Chapter 136: Deep into the Mine_1

Upon entering the mine, everything was suddenly shrouded in darkness without the silver moonlight.

At the same time, a thick, damp smell, mixed with the pungent odor of earth and animal feces, struck them.

Leo Ray's pupil faintly flickered with starlight in the next second, and the surroundings inside the mine gradually became clear.

Without a doubt, this was the night vision effect of his Tier 5 pendant, the [Blessing of the Southern Cross] Star Pupil.

Stepping on the muddy ground mixed with stones and broken rails, Leo squinted and observed that the area was about 100 square meters and belonged to the mine's hall.

Inside the hall, there were scattered damaged mine carts and broken tools, as well as a few strangely skeletoned demon beast carcasses, appearing utterly chaotic.

Following the broken rail towards the end of the hall, a new tunnel appeared, leading directly into the depths of the mine.