Return Reward

Dang – dang – dang –

A dull hammering sound came from the courtyard, echoing in the empty countryside.

In the courtyard, Feng Ling, who was reading, suddenly looked up.

A stench came with the wind, accompanied by a few low roars.

"These animals are getting more and more arrogant."

Feng Ling closed the book, picked up a Pig Slaughtering Knife from the table, and headed out of the yard.

As soon as he went out, he saw a lone wolf staring at him with green eyes.

This lone wolf was far larger than ordinary wolves, but it was all skin and bones. Clearly, it was a little malnourished. Sticky saliva flowed from the corner of its mouth, and the stench came from its mouth.

Awoo awoo~

When the lone wolf saw Feng Ling appear, the green light in his eyes intensified and he kept roaring.

"Tsk, you're too arrogant."

Feng Ling laughed derisively. "You must be starving."

Then he stepped forward and swung the Pig Slaughtering Knife.

A drop of blood slipped from the tip of the knife, and the hiss faded into the night.

The green light in the lone wolf's eyes went out, and a line of text appeared before Feng Ling.

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has completed the kill. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has improved by 1 point.]

Feng Ling pulled up his knife and dragged the dead wolf to the small garden at the back of the yard. He dug a hole and buried it.

Returning to the courtyard, Windrush checked that it was ten past nine. Ten minutes past the end of the working day.

He patted a mechanical arm in the middle of the courtyard.

"You've worked hard. Here's the overtime pay for tonight." He picked up the metal that had just been forged on the forging table, broke off a piece the size of a green bean, and threw it into the palm of the mechanical arm.

The mechanical arm clenched its fist, extended its thumb, and shook it. Then it placed the metal block into a small basket in the back.

"Well, good night."

The mechanical arm swung, and a series of indicator lights went out.

Feng Ling tidied up the materials in the courtyard and went to wash up and sleep.

Soon, the courtyard fell silent. Only the wind under the moon gently brushed past the willow trees in the courtyard.

The sun and moon alternated in a misty haze.

Feng Ling had already woken up early. He twisted and turned in the courtyard, punching and kicking with the breathing technique that his master had passed down.

As a blacksmith who did manual labor, he naturally had to have a good body.

A warm current rose from his dantian and slowly spread throughout his body along with Feng Ling's movements. Finally, it returned to his dantian and strengthened a little.

The sun was high in the sky. Feng Ling exhaled a long white breath, indicating that his morning exercise was complete.

"Work hard at home. I'm going out to make some money."

The robotic arm, which was already fully lit, swung into a "six" shape. Then, with a roar, it picked up the iron block beside it and began to hammer.

Feng Ling picked up two suitcases and drove to the shop in town.

The Armament Workshop. That was the name of the shop.

It was also the only thing his master had left for Feng Ling besides the courtyard and the surrounding 20 acres of land.

When Fengling arrived at the shop, it meant that the shop was officially open.

However, Divine Weapon Town was a small town at the foot of the mountain. There were few people on the streets.

Feng Ling was used to this. He sat behind the counter, took a book from his suitcase, and began to read it carefully.

Forging iron seemed to be very simple, but it was very profound.

It involved not only forging techniques, but the analysis and cooperation of various materials.

If he wanted to achieve something in this aspect, hands-on practice was indispensable, and knowledge theory had to be rich enough.

The morning passed quietly. Feng Ling cooked two simple dishes and checked her gains in the past few days as she ate.

[The "Nine Rings" mechanical arm you forged and assembled has tempered a hundred kilograms of iron. Your forging skills have increased by 1 point.]

[The spoon you forged stir-fried a fragrant dish. Your culinary skills have increased by 1 point.]

[The hoe you cast is three acres of weeds. Your agricultural skills have increased by 1 point.]

[The silver needles you cast saved a patient. You learned how to identify acupoints and feel pulses.]

These feedback, including the hint that the Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique had improved last night, came from a mysterious book in Feng Ling's mind.

Back then, his master had given him a mysterious material when he took him in as a disciple.

It was said that this material hid a huge secret. If he could unlock it, he would be able to obtain a huge opportunity.

Feng Ling didn't care at first, but on the day he sold the first iron pot he built, the mysterious material melted under his eyes and turned into a stream of light that entered his glabella.

After that, a book appeared in his mind. It was called Equipment Strategy.

Apart from being able to teach Feng Ling Forging Techniques, this Equipment Strategy also had an even more powerful function—rewards.

Every time someone used an instrument personally forged by Feng Ling, he would receive a reward from Equipment Strategy.

If someone used kitchenware to cook a delicious dish, Feng Ling's culinary skills would improve.

Someone using farm tools for farming would raise his skill level.

In Divine Weapon Town, what he forged the most was some kitchenware and farming tools, so he naturally received more feedback.

Now, his culinary skills and agricultural skills were not inferior to some master-level figures.

And today, he had unlocked a new skill, Acupoint Recognition.

Thinking about it carefully, it should be the set of silver needles bought by an old Chinese medicine doctor who passed by Divine Weapon Town half a month ago.

There was a lot of information, but Feng Ling skipped most of it.

In fact, he was not very interested in knowledge that was not related to forging. In addition, the "Equipment Strategy" was very mysterious, and all the rewards were directly for him to master. Therefore, Feng Ling did not need to spend much time to adapt.

After clearing the dishes, Feng Ling continued his boring shop-sitting life.

"This must be the Armament Workshop, right?"

In front of the shop, the middle-aged man stopped and looked at the three powerful words above the wooden door.

The bodyguard in black beside him did not answer. He only carefully sensed the aura in the shop.

"Let's go in and take a look."

The shop was not small. It was about a hundred square meters, but the display took up most of the space. The only walkway was no wider than a person.

At the far end, facing the door, was the counter. On the wall behind it hung a photograph of an old man.

Feng Ling closed the book "Detailed Explanations of Ores" and stood up, smiling.

"Hello, can I help you, customer?"

Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "The prices are all marked. The money box and payment QR code are on this side. If you like anything, you can pay directly and take it away."

"Of course, if there's anything you don't understand, or need to understand, you can ask me."

"Oh, then I'll take a look myself first." The middle-aged man's gaze froze on the old man's photo for half a second. He nodded slightly and immediately began to check the items on these display shelves.

In this shop, there were a total of three rows of display racks, which were divided into three areas.

The first area contained kitchen supplies, pots, pans, jars, jars, pots, bowls, spoons, chopsticks, and plates.

The second area was for farming equipment. The plowshares raked the rakes and scythes, while the forks scraped the hammers and shovels.

The third area was for weapons and armor. It was just that this area had shelves and nothing else.