Get Up And Work Overtime!

Feng Ling returned home with her bag, planning to close for two days.

Naturally, he didn't believe a word of the official statement. Moreover, when he slipped out, he saw some armed people. Even though this matter was officially over, there would be a lot of investigation following.

He, the person involved, had better not show his face for the next few days.

Moreover, he could also study the refinement of the Fly's Blood Bead these few days.

Busy time always passed quickly. Feng Ling, who was far away from the vortex, did not attract much attention.

Three days passed in a flash. Feng Ling looked at the bean-sized Fly's Blood Bead in his hand and finally smiled.

At this moment, there was also movement in "Equipment Strategy".

On the page containing the Fly's Blood Bead, more introductions to it were revealed.

[Boundary Key— Fly's Blood Bead: The key to open the Blood-Robe Realm can be used to travel to and from the Blood-Robe Realm. It is divided into three levels. The top-tier Fly's Blood Bead can travel three times. The mid-tier Fly's Blood Bead can travel twice. The low-tier Fly's Blood Bead can travel once. When the number of times is used up, it will turn into powder and need to be reforged.]

[Forging Materials: Blood Firefly Stone, Blood-Robe Centipede]

[Method of Forging: 250 grams of Blood Firefly Stone: 1 gram of Blood-Robe Guide for smelting; Note: The quality of Blood Firefly Stone directly affects the quality of the Fly's Blood Bead]

Only after reading the introduction of "Equipment Strategy" did Feng Ling understand.

These Fly's Blood Bead actually had different qualities.

As a Forging Master who was very sensitive to forging weapons, Feng Ling naturally discovered that the Blood Firefly Stones were different.

Even though he had been failing for the past three days, he had also recorded a lot of data.

Now that he knew that the quality of the Blood Firefly Stone would affect the Fly's Blood Bead, he naturally had to make good use of the remaining Blood-Robe Guide.

Feng Ling struck while the iron was hot. She turned around and entered the forging room again, using up all the Blood-Robe Guide in one go.

Unfortunately, a Blood-Robe Guide was only about ten grams. Coupled with what he had wasted in the past few days, Feng Ling finally obtained a total of four fly blood pearls. One of them was top-tier, two were mid-tier, and one was low-tier.

The inferior one was the one he had successfully tested. Even though its quality was not good, it was very meaningful.

Therefore, Feng Ling planned to use it directly!

After successfully researching the Fly's Blood Bead, Feng Ling's life returned to its former rhythm.

Every day, nine to five, he opened a shop and went to work.

However, he had slightly compressed the time he had spent resting and forging to explore the Blood-Robe Realm.

What the Blood-Robe Realm did not lack the most were Blood Firefly Stones and Blood-Robe Guide, which also allowed them to have a complete supply of Fly's Blood Bead.

The only thing restricting Feng Ling was his soul power.

However, he also discovered something. His soul power was used every day like this, and the speed of his improvement far exceeded his imagination.

Initially, he could only outline a rough outline before the burning sensation attacked. As his soul grew stronger, the burning sensation came later and later.

Feng Ling had a feeling that when he could completely outline the scene of "Eastern Purple Qi", he would be able to reach a new level.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that the wild beasts around him had gone crazy recently. One or two of them would come out almost every night.

Feng Ling couldn't take it anymore. He carried the butcher's knife and walked around Iron Mountain and Copper Mountain respectively. However, he didn't find anything strange when he went a thousand meters deep.

He didn't know it'd already smelled him and hidden, or if there was another reason.

The development of the matter was becoming more and more ridiculous. From an unknown day onwards, what appeared around his courtyard was no longer those slightly evolved wild beasts, but demon beasts!

Because of Feng Ling's slash, "Dismembering Bull" improved by 5 points.

According to the fox, the same level as them were demon beasts. They had already left the ranks of wild beasts and entered the threshold of "demon"!

Above that, those who could cultivate a human body were already true demons.

Further up, they had human forms. For example, Bai Yi could be considered a great demon.

Even though Feng Ling did not care about some things, the matters of demons were not child's play.

He'd finally deployed his own scouts—air-camera small planes!

However, Feng Ling did not gain anything for three consecutive days. Those demon beasts seemed to have appeared out of thin air without any traces.

"Could these animals have jumped out of the air?"

Feng Ling sat in front of the CCTV and sucked air through his teeth.

He had sent out five aerial cameras from the inside out. At the same time, he had set up a dynamic capture program. Within a radius of 1,000 meters, if there was any movement, he would lock onto it and track it!

Time passed. Finally, movement came from one of the images.

Feng Ling immediately looked at the monitor. In the air, a two-headed dog appeared from nothing to stand on the ground. It took only three or four seconds.

"F*ck you!"

Feng Ling cursed. You really came out of thin air?

Feng Ling looked again. Good lord, the place where the two-headed dog appeared was none other than his small garden.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since he "fertilized" the small garden. This was because the wild beasts that came later were all treated as wild animals by him. They were either directly cooked or dried.

In addition, autumn had arrived, and the vegetation in the small garden had basically withered. There was nothing to take care of.

Not only did people have blind spots in their vision, but they also had blind spots in their thoughts.

Even though Feng Ling had already come into contact with the great demon and human demon, his way of thinking was still based on the three views he had formed previously.

The scene of the two-headed dog appearing in front of him had never appeared in his mind before.

After the two-headed dog landed, its two huge heads swayed for a while before finally locking its gaze on Feng Ling's small courtyard.

With two low growls, the two-headed dog directly jumped… and collided with a shiny Bull Slaying Knife.

Feng Ling would not stand on ceremony with this beast. He exerted strength from his waist and stepped on the wall. The ox-slaying saber had already cut open the two-headed dog's abdomen.

He kicked the two-headed dog out of the courtyard wall again to prevent its blood from flowing into the courtyard.

The two-headed dog made a few hoarse low sounds in its throat and completely stopped breathing.

Feng Ling stood on the top of the wall and looked at the little garden, frowning deeply.

Things had developed beyond his expectations.

The two-headed dog was not a normal creature. The key was that this strange way of appearing had already touched the warning line in Feng Ling's heart.

"Do we have to call the police?"

After thinking for a moment, Feng Ling jumped off the wall and began to explore the location where the two-headed dog appeared.

The result was naturally nothing.

But what really surprised him was that the "fertilizer" from before was also gone.

Feng Ling hurriedly took a few steps back. If this place was really as he thought, then the danger was too great.

The key was still uncontrollable.

After walking twice around the small garden, he finally made a decision:

"Nine Rings, get up and work overtime!"