The Bet With Xiahou Yong

Coming out of the hall of the county office, Chen Zhiyuan felt comfortable all over. If he did this job well, he would be one step closer to his goal.

"Are you Chen Zhiyuan? I heard that you personally killed the bandits of Black Wind Mountain and used this opportunity to raid the Xu family who committed crimes in the county. When the people in the city talked about you, they were full of praise. I didn't expect you to be such a lowly person who flatters and fawns."

Just as he walked out of the county office, Chen Zhiyuan heard such an ear-piercing remark.

Chen Zhiyuan turned his head to look. It was indeed Commander Xiahou. It was clear that he did not leave after coming out of the office and was specifically waiting for him.

"Commander Xiahou, in terms of official positions, I am your junior. However, I am still working for the imperial court. How can you insult my innocence like this?"

Chen Zhiyuan retorted expressionlessly.

"Isn't that so? The county has no money or food, so they can't recruit soldiers or forge weapons or armor. You, a small constable, naturally can't afford such a huge sum of money. The most you can do is to use your good reputation these days to encourage the ignorant people to go up the mountain to suppress the bandits and become your bargaining chip to flatter the county magistrate!"

Xiahou Yong turned around and looked at Chen Zhiyuan as if he had seen through everything. His eyes were filled with disdain.

"Commander Xiahou, if you continue to insult my innocence, don't blame me for offending my superiors!"

Chen Zhiyuan stared at Xiahou Yong with a cold face.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? I, Xiahou Yong, have grown up and have beaten up countless people. If you beat me in a fist fight, I can take back my words!"

Xiahou Yong had a provocative look on his face. He rubbed his wrist twice and continued to look at Chen Zhiyuan.

He had absolute confidence in his own martial strength. By saying these words, he was deliberately trying to let this young constable attack. It would be best if he beat him up until he could not get out of bed for a few days to prevent him from encouraging the commoners to go up the mountain and send themselves to their deaths.

"Commander Xiahou, in front of a government office, a constable fighting with a general will inevitably make the commoners laugh. Why don't we move to a quiet place?"

"That would be great!"

The two of them stopped talking and agreed to leave the city together.

When they came to the wilderness, the two of them picked a flat ground and stood on it.

Chen Zhiyuan cupped his fists and said, "Commander Xiahou, please excuse me."

"I, Xiahou Yong, have been practicing martial arts since I was young. Attacking a constable feels like bullying. You should attack first."

Xiahou Yong raised his hand and invited him. The disdain on his face also disappeared.

Chen Zhiyuan was a constable, but he actually wanted to attack a general like him. This really made him admire him a little.

Moreover, when he saw Chen Zhiyuan's walking and standing posture, his lower body was extremely stable. He could tell that he was a martial artist with one look. This also made him more or less stop looking down on him.

"Commander Xiahou, be careful!"

Chen Zhiyuan reminded him and flew out with his fist.

His body had been strengthened by both the physique strengthening elixir and the Gamma Body Technique. He had also combined the fist techniques from the body technique and the fist techniques that he had secretly learned from Xu Qingfeng.

In this small Qingshui County, it would not be so easy for him to find a decent opponent. Today, he would be more than happy to have a chance to fight with Commander Xiahou.

If he won, he would be able to destroy Commander Xiahou's prestige.

If he lost, he would treat it as a learning experience. A constable could not defeat a proper general, and he was even a commander. It would not be shameful if this matter spread out.

"Good timing!"

Xiahou Yong turned his hand into a palm and faced Chen Zhiyuan's fist.

Just as he received the fist, his expression immediately became serious, and the little bit of pride he had left just now disappeared completely.

As the saying goes, "When an expert makes a move, they will know what it is".

Although Chen Zhiyuan was only a constable, his fists technique could not reach this level without more than ten years of training.

The two of them exchanged a few quick punches, and it was a draw.

This was the first time Chen Zhiyuan felt the pressure. He used all the fist techniques in his body techniques and the fist techniques that he had mixed together, but they were both blocked by Xiahou Yong.

After nearly a hundred moves, both of them were attacking and defending, but neither of them could do anything to the other.

Not long after.

The two of them were sweating profusely, and they were breathing heavily.

After a few more moves.

"I'm not fighting anymore! If we keep fighting like this until the sky turns dark, there won't be any results. Constable Chen, if you have such ability, why are you willing to be a constable in this small county office? Wouldn't it be great to join the army and protect the country?"

Xiahou Yong took the initiative to withdraw his fist and sat down on the ground, panting like an ox. He looked at Chen Zhiyuan in confusion and asked.

"Commander Xiahou, People's circumstances are not the same. I have a lovely wife who's alone at home. Most of the people in the village are old, weak, sick, and disabled. Today, the world is full of bandits. If I leave, who will take care of them? Why don't I become a constable and do a few good things for the people? I can also take care of my fellow countrymen."

Chen Zhiyuan also lay on the ground. He could not help but sigh that there was indeed someone better than him.

He had used a cheat and obtained a draw for a fight with the people of this era. Moreover, he was not even thirty years old and was already a commander. If nothing unexpected happened, there would definitely be a place for Xiahou Yong in this era in the future.

"That's true. I was too extreme. Let me apologize to you."

Xiahou nodded, stood up solemnly, and bowed to Chen Zhiyuan. Then he asked, "However, there's something I still want to ask you. The bandits on Black Wind Mountain are extremely fierce, and there must be a lot of them. Constable Chen, no matter how good your kung fu is, you can't take down Black Wind Mountain alone. You must recruit soldiers. Even if you only recruit 500 people, each of them will have to eat and drink, and a salary has to be given. That's a huge sum of money. How can you raise it?"

"Commander Xiahou, why don't we make a bet? If I can recruit enough local army without coercing them, and they are willing to voluntarily go up the mountain to help me exterminate the bandits, then you and I can become sworn brothers. We will share each other's fortune and difficulties. What do you say?"

Chen Zhiyuan sat up and looked at Xiahou Yong with a smile.

He had decided that he had to tie Xiahou Yong up by his side. He wanted to develop his power. If something really happened in the future, he might have to mobilize his army to do something big.

He must not let Xiahou Yong lead his army to clean up his mess. That would be a big problem.

If he could get him to acknowledge him now and build a closer relationship with him, he might be able to use him in the future.

"Good! If you can really do it, I will acknowledge you as my brother. What's the harm?"

Xiahou Yong did not doubt it. He stood up and extended his left hand.

Chen Zhiyuan laughed and stood up. He shook firmly with his right hand and said, "In five days, I will definitely let you see the results."

"I'll wait. Let's part ways here. Although the garrison is in chaos, I am still the commander. I can't just ignore it. See you in five days."

Xiahou Yong laughed out loud as well.

The two of them parted ways.

Chen Zhiyuan hurried home again. He left early today. There were still two women at home. He did not know if Zhu'er had sent them home. He would be getting busy now. His own secrets, naturally, the fewer outsiders knew, the better.