I Want Xu Qingfeng's Life

Xu Residence.

Xu Qingfeng was lying on the bed drinking a little wine, fantasizing about his subordinates bringing Chen Zhiyuan's head and Miss Li over.


The door opened. Someone walked in but didn't report it.

Xu Qingfeng hurriedly raised his head and saw Butler Kang walking over in a hurry with a serious expression.

"Uncle Kang, what's wrong? What happened?"

When Xu Qingfeng saw Butler Kang's serious expression, an ominous feeling arose in his heart, and he hurriedly asked.

"Young Master, Kang Nian did not come back. Moreover, I just heard from the servants that a person named Chen Zhiyuan carried a few corpses to the county office in the evening."

Butler Kang's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of worry.

Kang Nian was his son. Only by sending such a person could he be completely at ease. But now that his son didn't come back, the person with the same name as the one the young master wanted to kill had swaggered into the city. His son might have already met his doom.

"What! Uncle Kang, how could you send Xiao Nian? That's so dangerous. That bastard Chen Zhiyuan is really lucky. Xiao Nian couldn't even kill him! Hey!"

Xu Qingfeng sat up and sighed angrily. He heavily hammered his own leg.

"Young Master, you don't have to worry too much. I've already sent people to the county office to investigate. Heaven helps the worthy. Xiao Nian should be fine. I'm only here to report to you. I'll be leaving first..."

Butler Kang said this as if he was comforting himself. He was just about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the courtyard.

Following that were the panicked screams of the servants of the Xu Residence.

"Under the orders of the county magistrate, we are here to arrest the rebel Xu Qingfeng. Everyone with the surname Xu is wanted. The rest of you are not allowed to leave the residence. After the officials verify your identity, you will be allowed to leave!"


In front of the main entrance of the Xu Residence, Chen Zhiyuan held an official document in his hand and read it out loud.

The officials on both sides continuously rushed in to receive the orders. The entire Xu Residence was already in a mess.

Although the Xu Residence had many domestic servants and usually dared to punch and kick the commoners, when they faced the officials, they were like rats meeting a cat. After all, attacking the officials was equivalent to going against the imperial court directly. It was no different from rebelling. At this moment, there were already a bunch of people squatting in front of the main entrance of the courtyard residence.

"It's Chen Zhiyuan! He actually brought the officials to the Xu Residence! And I even became a rebel! This damned county magistrate! What about Military Governor Zhao? I usually gave him so much money, but now I can't even get a message out! I'm going to fight Chen Zhiyuan to death!"

When Xu Qingfeng heard Chen Zhiyuan's voice in the room, his lungs were about to explode. He immediately jumped off the bed, wanting to fight Chen Zhiyuan to death without even putting on his shoes.

Butler Kang hurriedly pulled him back and advised him, "Young Master, you can't go. Chen Zhiyuan came with an official order. If you go and look for him now, won't you be walking into a trap?"

"Uncle Kang, then what do you think I should do? I don't know what method Chen Zhiyuan used to actually persuade that pig-headed county magistrate!"

Xu Qingfeng's feverish head instantly became clear after being pulled. He asked Butler Kang with a crying face and a sobbing tone.

Chen Zhiyuan had already made it clear what would happen to the rebels if they came to capture Xu Qingfeng. Other than those who succeeded in changing the dynasty, the rest would die.

It was obvious that the Xu family did not have the ability to change the dynasty.

"Young Master, as long as you're still alive, you still have hope. I'll protect you to the back door."

Butler Kang composed himself and made a decision immediately.

He had been the Xu family's butler all his life and had watched Xu Qingfeng grow up. He had feelings for the Xu family and could not bear to see the only child of the Xu family die here.

"Alright, I'll take some money and leave!"

"Young Master, what's the point of bringing money at a time like this? Just put on your shoes and leave."

Butler Kang grabbed Xu Qingfeng, who was about to rummage through the house and dragged him out of the room and into the backyard.

Just as they reached the backyard, an old man walked up to them with a walking stick and questioned Xu Qingfeng angrily, "Feng'er, what kind of sin have you committed? How did the Xu family become a rebel!"

"Father! I didn't rebel! It was Chen who framed me. That pig county magistrate has completely forgotten the benefits we gave him. He's really not a good person. Father, I'll go out and hide for a while."

Xu Qingfeng hurriedly said as he walked straight to the back door.

"Shut up! How dare you insult the county magistrate, you unfilial son! Come, follow me to explain to the county magistrate! Otherwise, don't call me father!"

Old Master Xu stopped Xu Qingfeng and pulled him to the front yard.

"Father! I'm already labeled as a rebel, so how am I going to explain? Chen had blocked the front door, and he wants my life. Who am I going to explain to? Father, let me go and hide first!"

In his panic, Xu Qingfeng suddenly shook off his father's hand.

Old Master Xu could not stand straight and fell to the side. Coincidentally, he bumped into the rockery, and immediately, his face was covered in blood.


"Old Master!"

Xu Qingfeng and Butler Kang were shocked and quickly went forward to check. Unfortunately, Old Master Xu was already old, and his breathing was shallow.

"Young Master, you run first. Let me take care of the Old Master."

Butler Kang carried Old Master Xu and said to Xu Qingfeng again.

Xu Qingfeng gritted his teeth. After looking at his father for a while, he ran toward the back door again.

Finally, he reached the back door.

Just as he opened the door, he saw a big man dressed in a bailiff uniform and two bailiffs surrounding him.

"Yo! Lord Xu, where are you going in such a hurry?"

The burly man held the hilt of his knife and walked forward step by step, grinning as he asked Xu Qingfeng.

"Chief Wang, Chief Chen was right. This kid really tried to escape through the back door. It's not a waste of our efforts to stop him."

The two helpers held the metal locks and sized up Xu Qingfeng with the same mischievous smile.

When Xu Qingfeng heard the words "Chief Chen", he immediately became furious. He stared at the three of them and asked, "Is Chen Zhiyuan Chief Chen that you mentioned?"

"That's right. The new chief's surname is Chen, and his name is Zhiyuan. Lord Xu, you guessed it accurately!"

Bailiff Wang was still smiling.

"Bailiff Wang, how could Chen become the chief the moment he arrived, and he even stole your position?"

Xu Qingfeng calmed down instead. He did not forget to sow discord.

"Naturally, the county magistrate values him. Also, Chief Chen is generous and treats us as brothers."

Bailiff Wang answered quickly.

"How could a person who lives in a thatched cottage be generous? Would he be so loyal to treat you as a brother when he's a newcomer?"

Xu Qingfeng sneered and stared at Bailiff Wang.

"I, Chen Zhiyuan, live in a thatched cottage. But Lord Xu, you are generous. You gave me 10,000 coins, and I gave the county magistrate 5,000 coins. So today, I can bring people to raid your house. There are still 5,000 coins left. I will give another 1,000 coins to my brothers. It's not a big deal, but at least it's more generous than you buying a life with 10,000 coins."

"In addition, I, Chen Zhiyuan, don't dare to say that I'm loyal or anything, but I dare to swear in front of the entire world that if someone treats me as a brother, I will treat him as a brother for the rest of my life. As long as I have something good, I will benefit them as well. If I go against my words, I will be struck by lightning!"

"How is it? Is it enough, Lord Xu? You're the scum who went back on your words and forced your own father to death. Do you think you're qualified to judge me?"

A faint voice came from behind.

Xu Qingfeng felt cold sweat all over his body, and the strength under his feet slowly faded away.

"Greetings, Chief Chen!"

Bailiff Wang and the two helpers saluted one after another. After hearing Chen Zhiyuan's words, they were even more excited. They felt that they had followed the right person.

"Brother Wang, you have worked hard. Leave the rest to me. You can go to the front yard and do your work," Chen Zhiyuan replied with a smile.