Chapter 89: Battle of the Nameless Pass (Part 2)_1

The 500-meter distance was nothing but a blink of an eye for the charging cavalry.

As Female Knight Kara, a Tier 3 Guard Knight, and Tier 2 Heavy Knights formation were charging in an overwhelming force towards the Coldflame Army's Heavy Infantry formation guarding the narrow pass, their faces showed disbelief and terror.

No doubt, without the cover and slowing down of the Longbowmen, these heavy infantry formations consisting mostly of Tier 1 soldiers would have a hard time resisting the ferocious charge of the Saint Night Iron Riders.

"How is this possible? The ambushers in the woods... Have they all been taken out?" the Coldflame Army Mustache Commander exclaimed in confusion and panic.

He couldn't believe it, thinking to himself: "The Vice Team Leader is a Wanderer who specializes in forest warfare, and with the support of a Tier 4 Stealth spell, even those two Tier 3 Powerhouses from Saint Night couldn't possibly kill him without making a sound!"