Three Good Young Men

Perhaps to some people, salary was just a simple number. not enough for the expenses of a casual shopping trip.

But for most people, this was undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

And an annual salary of a million yuan was a goal that many people could not achieve in their entire lives.

Feng Ling took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Foundry belonged to the gold-digging industry of "Research+Manufacturing". He had spent more than a million yuan on improving his casting skills over the years.

But that didn't mean he was a small-time boss with no interest in money. Quite the opposite. He understood better how hard it was to make money.

Putting everything else aside, because of the limited funds, his "small courtyard renovation plan" could only be implemented at the lowest standard. In fact, it was knocked down yesterday because half of it was not yet under construction.

Chen Baisheng caught the change in Feng Ling's expression and could not help but be amused.

Behind him, Lin Pin and Lei Ting had strange expressions.

Why did the Deputy Director's words sound so familiar?

It seemed that they had heard it many times over the years…

When Feng Ling saw Chen Baisheng's curled lips, he immediately understood his intentions.

'Good God, Good God!'

This old man in front of him was very evil!

You actually want to use money tactics to confuse me?

Chen Baisheng noticed the change in Feng Ling's gaze and felt a little awkward. He quickly changed the topic.

"Ahem, by the way, Boss, may I ask which expert's disciple you are?"

The matter of roping him in could wait. In fact, he wanted to know something else.

He'd had the information on Feng Ling before the meeting the night before.


How should he put it? The person he read about and the person in front of him…

Were completely unrelated, right? It could only be said that they were completely unrelated!

He was adopted by a blacksmith from a young age, but that blacksmith died of an illness when he was young. Then he refused the help of the orphanage and finished high school by selling some pots and pans and farm equipment in the town.

During this period, he was rated as a "young role model" and an "excellent role model" by Mu Liang City. If not for Feng Ling's refusal, he would have been chosen as the "Young Ambassador of Mu Liang City" two years ago…

The reason for Feng Ling's refusal was that he ran an ironware shop and had business attributes that would affect the official image of Mu Liang City.

When he was in high school, he was the top student in the school, but his college entrance examination results were only 450 points because he missed his Chinese and Mathematics exams on the first day.

He did not repeat his studies and began to focus on running the shop. Later on, he became the uP Master of a technology area on a part-time basis. He had once caused a sensation by creating a smart mechanical arm and gained millions of fans for a video. Now, he had nearly two million fans online and was requested for uploads every day.

Even though this experience was not top-notch, it was still full of positive energy.

But was this the experience and style a powerhouse should have?

Eighteen years old. Nothing had anything to do with the supernatural.

Was that normal?

What he felt now was confusing.

He really hoped that Feng Linggen was such an outstanding genius.

On the other hand, Feng Ling's strength as a ranked expert was too outstanding.

Even for those cultivation geniuses, if they wanted to enter the ranks, they had to go through several years of tempering their bodies. At the same time, they had to use resources to improve their bodies to avoid leaving hidden injuries in the process.

Feng Ling, you can't say that you naturally have the strength to kill a Yama at 18 years old, right?

On the one hand, he wanted to get more people to continue investigating. On the other hand, Chen Baisheng decided to ask Feng Ling personally to see what answer he would give.

"My master is dead, so it's not convenient to mention him. Please forgive me."

Chen Baisheng was stunned. "Sorry."

He cupped his hands in apology and let the subject drop.

Since Feng Ling refused to tell him, he could wait to investigate.

But there was something else. He had to get an accurate answer.

He gestured to the pots and pans around them. "Did you make all the appliances here yourself, boss?" he asked.

"Yes. After all, it's a shop that has been passed down. I don't dare to neglect it," Feng Ling said seriously.

When Zeng Shiwu came to test him yesterday, he already understood that his ten years of cultivation should have been given to him by Zeng Shiwu.

Since the Peaceful Spirit Bureau was the legendary relevant department, there was definitely no lack of discerning people.

Even though these pots and pans were only for practice, the quality was not something that an assembly line could compare to.

Feng Ling didn't know much else, but he was fairly confident in his casting skills.

"Oh, as expected of the boss. There aren't many young men with such a traditional craftsman's spirit."

Three question marks appeared above Feng Ling's head. 'How can you tell that I have the spirit of a traditional craftsman?'

Does forging with your hands means you have the spirit of a craftsman?

Ning Zhen's mouth was left agape.

The corners of Lin Pin and the others' mouths twitched. Old Chen, Old Chen, your art of speech!

"Little friend Feng is so young, yet you're already self-reliant and can still keep your heart. You're really the role model for the youth of our Mu Liang City!" Chen Baisheng continued to attack and changed his address from "boss" to "little friend".

One step closer!

Feng Ling wondered if the old man in front of him had eaten peppercorns.

After this round of verbal attacks, who wouldn't feel numb?

I'm just selling pots and pans in a small town at the foot of the mountain but I'm the pillar of the country and the future from your mouth?

If I let you continue, I'm afraid I'll be the guardian of the entire Earth!

Feng Ling cursed in his heart. He knew that this old man was just spouting nonsense.

He knew himself quite well.

Was he an expert?

Perhaps he was indeed a little stronger than ordinary people, but he knew how terrifying this world was now.

The frog in the well felt that he was king of the world because he could only see the world at the bottom of the well.

But he was different. He had seen the mountains.

So he knew how small he was.

From their conversation, one could tell that the supernatural beings they mentioned were also divided into levels.

Level Nine, Level Eight, Level Eight…

'Does that mean there are Level Two and One?'

Was there anyone stronger than Level One?

It was true that he could instant kill a Level Eight now.

But in fact, he knew that he was not much stronger than a Level Eight martial artist.

Besides, he'd seen a God before.

That fellow called "Blood God" had almost shattered his soul with just a drop of blood. How terrifying was his true strength?

Feng Ling could not even imagine.

It really matched the words of the Blood God: God is unpredictable!

Against that kind of existence, ordinary people were no different from ants.

And he was just an ant that was a little stronger.

"Director Chen, I'm sure you're very busy. If you have anything to say, why don't you just say it? Don't worry, I'll definitely cooperate. What do you think?" Feng Ling didn't want to waste time here and said directly.

"Hahaha, straightforward. I like my young friend's temperament."

"Then I'll ask you directly, young friend. Can you… forge ranked weapons?"