No Virtue

After thinking about it, Feng Ling could not find a better way to remind Zeng Shiwu.

Zeng Shiwu did not disturb them. He looked at the time and prepared to leave.

Zeng Shiwu was about to leave when he suddenly remembered that he had just returned here and there was nothing at home.

Instead of going to the mall, it was better to take care of his old classmate's business.

The Divine Weapon Town was only so big, and things like pots and pans would not be easily damaged. Even though Feng Ling said that business was not bad, it was obvious.

Two words were enough.

"Old classmate, are you responsible for delivering the things here?"

Feng Ling did not understand, but she still said, "I'm responsible, but it has to exceed a certain weight."

Most of the people in Divine Weapon Town were old people now. It was fine for them to buy a kitchen knife and shovel occasionally, but it was a little difficult to carry a set of them. Therefore, Feng Ling would help take them home.

"That would be perfect. I've just arrived. Would I choose a set of kitchen supplies from you?"

Feng Ling laughed. "Sure, I'm not bragging, but my skills are excellent in the Divine Weapon Town! Moreover, I'm in charge of repairing it for free. As long as it's taken from me and is not more than 50% damaged, it can be repaired for free."

Zeng Shiwu's eyes widened. She could tell that Feng Ling did not expect to open this shop to make money at all.

Zeng Shiwu chose a set of spatulas, knives, and forks before scanning the code and paid for them. Then she sighed again. The things that Feng Ling was selling were really cheap.

Even though some people who sold kitchen supplies online were cheap, the quality from the assembly line were not good.

On the other hand, the price offered by Feng Ling was about the same, but the pot in his hand was stable. It looked good.

There were no high-rise buildings in Divine Weapon Town. If the conditions were good, they would build a two-story building. If the conditions were not good, it would still be the original bungalow. At most, it would be renovated and expanded.

Zeng Shiwu was in a bungalow two streets away. This was not her original home. In fact, she was also an orphan. She had originally lived in an orphanage. After being chosen by the sports team, she had left for the past ten years. Naturally, she would not have any property.

Feng Ling put down his things and left. He still had to go back to watch the shop, and it was time for dinner. The situation might become very awkward in a while.

Feng Ling naturally had to avoid it as much as possible.

Zeng Shiwu sent Feng Ling away and took out a series of equipment from his suitcase.

There was a wireless network card, a computer, headphones, and a hidden camera and recorder.

Two words. Professional.

At that moment, her phone rang. When she saw the number, Zeng Shiwu immediately stood up and answered the call.

"Shiwu," a deep, middle-aged male voice answered.

"How's it going?" the man asked.

"Everything in the Divine Weapon Town is fine. I didn't find any demon aura, but I also didn't find any aura of a ranked expert."

"Get settled as soon as possible. The Thunder Squad will go tonight to investigate the place in that email with you."

"Understood!" Zeng Shiwu subconsciously saluted.

"Be safe."

After the call, Zeng Shiwu did not plan to continue shopping. He ate some food and began to rest.

The fact that the Bureau had directly sent out the Thunder Squad meant that they had taken that email even more seriously.

"Damn demon beasts…"

As night fell, Zeng Shiwu suddenly woke up.

There was no time to think. She turned over and rolled under the bed in a rather indecent posture.

And where she was originally, a flying knife was stabbed into her in the next moment.

"Hehe, not bad, little girl. You're quite skilled."

A short, thin figure had appeared in the room.

He was wearing a ghost mask that only covered the top half of his face. He was gently licking a dart.

The purple-black tongue swept across the bright dart, making one feel disgusted.

"Red Yama!" Zeng Shiwu's expression was solemn, and she knew that something was wrong.

Even though she was one of the best among the younger generation, she had yet to enter the ranks.

And every Yama was ranked. Even the Red Flame Demons, who specialized in assassination and sneak attacks, were no exception.

In fact, because their methods were hidden, they were even more terrifying than the Green Yama's in some aspects.

"Hehe, little girl, you don't have to struggle." The Red Flame Demon revealed a perverted and cruel smile. "I happen to have a medium-grade Silence Talisman that lasts for a full ten minutes. I believe you know about the Silence Talisman, right?"

Zeng Shiwu's heart sank even more.

Of course she knew about the Silence Talisman. She could even draw it.

This Silence Talisman was extremely magical and had unbelievable power.

The lowest-grade Silence Talisman could turn an area of ten square meters into a "soundproof zone".

No sound from outside could get in. No sound from inside could get out.

A middle-grade Silence Talisman could expand to 20 square meters and cover a room.

This Silence Talisman was not a high-level talisman, but it was quite popular in the market.

It was said that there was once a tycoon who spent a lot of money to specially buy it to be used when making certain love. He did not have to worry about disturbing others at all, nor did he have to worry about being disturbed by others.

With the small talisman, even if the outside world was destroyed, it wouldn't be my problem.

Ahem, of course, this was just a dirty joke that was circulating around, but the effect of the Silence Talisman was indeed astonishing.

But in front of him, Zeng Shiliu hoped that this talisman of Chiyan Demon was fake.

"Hehe, don't even think about escaping. As long as you dare to step out of the room, I'll kill all the ordinary people around me! My fly blood bead isn't full yet!"

The Red Yama's words made Zeng Shiwu furious, but his desire to escape weakened greatly.

She knew that it was really possible for the Red Yama to do such a thing.

No, not possibly, but definitely!

Even though the Yama Kings had transformed from humans, their minds and rationality had long been devoured by demonic nature. They had long stopped treating themselves as humans.

As long as they could increase their strength and achieve their goal, they did not care about anything else.

Since he had directly used the Silence Talisman, it meant that after killing him, he had to kill as many residents as possible!

Therefore, what he had to do now was to stall for time!

Zeng Shiwu glanced at the wall clock. Six fifty.

In ten minutes, Thunder Squad would be here.

The leader of the Thunder Squad, Lei Ting, was a Level Eight expert. He should be more than enough to deal with the Red Flame Demon in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Zeng Shiwu prepared to launch a verbal attack.

However, Red Yama was very cunning. He had guessed it from Zeng Shiwu's action of looking at the time.

"Why? Don't tell me someone is coming to support us later?" He chuckled sinisterly. Before he finished speaking, he had already shot towards Zeng Shiwu.

As a ranked expert who was also good at sneak attacks, Chi Yan was very fast.

Fortunately, Zeng Shiwu's reputation as a genius was not for nothing. His body moved horizontally, and after barely dodging Red Yama's attack, he pulled out the dagger at his waist and took the initiative to attack Red Yama.

The battle had already begun!