Adviser Tang finally finished his words, and he was also confused.

"Heading to the county office?"

Liu Qingshan quivered and quickly ordered his concubine, who was still rubbing her buttocks, "Quick, change my clothes for me. I'm going to the court!"

The angry concubine didn't dare to say anything. She hurriedly pulled out Liu Qingshan's official uniform and put it on for him.



"Cough! Who came to the court? What is the matter?"

Qingshui County Magistrate Liu Qingshan opened the court overnight and looked at Chen Zhiyuan and the others who came in and asked.

At this time, there was already a crowd outside the county office.

"I am Chen Zhiyuan, a commoner. I am here to report the good news to Master Qingtian. This is my written complaint. Master Qingtian will know at a glance."

Chen Zhiyuan told the villagers to put down the corpses and weapons of the bandits and handed the written complaint to him.

Liu Qingshan opened the written complaint, and his eyes grew brighter and brighter. He put down the paper and looked at Chen Zhiyuan with admiration, and he hit the gavel. "Men, ask those two bandits who they are and how many bandits there are on Black Wind Mountain!"


Four bailiffs stepped forward and held the heads of the two bandits with the fire sticks in their hands. They shouted, "Why don't you reply to the county magistrate honestly!"

"Master Qingtian, we were wronged. I am not a bandit on the Black Wind Mountain. My name is Li Chuang, and I have great strength. Because I owed three strings of coins in Lord Xu's gambling house, someone from the Xu Residence came to me yesterday and told me that I and a dozen other bandits shall claim that we are from the Black Wind Mountain, and we will go to Taoyuan Village to kill a man named Chen Zhiyuan and his wife. Not only did they help me to clear my debt, but also gave me ten strings of coins. I am really not a bandit. Master Qingtian, please spare my life!"

One of the two captives shouted that he was wronged, while the other only cared about kowtowing for mercy.

When Liu Qingshan heard that it was just a disguise sent by the Xu Residence, the joy on his face immediately disappeared, and he glanced at Chen Zhiyuan again.

Chen Zhiyuan was already prepared. He took two steps forward and pointed at the two people on the ground. "Impudent! How dare you spout nonsense in court! When you reported your name last night, you were still called Li Chuang, nicknamed Soul Chasing Saber. You're the third brother on Black Wind Mountain. And Zhao Da next to you with the nickname Grass Flier is the sixth brother. You said that as long as you have the people on Black Wind Mountain and with the Xu family's wealth, it's enough to pull up an army. One day, you'll charge into the capital and make your elder brother the emperor, and the Xu family's elder brother the prince, and bestow all of you as the great generals..."

"Bullsh*t! When did I ever call myself Soul Chasing Saber? Master Qingtian, please help us!"

Li Chuang's face turned green with fear when he heard Chen Zhiyuan's words. He quickly begged for mercy again.

Chen Zhiyuan immediately cupped his fists and stepped forward. "Master Qingtian, this person still dares to shout in court and disrespect you. He even dared to say that he was not the leader of the bandits. Luckily, Master Qingtian, you were very observant and had laid an ambush in advance. First, you defeated the enemy's vanguard, then you raided the Xu Residence and seized the wealth of the Xu family. Otherwise, if they really joined forces, it would be a huge mess..."

Chen Zhiyuan had already understood the county magistrate's mentality. The county magistrate's first goal was political achievements, and the second goal was money. It was impossible for him, Liu Qingshan, not to want this wave of good fortune!