The Man in Black in the Military Governor's Residence

Zhao Residence.

It was already evening when Zhao Dengming returned home. He sat on the stone bench in the courtyard and did not speak for a long time.

There were all kinds of bird cages hanging in the courtyard. Beautiful thrushes and elfins were jumping up and down happily. However, at this moment, he was not in the mood to appreciate them.

He had impulsively gambled away his family property. Now, he did not know how to explain it to this large family.

"Master, Constable Chen from the county office is here. He said that he has something important to discuss with you."

The butler of the manor rushed over to report.

"Constable? Why is the constable looking for me? I'm not meeting him!"

Zhao Dengming said with some anger. He looked at the butler who was about to leave and said again, "Wait... is that Constable Chen the 'Door Breaking Knife' Chen Zhiyuan?"

"Yes, Master!"

The butler immediately turned around and replied.

"Then I'll meet him. Let him in."

Zhao Dengming changed his tone and sat in the pavilion in the courtyard.

The butler rushed out, and in a short while, the two of them walked in.

"Constable Chen Zhiyuan of the county office greets Military Governor Zhao."

Chen Zhiyuan took the initiative to bow.

"Save the formalities. Constable Chen, you're a rare guest. May I know why you are here today?"

Zhao Dengming picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and asked.

"Military Governor Zhao. The county magistrate has ordered me to exterminate the bandits of Black Wind Mountain. I have been ordered to claim 500 sets of leather armor, swords, and spears."

Chen Zhiyuan explained his purpose for coming.

Although he had already known from Wang Shan that the armor in the armory had been sold by this military governor, he still had to say some polite words.

"Constable Chen, you should know that my armory was originally designed for garrisons. Only during wartime can it be deployed by the county magistrate. That requires the county magistrate to issue an order. I can only assign armor and weapons after I see the registered local soldiers. However, I heard that you did not ask for a single coin and a grain from the county magistrate. You must not have recruited local soldiers. Now, you came to me to ask for armor and weapons. Could it be that you want to store them for other uses?"

Zhao Dengming heard Chen Zhiyuan's intentions and spoke in a sinister tone.

"You must be joking. I asked for money and food from the county magistrate. However, the county magistrate said that the money and food in the treasury had long been used for disaster relief and needed time to prepare. He asked me to recruit soldiers first and distribute them later. However, without weapons and armor, I cannot train soldiers. If I cannot train soldiers, I cannot exterminate bandits. When that time comes, the county magistrate will blame me..."

Chen Zhiyuan's expression did not change. He looked at Zhao Dengming and said slowly.

"Impudent! Are you threatening me?"

Zhao Dengming was furious when he heard that.

As the military governor, he was under the orders of the military. Usually, he could also choose to obey the orders of the county magistrate. In other words, even the county magistrate of Qingshui County would not dare to speak to him like that. Now, a mere constable dared to use the name of the county magistrate to pressure him. How could he tolerate this?

"Military Governor Zhao, I also know that you lost a lot of money in the East Alley today. However, if it wasn't for the urgent matter of exterminating the bandits, I wouldn't have come here today to trouble you. If you're willing to accommodate, I am willing to investigate if there are any problems with the two new gamblers."

Chen Zhiyuan looked up at Zhao Dengming and said calmly.

"Constable Chen, what do you mean..."

Zhao Dengming immediately calmed down when he heard that.

Constable Chen even knew about the two people who gambled with him. It was obvious that he was extremely familiar with the gambling matter today. It sounded like he wanted to help him get back the deed to the house.

He was a little hesitant as he couldn't figure out what Chen Zhiyuan was planning.

"Military Governor Zhao, I'll be straightforward. You gambled a lot in the casino today, and I saw those two gamblers seemed to be trying to lure you to gamble with them. If you help me to get these 500 sets of armor and weapons, I will help you find out the truth and recover the money. How about that?"

Chen Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Dengming and said confidently.

The deed to the Zhao Residence was in his hands. Naturally, he knew that the value of this deed was much higher than the value of 500 sets of weapons and armor.

However, to him, these 500 sets of weapons and armor were related to whether he could eliminate the bandits and obtain the title of nobility to develop his own power. This title of nobility was much more important than this house.

At this moment, he and Zhao Dengming were taking what they needed. He believed that Zhao Dengming would not refuse this condition.


Zhao Dengming finally confirmed it. Chen Zhiyuan already knew about the incident at the gambling den.

Although he had sold quite a lot of the weapons and armor in the armory, he could order the craftsmen to forge them. At most, he would have to pay with his own money. He had to get his property back.

"I, Chen Zhiyuan, have always been a man of my word. Military Governor Zhao, you will help me prepare 500 sets of weapons and armor in four days. I will help you to get back the property that you lost in the bet."


The two of them high-fived and agreed, and the atmosphere in the courtyard gradually eased up.

"Since that's the case, I won't disturb you anymore, Military Governor Zhao. Goodbye."

Chen Zhiyuan stood up and said goodbye.

"Constable Chen, take care. Butler, send Constable Chen off for me."

After Zhao Dengming instructed the butler, he sat in the courtyard comfortably drinking tea and playing with the birds.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Zhao Dengming.

"Ha! It seems that Lord Zhao is living too comfortably in town. You can't even see through such a simple trick. Unlike us brothers who live a hard life on the mountain."

A man in black sat on the stone bench beside Zhao Dengming, picked up the fruit on the table, and put it into his mouth.


Zhao Dengming's body stiffened, and when he saw who it was, he frowned and said, "Didn't I say that I'm only cooperating with you, but I'm not joining you? If you continue to enter my house so casually, I'll have to report it to the authorities!"

"Report it to the authorities? Hahaha! Lord Zhao, if you want to report it to the authorities, go ahead. When the county office catches me, I'll say that it was Military Governor Zhao who sold the weapons and armor to my Black Wind Mountain. What do you think about that?"

That person did not mind, and he crossed his legs and laughed loudly. He peeled open another banana and stuffed it into his mouth. He looked at Zhao Dengming with ridicule.

Zhao Dengming immediately wilted like an eggplant hit by frost. He took the initiative to pass a bunch of grapes to that person and asked, "Let's not talk about this first. What do you mean by saying that I fell for a simple trick?"

"Lord Zhao, just as you came back from the casino, Constable Chen came to your door and said that he could help you recover your lost property. Is there such a coincidence in this world?"

The man in black picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth with a smile.

"In the government office, there are a bunch of bailiffs under a constable, and each bailiff has a few helpers wandering around the market. No one would be able to recognize them if they were not wearing official uniforms. As the constable, it wouldn't be strange if Chen Zhiyuan heard this information from his subordinates, right."

Zhao Dengming looked at the man in black and said.

"This isn't strange. What's strange is how Constable Chen dared to guarantee that he would definitely be able to find them for you. I dare to conclude that the two gamblers who won your property were either the people of Constable Chen or these two people are already in his hands."

The man in black's gaze was deep as he looked outside the door.