blood cat race(

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The horses stepped forward on the uneven ground.

Song Xiaomei stood on the carriage and kept urging, hoping that the team would speed up.

She was very worried now because her mysterious benefactor's strength was only at the third level of the Body Refining Realm.

With such strength, the outcome could be imagined.

Song Xiaomei only hoped that the heavens would bless her and not let anything happen to the people who had helped her. She never wanted to see such a scene again.

As Song Xiaomei panicked, the team quickly advanced.

After a while, they arrived at the battlefield. They saw corpses everywhere and smelled the dense smell of blood.


Song Xiaomei looked at the many corpses that had fallen and discovered that many of them were the corpses of bandits. The bandits who had attacked her previously were actually all dead.

Song Xiaomei was very surprised, but she couldn't care less. Instead, she hurriedly found her savior and the mysterious bamboo hat man.

With a deep worry, Song Xiaomei quickly walked among the corpses. Her exquisite little embroidered shoes stepped on the blood, but she did not care and only tried her best to find it.

In the end, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at the pile of corpses. There was a bamboo hat that had been slashed into two.

Song Xiaomei could clearly see the dark red blood on the bamboo hat. "This is his bamboo hat."

Song Xiaomei walked over and was about to check the bamboo hat when she saw a blood-colored shirt covered in wounds on the ground on the right.

There was a piercing wound in the chest and back of the blood robe, as if something had pierced the owner of the clothes.

Seeing such a penetrating wound, Song Xiaomei's delicate body trembled slightly. Her big eyes could not help but lock onto the long spear opposite her, a blood-stained spear.

At this moment, Song Xiaomei was silent. When she saw the spot where the other party's bloody shirt was pierced, she had already deduced how serious her savior's injuries were.

With such injuries, who could survive? She did not even need to find a corpse to guess that her savior was probably dead.

"I was still too late in the end. Why did this happen? Why is that everyone who helps me die? Father, Mother, Grandpa, Uncle Zhong, Auntie Liu…"

"Those friends who helped me, those relatives who cared about me, they all died for me because I don['t have strength and can't cultivate.

If I had powerful strength, they would not have experienced such pain.

"However, without cultivation talent, I will never be able to become a martial artist. I will never… hahaha, hahahaha!"

Song Xiaomei smiled, her laughter filled with bitterness and pain. Tears had appeared at the corner of her eyes at some point and were slowly dripping down her fair skin.

As her tears fell, Song Xiaomei's eyes suddenly turned red. Her entire body emitted a strange red light that was as red as blood.

"This is!!"

Jun Siming, who was holding a fan, saw this scene and his expression suddenly turned solemn. Then, he thought of something and was surprised.

"Bloodline awakening, she actually has a bloodline!"

"Bloodline awakening? She's a rare bloodline owner?" The city guard leader was surprised.

"I heard that after awakening a bloodline, one will obtain a special talent. Even if one has the lowest-level bloodline, they will still possess powerful martial artist talent."

"I've heard of it too. Unfortunately, bloodline owners are too rare. This is the first time I've encountered a bloodline owner in my life."

"Me too."

The people in the team discussed spiritedly and looked at Song Xiaomei in disbelief.

"Strange, so strange!"

Jun Xuming put away his fan and placed it at his waist. He took out the Divine Divination Stone of the Divine Divination Sect and began to calculate. After calculating, he frowned.

"I still can't figure out Miss Song's fate, but Miss Song's old servant can. Logically speaking, he should have died, but he was actually saved."

Jun Xiaoming could not figure it out. He kept feeling that it should be the death of the old servant that caused Song Xiaomei to awaken her bloodline and kill all the bandits. However, now, another person had appeared, it was very strange.

"Perhaps I was wrong. After all, it's not easy to calculate the fate of a chosen one."

Jun Xiaoming shook his head and continued to wait. He watched as the blood mist slowly disappeared, revealing Song Xiaomei's figure inside.

The moment Song Xiaomei appeared, a cat-eared beauty appeared in front of everyone. Her furry cat ears looked very cute and made people want to pet them.

However, at this moment, no one approached because Song Xiaomei's eyes had already turned blood red, and her nails had also become sharp. Her entire body emitted a dense smell of blood.

"It's actually the bloodline of the blood cat race. The blood cat race has a blood feud with the blood rat race in the capital."

"If they know that the blood cat race has appeared, things will definitely get serious. "

When Jun Xiaoming saw the current Song Xiaomei, his expression completely changed. He felt that something big had happened. A bloody storm could appear at any time.

When the city guard commander saw this scene, he wanted to retreat and immediately cupped his hands towards Jun Siming.

"Brother Jun, I'm sorry. We can't get involved in this matter anymore. You should be careful too. Don't get yourself involved."

After the city guard leader finished speaking, he hurriedly left with the city guards. Clearly, he did not dare to get involved.

The surrounding martial artists also saw that something was wrong and looked nervously at Jun Siming.

"You guys should leave too. I'll stay behind myself."

Jun Xiaoming frowned. He had borrowed these martial artists from his father-in-law's family. Now that he was involved in the blood feud between the blood cat race and the blood rat race, things were very troublesome.

"But Young Master…"

The attendant wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Jun Xiaoming.

"You guys can leave. I'm an in-name disciple of the Divine Divination Sect. Even if the blood rat race is powerful, they still have to give me face and won't be able to casually attack me."

"Yes, Young Master. Take care."

The attendant hurriedly bowed and left with the martial artists, leaving only Song Xiaomei and Jun Siming.

At this moment, Song Xiaomei stood quietly, her blood-colored eyes flickering with a red light, appearing strange and beautiful.

She stood for a full three minutes before taking a few steps forward. She stopped on the bloody shirt and slowly picked it up.

A drop of blood floated up and quietly floated in front of Song Xiaomei.

"This drop of blood smells different. It's the smell of my benefactor's blood. Let me see where my benefactor's corpse is."

Song Xiaomei sniffed this drop of blood lightly and discovered that the blood had lost its activity. There was also poison on it.

However, Song Xiaomei did not care about the poison at all. Instead, she ate the drop of blood.

"Eh? My bloodline tells me that my benefactor is still alive. I just don't know where he is. However, that's enough. It's fine as long as my benefactor is alive."

Song Xiaomei heaved a sigh of relief and finally felt a trace of comfort.

After eating this drop of blood, she would always remember the taste of her savior's blood. As long as her savior appeared within three meters of her, she would know who he was.

This was a small technique she had grasped after awakening her bloodline. As a blood cat, she had extraordinary control over her blood and also had a powerful blood combat talent.

Of course.

She had also sensed the hatred engraved in her bones towards the blood rat race. She already knew that she was about to face a life with endless pursuit.

"Jun Ximing, I'll leave my old servant to you. In the future, he'll be your servant. It's time for me to leave. The blood rat race is spread throughout the various large cities. Someone will quickly come and kill me."

With that said, Song Xiaomei took out a token with the word "Song" written on it and engraved a few words with her sharp nails before directly throwing it to Jun Siming.

"Take it and find Uncle Fu."

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Xiaomei rushed into the forest and flashed away like a cat.

This scene was also seen by the blood avatars on Black Horse Mountain. They immediately reported the information to Li Xuan.