All Thanks to Brother Zhiyuan

Looking at Pockmark Wang, who hurriedly withdrew his hand and placed it somewhere else, as well as the dumbfounded Chen Dali and Zhang Laosan, Chen Zhiyuan took the initiative to reach out his hand. He grabbed the hands of Pockmark Wang and the others, and he comforted them, "It's alright. We're from the same village, and we often call each other brothers. My brothers, you've suffered."

"As expected, it's still my Brother Zhiyuan. Dali, Laosan, Brother Zhiyuan didn't forget us."

When the three of them saw that it was still the same familiar Chen Zhiyuan, they immediately started crying again.

When the bailiff who had stretched out his saber just now saw Constable Chen taking the initiative to call the three of them brothers, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly apologized, "C-Constable Chen, I didn't know that these three people are from the same village as you..."

"You're overthinking, brother. It's not a crime to not know, and you're doing this out of kindness. If it was an assassin and not a brother of mine, I'd have to thank you for saving my life instead."

Chen Zhiyuan turned around with a smile and patted the bailiff on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

"Constable, with these words from you, it's enough. If you were to encounter an assassin one day, I, Old Hu, will be the first to rush forward and block the attack for you!"

The bailiff immediately smiled and raised his head, patting his chest with a "bang bang" sound as he loudly promised.

"Sigh! Brother Hu, don't curse me. I don't want to encounter an assassin, and I don't want you to block the attack for me."

Chen Zhiyuan said jokingly. He raised his head and glanced at the dozens of bailiffs around him, laughing loudly. "Able to work together with you brothers in this lifetime, that is the fate that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes. We have to drink big bowls of wine and eat big mouthfuls of meat together. Every day, we can hug our wives and children and warm our beds. We can live peacefully through this life. No one is allowed to mention the words of death."

"Constable Chen, you're right!"

"That's right, Constable Chen, you're right. We work together because of fate. We should drink and eat together. How can we talk about death every day? Brothers, don't you agree?"


All the bailiffs were excited. They raised the weapons in their hands and shouted.

Wasn't the purpose of being a bailiff in the government office to lead an easy and comfortable life? Chen Zhiyuan's words hit the nail on the head.

Pockmark Wang and the other two completely lost their train of thought.

Yesterday, their Brother Zhiyuan had been addressing them as brothers. Today, he had become the constable of squad three of the county office. It had only been a day, and in just one day, he had convinced a squad of bailiffs to serve him.

Was this really their Brother Zhiyuan, who had been drinking and gambling with them? Could it be that their brother is really blessed by an immortal?

The three of them looked at each other, their expressions involuntarily becoming much more restrained.

In the future, they can't call him Brother Zhiyuan anymore. They have to address him as Lord Chen.

They can't be ungrateful just because he called them brothers out of politeness.

Although the constable was just a lowly official in the county office, in this small plot of land in Qingshui County, he was still above tens of thousands of people.

"Alright, then I'll have to trouble all of you to carefully identify the servants of the Xu Residence. Bring those who have worked in the Xu Residence for more than ten years back to the government office for questioning, and release them on the spot once their background is cleared. Also, the money and personal belongings of the Xu Residence must be counted as soon as possible. Bring them back to the county office for the county magistrate to deal with so that we can receive the reward!"

Chen Zhiyuan gave another order. All the bailiffs were already full of energy, and they nodded in agreement.

After giving all these instructions, Chen Zhiyuan brought Pockmark Wang and the other two to the main hall of the Xu Residence to rest.

"Brother Zhiyuan... Oh, no, Lord Chen, you're busy with official business. The three of us will go back by ourselves now. I guarantee that we won't cause you any trouble."

Pockmark Wang stepped forward respectfully and said flatteringly, not daring to breathe loudly at all. The other two hurriedly nodded.

"Brother Wang, there's no need to be so reserved. We're from the same hometown, and not to mention that I'm just a minor official. Even if I become a county magistrate or even a prefectural magistrate one day, we'll still be from the same hometown. There's no way to change that!"

Chen Zhiyuan stood up and said.

"Although that's what you said... But Bro... Lord Chen, I, Wang Er, will speak frankly on behalf of the three of us. In the past, we've offended you a lot. Now that you don't blame us, it's already a blessing that we've cultivated for several lifetimes. Now that you're working in the government office, and you're even a new official, we can't give you any more trouble."

Pockmark Wang finally mustered up the courage to say these words.

"Hehe, looks like you guys still have some self-awareness. You know that you've cheated me quite a bit in the past."

Chen Zhiyuan took a sip of the top-quality fragrant tea from the Xu Residence and looked at the three of them with a smile.

"Lord Chen, spare us! The three of us were not sensible in the past. We won't dare to do it again."

"Yes, yes, Lord Chen, spare us..."

The three of them hurriedly knelt down, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Chen Zhiyuan deliberately waited for a moment, then he sat down and ordered, "All of you, get up. I didn't say that I would hold you accountable. I can wipe the slate clean of what happened in the past. What you do from now on is up to you. You can go back on your own. I really can't get away today, so I won't send you off."

"Thank you, Lord Chen. Thank you, Lord Chen. We wouldn't dare to trouble you to send us off. We'll go back now. We'll take our leave."

When the three of them heard that Chen Zhiyuan didn't blame them, they were so happy that they almost jumped up. They hurriedly stood up and bowed, then walked out of the door.

Walking out of the room, Pockmark Wang quietly turned his head to take a look. When he saw that Chen Zhiyuan was still lowering his head and thinking about something, he was completely relieved. He quickly walked past the Xu Residence's courtyard.

He walked to the front door.

When the two bailiffs guarding the door saw the three of them coming out, they changed their expressions and smiled. "Brothers, are you going home now?"

"Yes, yes. We don't dare to cause any trouble for Lord Chen. We'll go back right away."

Pockmark Wang smiled back.

"It's getting late. Take this lantern. Be careful on the road."

The bailiff nodded and greeted them. He handed the lantern in his hand to them and instructed them.

"Lord Bailiff, how can I do this? You still need it..."

Pockmark Wang quickly waved his hand and refused.

"It's fine. It's from the Xu Residence anyway. I'll just go in and get another one. Take it."

The bailiff shoved the lantern in his hand to them, then ordered someone to get another one.

The three of them held the lantern, their hearts racing.

They had been hanging around the market for a long time. Usually, when these bailiffs from the government office saw them, they would either blackmail or chase them away like rabbits. When had they ever been so polite as today?

It was all thanks to Brother Zhiyuan...

Four hours passed.

Chen Zhiyuan was about to doze off while drinking his tea.

At this moment, a person quietly walked in, and he whispered into his ear, "Chief Chen, the silver and treasures of the Xu Residence are almost all accounted for. The servants that should be released have also left. It's just that I don't know how to deal with Xu Qingfeng's wives and concubines. I've asked around. Three of them have family backgrounds. Another three are the daughters of the common people who were snatched away. One of them was snatched away by Xu Qingfeng when her parents were beaten to death. Right now, she's homeless, but she looks quite pretty. If Chief Chen is interested..."

When Chen Zhiyuan opened his eyes, standing in front of him was Bailiff Wang with a slightly wretched smile.