Eat That God!

Feng Ling hesitated.

The Blood-Robe Realm was extremely mysterious. A worm like the Blood-Robe Guide, which could be seen everywhere, could completely hide its body in this world. Only a divine soul could detect it.

Now, there was actually an existence in front that could stop the detection of the divine soul.

If the probing ability of the soul failed here, it was no less than sealing a person's five senses.

However, Feng Ling did not hesitate for long before continuing forward.

After more than a month, he finally encountered something other than the Blood-Robe Guide. If he didn't investigate, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Moreover, he still had the Fly's Blood Bead in his hand. If he really realized that things were hopeless, he could just leave.

Clenching the fly's blood bead in his hand, Feng Ling headed towards the area that blocked the soul detection.

Feng Ling killed two more waves of Blood-Robe Guides and found that his surroundings were already empty.

The area that isolated his soul from detection was already in front of him.

Feng Ling extended his Bull Slaying Knife and gently stabbed forward.



Then the entire ground shook. The ground under his feet turned to sand, and the mountain range disappeared.

Not good, Feng Ling thought. According to his own time records, he had only been in here for half an hour. It was definitely not time for the landscape to change.

In other words, there was really something ahead that had changed the landscape ahead of time.

Feng Ling directly used the Fly's Blood Bead without any hesitation.

But just as he was about to leave, a drop of blood caught his eye.


The Blood-Robe Realm began to change drastically, but Feng Ling had already left.

But his expression was blank, and his body was even more motionless, maintaining the same posture as when he left.

If one looked carefully, they would discover that there was a drop of blood in the center of Feng Ling's pupils.

At this moment, Feng Ling's soul sea was being soaked.

The blood spread like a terrifying virus, quickly spreading and devouring, occupying Feng Ling's original soul sea.

Feng Ling was conscious at this moment, but he realized that he could not control his body.

Under the blood-colored shroud, his soul seemed to have been added with a DEBUFF and was abnormally weak.

Feng Ling seemed to hear a wonderful language that he had never heard before in his trance, but could vaguely understand its meaning:

"God… Indescribable, unpeeping, unfathomable… Accept Infection…"

The voice was grand, as if it came from the outer realm, but also seemed to ring in his ears.

With the enhancement of the voice, the speed at which the blood spread became faster and faster.

Feng Ling had a realization: once the blood color occupied his soul sea, he would be completely wiped out.

Feng Ling naturally wouldn't allow this to happen.

In this situation, the only thing he could think of was the Eastern Purple Qi Technique.

Using the soul as a pen and the soul sea as a cloth, a grand scene of "Eastern Purple Qi" was slowly outlined.

As the scene took shape, the blood-colored light seemed to be obstructed and stopped for a moment.

There was something!

Feng Ling was overjoyed and sketched even faster.

The current Eastern Purple Qi Technique was already improved greatly. As he continued to draw, there was actually a faint purple qi growing from the east.

Wherever the purple qi appeared, the blood color dissipated.

The blood was suppressed!

But it didn't last long. Soon, the familiar burning sensation came. Feng Ling knew that this was his limit now.

On the other hand, the blood-colored light seemed to have intelligence. After being suppressed by the purple aura, it seemed to have been provoked and insulted. It was extremely angry.

The drops of blood spun quickly. More blood spread and overlapped. The entire West glowed red.

In Feng Ling's soul sea, it was like two armies were facing each other.

One side was filled with majestic purple qi;

On one side, red light surged into the sky, and the murderous aura was oppressive.

However, the red light became denser, and the purple qi could no longer increase.

Suddenly, the red light erupted with a strong light and began to spread violently.

Feng Ling could no longer hold on. He had already consumed more than half of his soul power in the Blood-Robed World, so it was already quite difficult for him to outline half of Eastern Purple Qi.

Without the support of Feng Ling, the purple gas was quickly driven away by the blood.

"F*ck, you're really bullying me on my territory, right?"

Feng Ling gritted his teeth. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and took out his killing move—

"Equipment Strategy, come!"

With a thought, the Equipment Strategy hidden in the depths of his soul sea flew out.

After the drop of blood saw the "Equipment Strategy", it suddenly trembled and the blood retreated, as if… it wanted to escape.

However, "Equipment Strategy" did not want to give this opportunity. Moreover, Feng Ling seemed to have sensed a trace of emotion from "Equipment Strategy"…


Before Feng Ling could think further, she saw the "Equipment Strategy" begin to rattle and finally stop on a blank page.

A magical scene happened in the next moment. The blank page flew out and enveloped the blood drop.

The drop of blood was obviously defenseless. It was wrapped in a blank page and returned to the Equipment Strategy.

Immediately after, Feng Ling received a few notifications:

[Unlocked Material: Blood God Essence]

[Blood God Essence: From the Blood God, the essence of the Blood God's power. It can be used to forge divine weapons.]

[Unlocked Material: Divine Blood]

[Divine Blood: Perfect Equipment Strategy]

[Equipment Strategy Repair 1 point: You have obtained "Immortal Concealment"]

[Immortal Concealment: A divine artifact. It can conceal one's cultivation and aura. It can move at will and be at ease.]

[Unlock "Description Page"]

The series of prompts stunned Feng Ling.

Then, a terrifying soul power spread out where the blood bead disappeared.


Feng Ling cried out in surprise, only to discover that the soul power was floating in fragments and was extremely pure.

"What a great opportunity!"

Feng Ling laughed and did not stand on ceremony. He directly gathered the soul power and began to use it for himself.

However, this soul power was too huge. Feng Ling estimated that even if he didn't stop, it would take at least three days to digest it.

"After completely digesting it, I should be able to enter the basics of my Eastern Purple Qi Technique!"

After such a life and death experience, Feng Ling understood the importance of having a powerful soul.

For example, that terrifying existence just now, no matter how powerful your blood essence was, I would directly destroy your soul and kill you from the root.

Thinking of this, Feng Ling went back to flip through the series of notifications.

Then he went numb.

Blood God? Divine Blood?

Feng Ling combined with that faint voice and thought of a terrifying possibility—

Could it be that he had poked a god in the Blood-Robe Realm just now?

God? Are there Gods in the Blood-Robe Realm?

And this kind of supreme existence in the legends directly chased out of the Blood-Robe Realm to kill him?

Feng Ling gasped, realizing that he had somehow regained control of his body.

But soon his nervousness dissipated and a bold idea emerged.

Based on the situation just now, there was a high chance that the current Equipment Strategy was "defective". Otherwise, he wouldn't have used the word "repair".

And the Divine Blood was the material to repair the Equipment Strategy.

As for the Equipment Strategy, it had the ability to "eat" the Divine Blood…

At this moment, Feng Ling wanted to fish.