Are You Superman?

Outside the door, Liu Zhongyi, who was about to knock, saw the door suddenly open. His raised hand stopped in midair.

Feng Ling, appropriately surprised, did not continue.

"Hello, I'm Liu Zhongyi, a constable from the police station in Mu Liang City." Liu Zhongyi specially wore a police uniform today to increase his persuasiveness.

Members of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau usually had two identities for use outside.

One was police, the other was military.

On the one hand, these two identities were more convenient for them to move around. On the other hand, they could also exert some power at certain times.

"Ah, how do you do, Mr. Policeman? What can I do for you?" Feng Ling maintained his cautious manner. When you put on a show, you have to maintain it.

"Well, our geological survey crew detected a crack under your house. There's been a high probability of an earthquake recently, so we're letting you know. Be sure to stay safe these days."

Liu Zhongyi observed Feng Ling's expression as he spoke.

According to the higher-ups, the person in front of him was very likely related to a Master Forger.

Yet last night, Lei Ting and the others had purged this one's memory…

"Oh, okay, thank you!" Feng Ling thanked him sincerely.

"One more thing. These surrounding fields belong to your family, right?"

"Yes, twenty acres belong to my family."

"Well, we're going to be surveying the two surrounding mountains for a while, so we thought we'd rent a piece of land from you… we'll pay, of course."

"No problem, of course," Feng Ling agreed.

He knew the geological survey was a cover, of course, but since he was the one who'd called the police, he'd already thought of all this.

"Good. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll leave you to your matters."

After watching Liu Zhongyi leave, Feng Ling did not stay at home any longer and went straight to work in the town.

He didn't instruct Nine Rings to disguise itself nor to stop working.

If he was right, his current information should have been checked.

Not long after arriving at the shop, Zeng Shiwu appeared at the door in his police uniform.

"Wow, you look so valiant in this outfit." Feng Ling stretched out her thumb and praised.

Zeng Shiwu was not very tall. She was slightly more than 1.65 meters tall, but she exercised all year round so her figure was tall and straight. She did not have the soft and cute appearance of an ordinary girl. Instead, she was full of heroic spirit. She looked much more energetic with her neat short hair.

Zeng Shiwu smiled. "As expected of a businessman now. You're so eloquent."

"Tsk, how would we dare to deceive the police?" Feng Ling deliberately raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, let's get down to business." Zeng Shiwu waved her hand. "I came here today to consult you about something."

"Good lord. Consultation? You can ask me anything."

Seeing this, Zeng Shiwu did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. "I just want to ask, did you… make all these in your shop?"

"What's wrong? Did something go wrong with the ones you bought yesterday?" Feng Ling couldn't quite believe it.

Even though he did not spend much effort on the kitchenware and farm tools here, there was absolutely no problem with the craftsmanship.

Moreover, he usually made kitchenware for practice, so some of them were even better than the weapons he forged.

Take the soup spoon for example. Unless it was twisted, it would take awhile to break if even if you used a hammer to hit it.

"No, no. It's not that there's a problem. I just want to ask." Zeng Shiwu hurriedly waved his hand. What a joke. How could there be a problem with mystic-grade kitchenware? It wasn't like she was using underground lava to cook.

"Oh, I was indeed the one who made them. Otherwise, it would be too insulting for me to buy from other places as a blacksmith." Feng Ling smiled.

"I see…" Zeng Shiwu nodded slightly. "Then… do you have any experience in forging weapons?"

Feng Ling took a step back and quickly waved his hand. "Good lord, you can't say such things. We're old classmates. You can't fish things out from me."

"No, what are you thinking?" Zeng Shiwu smiled bitterly and hurriedly explained, "I want to ask, do you know how good the quality of the kitchenware you made is?"

"Erm. I'm quite confident in my craftsmanship."

Feng Ling could tell that his old classmate had come with a purpose.

But he couldn't understand. He'd just sold her some kitchenware. How could…


A thought flashed through Feng Ling's mind. When he looked at Zeng Shiwu again, a white light flashed in his eyes.

Divine Power: Illusion Break!

In Feng Ling's eyes, there were wisps of energy fluctuations on the old classmate in front of her.

However, there was still a layer of dark light covering her body, hiding these fluctuations.

These energy fluctuations were extremely similar to the trio last night, but there was a difference in quality.

Zeng Shiwu was actually a person with extraordinary power?

Feng Ling realized why she had been attracted to the kitchenware he had forged.

'That would explain it. So what's the purpose of her visit today?'

'She wants me to forge her a weapon?'

Zeng Shiwu had already spoken again as Feng Ling continued thinking. "What I mean is that your skills might exceed your imagination."

"What do you mean?" Feng Ling played dumb.

Zeng Shiwu said nothing. She opened his bag and took out a kitchen knife and a pair of handcuffs.

"What are you going to do?"

Zeng had handcuffs in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. And then…

With a flash of light, the kitchen knife severed the chain between the handcuffs.

However, the kitchen knife was not damaged at all.

"Don't you think your kitchen knife is a little too good?" Zeng Shiwu stared into Feng Ling's eyes. She wanted to see something.

She had attended the meeting last night. And this morning, when she came, she had seen the information on Feng Ling.

If that resume was true, then Feng Ling was definitely a genius.

And she was also a genius.

Perhaps the two of them had talents in different fields, but they were geniuses with extreme intelligence.

If such wisdom was reflected in the aspect of "hiding oneself," it was enough to fool most people, but not another genius.

That's right. She started suspected Feng Ling.

There was no other reason. The kitchenware was too eye-catching.

Even if it was a yellow-grade weapon, it had to be forged by a master forger.

And what kind of existence was a Master Forger?

It was an existence that would be roped in by various forces and fawned over by countless ranked experts.

That was an existence that could not be found in the entire Mu Liang City!

Someone had said to rule out all the impossible. Then even if the remaining possibility was outrageous, it was still the truth.

Even though others tended to think that there was a master or a certain force behind Feng Ling, Feng Ling was just the front,

But Zeng Shiwu had a hunch—

Feng Ling was that Master Forger!

The beasts that appeared around the courtyard were most likely killed by the experts protecting him.

So she'd come today to test her instincts.


Feng Ling looked at the knife, then at the broken handcuffs, and finally at Zeng Shiwu. "Are you Superman?"